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Everything posted by Aysha

  1. Nick: Aysha Time: 07.07.2021 Site: gtrs Contact method: Paypal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Monthly , the boost started on 07.07 and ends on 09.08
  2. Winner DH1 @Aysha Congratulations, I told you I would take revenge! ❤️
  3. Happy birthday my brother, I wish you a wonderful day today, to have absolutely everything you want! ❤️ Love you, bro 💗
  4. Nickname : @Aysha Tag your opponent : @HiTLeR Music genre : Love Number of votes ( max 10 ) : 8 Tag one leader to post your songs List: Me, good luck ❤️
  5. Pro! Good Luck!
  6. Nick: Roselina Time: 06.06.2021 Site: gtrs Contact method: Paypal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Monthly , the boost started on 05.06 and ends on 07.07
  7. I wish there to be peace and that there are no more wounded and dying people, I wish you all good health, and to take care of you! God be with you all
  8. I wish all of you in Palestine good health, and good luck, I hope this war ends as soon as possible. 😥

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Nexy


      @SKYFALL Israel was made of a bloodbath and peace is not the key. Let me break it down for you with a simple analogy. Someone broke into your house and then stole your house and then killed some of your family and after that he asked you for peace, will you make peace with him? Of course you won't. It's the same for us (Palestinians), there is no peace on a STOLEN land. 


      As I'm writing this now, there is a Zionists march through the streets of Jerusalem where I live shouting death to Arabs and smashing Palestinians stores with the protection of Israeli police and right now Israel is evicting Palestinians out of their homes in Jerusalem in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, why? to make way for Jewish settlers. 


      What kind of peace you want to make with such people? they want you to see Israel as the victim "poor Israel" with their nuclear [CENSORED] weapon and chemicals weapons and air force and navy and with the unconditional support from the west. I mean, seriously, just look at the death total, every single war. 10x times more Palestinians are killed and the majority of them are civilians. that's not a war or a conflict, it's a [CENSORED] BLOODBATH! 


      You could call me an anti-semitic or even a nazi for what I'm about to say, but at this point I really don't give a [CENSORED]. I can't wish for who stole my land and killed thousands of my people except death and only death. 


      @#Drennn. Calm down. This is not the way you approach it. 


      @Aysha Thank you for posting this. I really appreciate it. 

    3. SKYFALL


      Guys , you conviced me !

      Is absolutelly true what you shared to me. I hope everything will be fine .

      What's my regrets is about RELIGION...

      Unfortunately , the religion changes things in the past , from religion begin the WARS , crimes and more and more horror things. Imagine if all we was under the same religions , same mentality , same origins , i m absolutely sure this things would not happen. Anyway , I wish you guys all the best, God bless you and stay safe !

    4. Nexy


      I'm glad that you mentioned that. I still can't understand how people even from Palestine think that the conflict is caused by religion. 


      The whole cause of the conflict is that there was people living on a land and it got steal from them and they want it back. That's it! Religion has nothing to do with all of it. At least for us, but if you asked an Israeli, 100% he'll give you an religious reasons, otherwise, they don't have any reason to justify stealing that land. 

  9. We thank all those who were with us in the difficult moments, we will also encounter such situations, it is important to never give up. I appreciate everyone's effort on the server, let's take it back to the top, where it belongs ! ❤️ Special thanks to @Mr.PirattY and @Mr.Love for the technical part and all the help offered! And not only do I thank them, I thank all those who stayed with us on the server.
  10. As this update appeared, I also updated the phone! 💗
  11. Present
  12. Announcement for the sale of the zmoldschool server, I am waiting for offers! Or, the server will close on April 1, 2021!

  13. ZMOLDSCHOOL.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM [Zombie Plague 6.2] Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Address: Port: 27015 Current Players: 7 / 32 Average (past month): 8 Rank : 1137 GameTracker: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ I am looking for a capable person to take over the server, I am waiting for different offers in private. If I do not find any person by 01.05.2021, the server will shut down.
  14. https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/4403-staff-newlifezm-opinii/  


    I redid the topics with opinions related to the Newlifezm staff, I am waiting for you with a good or a bad opinion.


    Happy Sunday Weekend GIF by Titounis


    Good weekend everybody ❤️ 


    1. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      That good Rose 

    2. Nyx.


      why only managers? x(((

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