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Everything posted by *CaRtoo'N™

  1. Wtf

    Are you a cartoon :o 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. [N]audy


      100 % real no  fake :v

    3. Cartoon™



      Is this ur nick.. ?

      so I will change it..

    4. *CaRtoo'N™
  2. Hola usted debe seguir el modelo requerido para que lo podamos ayudar y entender ! Model Your Nickname: Your Problem: Screenshot:
  3. :( Good luck ney


  4. Deja de estar haciendo requisitos para avatar man !!

    conseguiras estar en blacklist permanentemente por tu spam en el area de diseño 

    lee las reglas !! men

     o y tambien puedes conseguir suspencion temporal o permanent en tu cuenta debido a tu spam !

    1. *CaRtoo'N™


      hhh lee las reglas man y trata de relajarte 

    2. *CaRtoo'N™
  5. entra en ts3 !

    alguien quiere verte :v

  6. ohh congrats bro 

    Show them what you know

    1. Timm-


      thanks bro

      ill show xD

  7. hellu :v humans x) 

    1. [N]audy


      hello zombie :'v

  8. bye friends , i retire
    I hope it was a pleasure to be here with you but i think i've arrived for now at the end !


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. G.O.G


      Broooo , It's sad, I hope you come back. I wish you luck in your life. And be very successful in everything you want

  9. ohh jaja Bienvenido de nuevo amigo :3

    ahora a darle :3

    1. G.O.G


      gracias bro , asi es <3


  10. Problem Solved. T/C
  11. You can give to the image "copy image direction" and paste in the posting, so the image you want to put ! it will be there!
  12. Topic Locked due inactivity Contact me if you want re-open it.
  13. Problem Solved. Thanks to all who gave a solution! T/C
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  15. congrats man :v

    Finally you're a manager :congratualtions:

    1. [N]audy


      thx my love :D

    2. Zeref.


      Te Lo Mereces ! Felicidades 


  16. We are always looking for something new for you and hope you are happy with this update :)

    1. jayden™


      I want to change my name, you think thats possible :reading:

    2. baby™


      I wanna send a middle finger , is that possible ?:reading:

    3. Mr.TaLaL


      @baby™ yes you can :P request your emoji here Also you can reply here with some nice emoticons

  17. Topic Closed.
  18. Welcome Enjoy.
  19. D E S P A C I T O =))

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