Buna, nu am vrut sa ma bag in toata aceasta drama deoarece nu imi place, dar mi se pare tare aiurea tot ce se intampla, mai ales ca incepe sa ne afecteze grav de tot server-ul nostru, NEWLIFEZM.
Au plecat oameni loiali de pe forum, activi si mi se pare tare aiurea ca au fost banati, puteau sa plece in liniste si aia era, fara ban-uri, fara jigniri indirecte, fara schimbari de nume si asa mai departe, de la niste simple ban-uri s-a ajuns la toata aceasta drama, si ce este si mai AIUREA este ca totul s-a mutat si pe forum, in public. Ma intreb ce va zice un ultilizator nou, cand va vedea totul public? In fine, nu stau sa intru in alte discutii, Si voi, THUNDERZM ati gresit, puteati sa plecati in liniste si aia era, fara sa incepeti sa injurati, sa chemati ultilizatorii la voi pe comunitate (atentie, unii, nu toti), in fine. Atat am avut de zis, sper doar sa nu afecteze si mai rau serverul nostru, oamenii nostri care inca mai muncesc pentru server si pentru aceasta comunitate.
Hi, I didn't want to get into all this drama because I don't like it, but I think it's all crazy, especially since it's starting to seriously affect our entire server, NEWLIFEZM.
Loyal people left the forum, active and I think it's very crazy that they were banned, they could leave in peace and that was, without banned, without indirect insults, without name changes and so on, from some simple bans have come to all this drama, and what's even more nonsense is that everything has moved on the forum, in public. I wonder what a new user will say when he sees everything in public? Finally, I'm not going to get into any other discussions. end. That's all I had to say, I just hope it doesn't affect our server even worse, our people who still work for the server and for this community.