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Posts posted by Mr.PirattY

  1. 5 hours ago, L U C I A N - said:

     dude you spam in chat so much , you get gag 6minute for it. 


    my mode, my decision , ok? i hate humans put 10 lasermine to block

    where is fair-play ? 🙂

    Hahahhahahaahhaahahahah i can’t believe you are still here.

  2. 4 minutes ago, nanelu said:


    This is not that easy to fix than you think, since we don t have the source code from tge addons 😁

    I thought newlife had bought the source code some while ago but i’m not that well-informed with the csbd news. With only the compiled file it keeps to be seen after trying it.


    1 minute ago, Lucian P. said:

    I know this mode , but zombie crown is better than zombie ev!l

    Good luck with your suggestion , zombie plague have more po[CENSORED]rity than all.


    Noone was actually asking an opinion about ev!l zombie and noone was comparing it with crown neither newlifezm but i appreciate your contra vote though. 

    • Like 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, adel said:


    i also hope to fix the hitting with knife blink because it is not accurete and does not do any damage when used

    This needs another topic but,it’ll get fixed once it gets uppon my hands. 

    Also,another suggestion would be to give a single knife blink to every zombie when infected/respawned during freevip time along with 2000 hp extra/zombie class.

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  4. Hey.

    So,since server got this VIP System,it'd be the best to have a Free VIP Time ( 02 - 06 ) with simple flags.

    A lot of players would stay & i'm sure players from other zp6.2 servers would join here first.

    To balance the server at this time,i'd suggest 150 hp / 100 armor to humans & an extra 2000 hp to zombies.

    These can be done easily & it'll be very effective.


    Also,a HUD at the bottom indicating that the FreeVIP is active would be perfect :    



    The last thing is about the skins. The idea is to keep it simple & i'd strongly suggest not to have a special skin for VIP Players. Instead,just adding them the devil horns & tail to their actual skin (either simple / admin / girl skin ) to indicate their Membership.


         90564520_2594822340837682_8181847634420432896_o.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=EvKrYzKwll4AX-Qq62u&_nc_ht=scontent.ftia5-1.fna&tp=7&oh=072ffba19cd45c749b8fbc6453acc991&oe=603F8EDE         90705603_2594822327504350_7448414361548226560_o.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=K5VRsr-YElQAX_7m0W7&_nc_oc=AQnLMxXvhibhbbK5-J0MLhZrIMMUDxGEt3V5zk8t4p9ffRu7RTkJESaJWpuXjvoF4Rg&_nc_ht=scontent.ftia5-1.fna&oh=26b359432d8b29c4eebfc260626b7f00&oe=603F21A8




    I'd say that NewLifeZM should give this a shot & i'm sure it'll not be a dissapointment.

    About the two last pictures,check the horns & the tail only which are additional to the actual skin*

    I wish you boys the best.


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