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Everything posted by *CaRtoo'N™

  1. ohh old friends are coming back <3 

  2. The moment you are told that you are not good at something, it is time to show that you are not good, but the best 

  3. v1 blur , effect , text , i like it
  4. v1 i like your creativity , text , effect wow
  5. well guys , 

    I'll be back in 2 months, I think <3 
    I will miss you :smileys-money-702364:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FearLess


      goobbye bro, take care of your self <3

    3. [N]audy


      bueno ctmr buena suerte estare esperando a que vuelvas :)

      cuidate mucho puto :white-heart-facebook-emoticon:

    4. ERJON www.csblackdevil.com

      ERJON www.csblackdevil.com

      Good luck in ur life be care :default_good_job-1300:

  6. @Theadhys#

    Te extraño men xd

    1. [N]audy


      ya sabia yo que me montaba cacho :'v

    2. *CaRtoo'N™


      JAJAJA :v 

      tu me engañaste con el primero :v

    3. [N]audy


      hehehe men no mientas yo nunca te eh engañado con nadie :)

      pero tu si me engañas muchisimo :mad0054:

  7. Welcome.
  8. Welcome Enjoy
  9. Welcome To Csblackdevil Enjoy.
  10. Welcome Enjoy.
  11. bye brother I will miss you You're a good friend and I hope to see you when you come back. :(
  12. On the 8th of September, Valve updated their competitive first person shooter, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Valve the developer of CS:GO released an update that expanded their Overwatch system, Inventories, Store, and Server controls. Overwatch is a community driven anti-cheat where players of CS:GO watch reported ‘suspects’ and can pass judgement on whether a person was cheating, griefing, or committed other disruptive behavior. The new update expands the list of possible offenses a suspect can commit, adding non-participation to its list. Now players can be convicted of griefing if they do not participate in a match for an extended period of time. Second on the list are new inventory management tools and a new system to manage trade-restricted stickers. Finally, the update improved how limited offers are displayed in the game and added some server optimizations. CS:GO Update Overwatch: Added an explanation to Overwatch griefing convictions that players can be convicted for not participating in the match for an extended period of time. Inventory: Added support for asynchronously loading gift sender’s name for unacknowledged items received as a gift. Fixed an issue that prevented display items from getting unequipped in loadout. Applying a trade-restricted sticker will now also transfer its ‘Tradable After’ restriction to the weapon. If both the sticker and the weapon were sellable immediately on Steam Community Market then the weapon with the sticker will remain sellable immediately. Store: Limited-time offers will now always be available to users launching the game. Limited-time offers will now always be replenished when one of them is purchased. Misc: For log-parsing, all disconnect messages will no longer contain a newline character. Added a plugin method IServerTools::CreateItemEntityByName which should be used when plugins need to create weapon entities by schema name. Fixed an issue that caused a client error “CL_ReadPreserveEnt: u.m_nNewEntity == MAX_EDICTS” on some community servers. Expanded server capacity for official datacenter in Tianjin, China.
      • 3
      • I love it
  13. congrats ;) 

    goal accomplished

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. OyaYansa


      @*Celtix*$ Awwwwww Esta celoso mi Bebe :/ Ntp mi vida, que cuando yo estaba abajo tu fuiste el que me ayudaste :/ :white-heart-facebook-emoticon:

      Por eso nadie ocupara tu lugar buu Nadie!!! :7:

    3. Guest



    4. OyaYansa
  14. v1 - v2 - Start Vote!
  15. v2 text , blur nice but they are all good
  16. Name of the oponent: @Timm- Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece):Avatar Size:200x200 *Text: Battle Watermark:csblackdevil or csbd Working time: when you are ready
  17. Accepted. Good luck.
  18. ohh congrats bro 


    1. ScareCrow


      Thank You So Much Bro <3 <3

  19. Bye , Good luck
  20. v2 text , effect , nice creativity
  21. Try to uninstall it and reinstall it Maybe it's because of the updates of ts3 PS: try or if you do not wait maybe someone has a solution a little more fixed
  22. *CaRtoo'N™

    A Question

    Hola amigo asi como dijo Celtix$ tenemos area de diseño el link ya lo tienes arriba puedes aportar tus creaciones y crear tu propia galeria link aqui -- http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/forum/81-galleries/ para que podamos ver tus obras , y ahi puedes encontrar muchos mas subforos como competiciones , tutoriales si quieres aprender algo nuevo hecho por los miembros !! etc.......... te deseo buena suerte
  23. Meaning of "WTF" 

    <22:31:49> "Celtix*$": WTF = Welcome to Friendzone :v

    <22:31:31> "Celtix*$": JAJJAJAJAJAJJAJJAJAJJ

    <22:31:53> "!Radix.-": JAJAJA

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