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Everything posted by Aysha

  1. Nick : Roselina Time : 16:13 PM Site : GTRS Proof :
  2. Hello, as you can see, we have added new managers to our staff, we are trying as hard as we can to recover. I want to take this server to the top again! What do you think we can do? We really need: donations, activity, admins, players playing on the server. @Meh Rez vM ! ♫, @XZoro™, @HiTLeR., @#Steeven.™, @Ru-gAL.™, @Dante ღ, @Gerardo Larreal., @Eslam Em Hamza + the rest of the admins / players I need more of anything from you, your involvement!
  3. Newlife server is looking for people with ftp access who can handle the server, just bringing people and admins. Those who want to contact me!


    @XZoro™, @Meh Rez vM ! ♫, @YaKoMoS@Shyloo, @J[A]V[E]D!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Revo


      going to top soon

    3. QeLi


      Oldschool dead now seuong and some other guys are leaders there 

      What hapend there?

    4. _Happy boy
  4. RO: Buna seara, nu-mi place activitatea ta pana in acest moment, inafara de sectiunea thunderzm nicaieri nu mai activezi + nu ai respectat cele 50 de cuvinte. EN: Good evening, I don't like your activity until now, apart from the thunderzm section, you are nowhere more active + you didn't respect the 50 words. You can return with a request in 30 days!
  5. RO: In acest timp te-am tot urmarit sa vad ceva, activitate dar nimic. Sunt altii ce au asteptat si 2 luni pana am considerat ca merita acceptati. Crezi ca daca ai fost administrator nu trebuie sa respecti regulamentul? Pe langa ca nu ai mai activat, ai 31/50 cuvinte in descriere, crede-ma ca regulamentul este pentru toti. Respins! EN: During this time I kept looking to see something, activity, but nothing. There are others who waited 2 months until I thought it was worth accepting. Do you think that if you are an administrator you don't have to follow the rules? besides the fact that you had no activity, you have 31/50 words in the description, believe me the regulation is for everyone. Rejected!
  6. You got accepted.
  7. You got accepted.
  8. You got accepted.
  9. You got accepted.
  10. Buna, daca doresti sa faci parte din staff, incearca sa fi activa si pe restul forumului, nu doar la server. Cerere o voi lasa deschisa momentan. EN: Hi, if you want to be part of the staff, try to be active on the rest of the forum, not just on the server. I will leave the application open for the time being. Valid for everyone to leave the application open!
  11. inbox full..

    1. Agent47


      Yes, im sorry about that. you can pm me now :).

      Im still waiting now.

  12. Aysha


    Buna si bine ai venit. Sper sa iti placa comunitatea si sa mai activezi din cand in cand.
  13. Hi, I know you're new, but we also have a role model.
  14. Nickname : @Roselina ♣ flowers Tag your opponent : @ZuZuLiNa Music genre : Pop Number of votes ( max 10 ) : 10 Tag one leader to post your songs LIST : Me!
  15. I look forward to seeing you on the server: NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM


    I am still looking for admins, if you are interested leave me a message!!



  16. V1 - text, efecte
  17. Congrats!! 🤗❤️

    1. Adriana


      ¡RoooooooOOOseeeeeee! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

    2. Adriana
    3. Aysha
  18. Hello @Agent 47', your request has been marked 'pending', from now on you must maintain your activity and prove that you deserve to be part of our staff. It may take a while to get a final answer, so please be patient! Your answer may differ depending on your demonstration, it may be accepted or rejected.
  19. Hello @Loenex, your request has been marked 'pending', from now on you must maintain your activity and prove that you deserve to be part of our staff. It may take a while to get a final answer, so please be patient! Your answer may differ depending on your demonstration, it may be accepted or rejected.
  20. Hello @Revo 324, your request has been marked 'pending', from now on you must maintain your activity and prove that you deserve to be part of our staff. It may take a while to get a final answer, so please be patient! Your answer may differ depending on your demonstration, it may be accepted or rejected.
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