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Everything posted by Aysha

  1. Bine ai revenit!

    1. shVury


      Multumesc frumos ❤️ 

      Love GIF by swerk - Find & Share on GIPHY

    2. Aysha
  2. Hello dear members CSBD, I thought of making a topic where everyone can post the song they are listening to at the moment! It's pretty simple what you have to do, isn't it? I start:
  3. Hello and thank you for applying for Moderator! I like your work so far, you have been involved from what I noticed, but because it is about the VGM project, those who are able to give you opinions about you are: @Nıco, @Ntgthegamer, @Meh Rez vM ! ♫, @pulse.exe, @XZoro™ and @Naser DZ
  4. Vote V1 - good text
  5. Follow me! ? and I'll give you 20 points from me ?

    dog please GIF


    by the way, good morning!

    Good Morning GIF by Kika Tech

    - I wish you a beautiful and bright Sunday ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ervy


      Follow Me Back..... ❤️

    3. Mr.BOB


      So Cute Dog ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 

    4. Mindsphere.


      Follow me back. ? Unfollow the other account. ❤️

  6. V1 - Creative
  7. V2 - text
  8. Aysha


    Buna, am sa-ti raspund eu in calitate de detinatoare a celor 2 servere de ZM: NEWLIFEZM & ZMOLDSCHOOL. Inainte, luam boost de la mai multe site-uri, precum: Turbo-boost, setmaster, cs-boost, iar in ultimele luni iau numai boost saptamanal de la gtrs. Mi se pare cel mai ok, si baga si playeri calumea, fata de restul, altceva nu recomand.
  9. For me, the weekend has begun, i wish you a wonderful evening!

    Happy Weekend GIF


    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Mindsphere.


      Press F for the best girl named Roselina! ?

    3. Aysha



      Guru Studio Thank You GIF by True and the Rainbow Kingdom

    4. King_of_lion


      have a nice weekend ? 

  10. V1 - text, border
  11. Felicitari pt GM ?

    1. robila


      Multumesc ❤?

  12. Good Morning sunshine ?


    NEWLIFEZM & ZMOLDSCHOOL - unbanned on gametracker.com

    (Let all enemies see, haha)


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. H O L D F I R E 流

      H O L D F I R E 流

      I'm So happy about this news good job !

    3. Xplaw


      After this time
      we will work hard to move the server to the top five!!


    4. itsislamXD
  13. You have a beautiful avatar, darling ❤️

  14. Welcome to NewLifeZm!
  15. Bine ai venit!
  16. Congratulations to all for the Moderator!

    @Ru-gAL.™, @The GodFather, @-Sn!PeR-, @YaKuZa--BoSs, @#PREDATOR, @Supreme 武侠乂

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      Thanks Alot and pleased to be part of the team ! 

      Best of luck for all of us !

    3. H O L D F I R E 流
    4. Ru-gAL.™


      Multumesc Draga ❤️❤️❤️ 

  17. Accepted.
  18. Accepted.
  19. Accepted.
  20. Buna, activitatea ta este destul de buna, ti-am urmarit putin activitatea si imi place ce vad. Pro!

    1. H O L D F I R E 流

      H O L D F I R E 流

      i'm realy miss you ? 

    2. Aysha


      I miss you too ?

  22. Nick: Roselina Time: now Site: gt.rs Proof: Contact method: PayPal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost?: weekly
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