LeyendaBy*'s Achievements
Hello bro
Need Speak You Add In Fb
Link FB : https://www.facebook.com/gustavoadolfo.morillonentwig
Take Care Bro
Buenas tardes men
Necesito hablar contigo una cosa
ahh y como se llama esa musica
No chamo hice una apuesta con Grey Y perdi xD
Hablame Todo bien?
I say goodbye Cs.BlackDevil.com , I hope this server is the best
I love them all , Take care of everyone
I'll leave the counter strike , I'll go to work and study
see you never
take care Community
I hope all the servers Of the community , Be the best servers in the world
I wish you a Merry Christmas for all of the community.
Take care of everyone , For the last time I will put in community ( T/C. )
Greetings to all administrators, every day these administrators work hard to maintain this beautiful Community
*- @Mr.Love
*- @Sethhh.
*- @aNaKoNDa
*- @HellFir3
*- @d3v0uTT™
*- @D@rk
*- @BoRINg
My respect for the administratorsAre tremendous fighters for this community to grow more and more
I love you so much brothers ( Community )
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.. Now I'm leaving
take care