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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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About Exxidae.

  • Birthday 01/01/1868


  • In Hell, I'll Be In Good Company


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  1. Do you remember me? 😊

  2. Greetings to everyone! Would somebody be kind to tell me which of the .zm servers is the most po[CENSORED]r right now? 
    Thank you very much

  3. Greetings. I'll return next year to csblackdevil. I really hope walkingdeadzm and newlifezm hasn't changed too much the past 6 years. I appreciate, and i am thankful for the administrators of CsBlackDevil for not deleting my account for such a long time of hibernation / inactivity. Also, props for all of you keeping this community alive. Best one there has ever been. I wish you all the best of luck and have lots of fun!. Please be safe and remember to drink at least 2 liters of water a day ! 🙂

    1. bloodychuck.


      Don't hope, they've changed 😄 

  4. Greetings once again ! i've been very busy, chasing  my dreams and going upwards with my career, i come by from time to time and visit the community i long ago was soo close to.  Unfortunately, i won't be able to re-join anytime soon. I came here to ask sincerely, to not delete my account for reasons of inactivity. One day, i'll be able to come back, until then, i wish everyone the best of luck,  most of love and power to keep on going forward. May you have a pleasant day, stay safe and please rememeber to hidrate at least with 1.5l of water a day. For those who'll check this message or my profile, and don't know me, i for sure assume about 99% of the community probably forgot about me, we shall meet in the near future. Be safe !

  5. I wish to remind everyone, that it doesn't matter how many times you fall in life. 

    What matters, is how hard you can get hit, and get back up and go forward. 


    If you convert all of your negative energy into something you love, it's rocket fuel


    I wish i could come back to this community. It feels like home. But, i can't. I've formed a lovely Family along with my Gorgeous girl, and there's nothing more beautiful than this that i could've wished for.

    I come on here once in a while and just read random stuff in different servers, topics, navigating on the community and remembering the beautiful and hard times we went trough. What makes it even better is seeing some of the people i used to play with, chat with, hang around with...are still here. Love you all. 

    Be safe, Stay Strong, be humble and keep on going forward no matter what ! 


    Kind Regards, Alex (Formerly, PNG*SkT*cL )

    1. aRbi~


      i dont know who u are or ur past but i see that u now have the best life u could wish so i wish u a healthy and succesfull life in the future

      thanks for ur words they realy mean to us 

      we dont see a lot of wishes here only problems ❤️


    2. Ale X Erfan

      Ale X Erfan

      Well I also Don't Know Who Are You , But , Well

      I Wish u good with Your Life 

      And Nice Words For Us ❤️ Thanks !

  6. ¤ Nickname: Exxidae. ¤ Name: - ¤ Age: 20 ¤ Country: U.K ¤ City: - ¤ Favorite Games: Osu / Cs 1.6 ¤ Favorite Shows: Money Heist ¤ Favorite Movies: 120 days of sodom ¤ Favorite Songs / Favorite genre: goa / psy-trance ¤ What would you like to do in life: go with the flow ¤ Favorite actor - why ?: Srđan Todorović ¤ Favorite actress - why ?: - ¤ What alcoholic drink frequently: Hennessy ¤ You Smoke? / What brand of cigarette smoke: Riverstone ¤ Favorite juice: Mojito (it's a "juice" in my eyes) ¤ In what country would you like to live: Everywhere ¤ Favorite football team: - ¤ Car models: Supra / bmw m3 gtr ¤ A brief description about you: I love to live my life to the fullest breaking any limits without hesitation ¤ How did you find NewLifeZm?: long story. ¤ If you win 1 million dollars, which would be the first thing you do?: argue about the fact that i only received 600k-680k$ due to TAXES.
  7. I wish you all the best of luck! Stay safe and be humble.

    Keep your head up

  8. Contra. Ai o activitate buna dar ai gresit parola. Nu ai citit regulamentul Newlifezm. Si nu cred ca poti vorbi "egypt" iti spun fara suparare. Eventual Araba. Stai in bacau sau Egypt?
  9. Exxidae.

    Reques admin

    You posted in Request Tag. In order to request for Admin please post in the right section. https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/3873-admin/ Make a request There using the model for admin.
  10. Man.. Do you guys not love the moment when a random storm appears in your Country's Locality and while chilling, watching a movie, playing games...A tree comes trough your window Even tho you're at the 4th floor of the building?. Yeah, it never happends !... Or it apparently does happen... Now i SOMEHOW need to clean up the balcony, my windows and half of my bedroom from a 40k Tree part.
    I  mean i won't take a no for a gift from nature....But it could've been sent in a more pleasant way...

    1. Exxidae.


      oh. and.. spend money on a new window. 

  11. Starting off with a new day. Good morning !

    There is always that inner voice telling you to hold back from making a big commitment....

    Be cause when you do, You'll be amazed at the results.
    It's Easy to think of new beginnings as something that just happens when the time is right. Life's Way of swiping the slate clean to allow us to change course. 

    But the truth is, new beginnings are never easy. They usually remind us of where we've been as much as where we're headed, what we have to sacrifice and leave behind IF we choose to continue on.
    And is there a point in the journey where it's simply too late to change course even if you wanted to?

    In the end, maybe trying to change course is more about realizing you never needed to, and that's okay.

  12. Sometimes, life takes us on a journey to find an answer we didn't even know we were looking for.
    Sometimes, we just have to accept that the answers we think we need, we may never find.

    The idea of Family represents something different for all of us. For some, It's the community of people who depend on you for strenght and guidance.
    For others, it's the umbreakable bond between a brother and a sister. And yes, sometimes, those family bonds can get fractured or even forgotten, but as long as you never give up on them, you can always find your way back.
    And if you're lucky, the family you have and the family you find can become one in the same.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Exxidae.


      I just wish more people would understand these words.

    3. Exxidae.


      honestly i just write down just the stuff going around in my life , here. Like a journal i guess. i feel better if i write it down somewhere. Even if people don't see it.

    4. #DEXTER


      yeah, sometimes we got so boring from something on our lives that make us feeling lonely, but we get better if we have emptied our hearts of concerns for others.

  13. - Most people say you can't go back in time. That there is no way to correct the mistakes of our past. The past is a funny thing.

    The only power it has over us is what we choose to give it. When we let go of it. we let go of the expectations that come with it.

    The need to correct it.

    The past will always be a part of who we are. Its how we feel about it moving forwards that matters.
    Sometimes it's as simple as replacing one memory with another.

     Or finding some small way to carry it with us. And while i know you can't go back in time  and correct the past.  Sometimes you can get pretty close.

  14. Name of the song : You're Dead Norma Tanega 1966 Date of issuance the song : 1996 Type Song : Folk / Pop Link of song :
  15. ¤ Name : Exxidae. ¤ Age : 20 ¤ Desired Tag : A Martyr's Death ¤ Link of your last request : This is my first. ¤ Link for hours played (minimum 10 hours) ( Click ) : https://www.gametracker.com/player/Exxidae./ Hope someone willl see this request one day ?


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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