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About *>FuTuRe<*

  • Birthday 06/23/1999


  • Rules Are Made To Be Broken


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Can anyone explain to me what does overwatch title means ? 

  2. ¤ Your name: *>FuTuRe<* ¤ Claimed Admin name:Spank ! ¤ Date and time: Right now ¤ Reason of complaint: Kick a player for no reason / and slap me 'admin' for no reason too / plus kicks me ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo):Here
  3. Well it's been a journey and i'm BACK 

  4. Bonjour , je m'appelle Yassine et toi ? :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. baby™


      Non juste boring

    3. MarshMeLLo ♫ -™
    4. Adem-


      Un vrais methode de faire connaissance avec une fille -_- 




  5. @@*>FuTuRe<* @-FLuaR- Who has the pw admin only Please send me msg :white-heart-facebook-emoticon:

  6. Hello my Freind :)

  7. Wolf Delete some messages 

    1. MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      hahhaha You Mean _L0rd_

      He is Not Wolf :P

    2. *>FuTuRe<*


      yea sorry i was dizzy because of sleep

  8. :congratualtions: For Manager cs 1.6 

    1. *>FuTuRe<*


      Yea Thank you


    2. Ho.TTT**


      mabrok for mangar cs

  9. <09:33:48> "MarshMello": haha I Would Like TO SHinchan Too 
    <09:34:01> "[FuTuRe] *>FuTuRe<*": what's that ?
    <09:34:07> "MarshMello": Shinchan ..
    <09:34:12> "[FuTuRe] *>FuTuRe<*": yea
    <09:34:14> "[FuTuRe] *>FuTuRe<*": ?
    <09:34:17> "MarshMello": Come On You Dont Know Shinchan ..
    <09:34:41> "[FuTuRe] *>FuTuRe<*": nope
    <09:35:17> "MarshMello": haha .. You're Kidding Right ?
    <09:35:31> "[FuTuRe] *>FuTuRe<*": Not at all
    <09:35:42> "MarshMello": Seriously ?
    <09:35:52> "[FuTuRe] *>FuTuRe<*": wTF ?
    <09:36:06> "[FuTuRe] *>FuTuRe<*": Yeah
    <09:36:15> "MarshMello": Shinchan is one of the Greatest Cartoons Ever ..
    <09:36:15> "[FuTuRe] *>FuTuRe<*": i'm talking serious
    <09:36:32> "[FuTuRe] *>FuTuRe<*": WEll i guess not because i don't know it
    <09:37:00> "MarshMello": haha Lol -_- Probably You're Alien .

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      haha Seriously There's No Age To Watch Cartoon :P

      Infect More Than 30 Year's old ALso do Watch Cartoon .. 


    3. *>FuTuRe<*


      Well i don't Deal with it :YD:

    4. MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      Probably You Could Not I'm Talking ABout Human WHo Live on Earth :yuhu:


  10. Freedom is the first 5 min when you were born before they choose your name,your religion , your nationality. That you will keep the rest of your life fighting for it  

  11. Remember there is no such a thing called evil it's just Absence of the Goodness

    1. baby™


      + always take proper path to arrive in goodness !

  12. Welcome To CSBD Enjoy Your Stay Here
  13. Sbah lkhirr a Sara :)


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