Hello, on the occasion of the holidays (there is very little left), I have prepared some surprises for you.
Once again I will present the benefit related to VIP in this topic:
VIP tag in TAB
VIP Skin
Special Knife
4 Maximum JUMPS(regular players have 2)
300 Armor[] against infection(regular players have 0)
300 Health[] against zombies or falling damage(regular players have 100)
Double Damage[] (in one minute you can do as VIP 16.000 damage(or more) when a regular player can do 8.000)
More to come as we are looking you will get free upgrades when we will receive new benefits! [This is the community plugin which has been purchased for our servers]
Our special offer between December 21, 2020 - January 20, 2021 is the following:
1 Month - 2 Euros
2 Months - 5 Euros
3 Months - 7 Euros
6 Months - 15 Euros
Permanent VIP - 40 Euros
For the PERMANENT VIP package purchased, you will also receive the permanent Elder rank.
PayPal : Click on this link to donate: https://www.paypal.me/csblackdevil
OR: Iban:RO80 RZBR 0000 0600 2070 4088
OR: PAYSAFECARD in RON(romanian currency) or GIFT CARDs in Euros
The subject remains open until the end of the period (January 20, 2021), happy holidays!