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Akrapovic last won the day on February 11 2023

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  • Birthday 03/09/1999


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  1. Diego cuando te vea te voy cagar a trompadas 👊🤔🤛🤔

  2. i miss u dude

  3. Combii en enviame al ws mano que falla, Me tienen bloqueado los priv.. 

    1. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      @[M]anuel ahora puedes enviar pm marico

  4. Y para cuando tu regresas?

    1. Blackfire


      FEA still alive :v

    2. KEPY™


      I'm still alive fea

  5. Gabriel Boric's presidency has meant a change for Chile beyond the style of governing. In the same Chile that elected Gabriel Boric as the youngest president in its history, today it is common to hear questions about his expertise in the position he has held for a year. A survey by the firm Cadem published this weekend indicates that only 12% of Chileans believe that Boric, 37, has the experience to govern and concludes that, along with public security problems, this is the "main reason" his disapproval level of 62%. These are paradoxical figures for a country that since October 2019 demanded changes in the streets, massively rejected the traditional political class and in December 2021 consecrated the youngest president of Latin America at the polls. "Many times the electorate wants to see new faces but also wants experience," says Robert Funk, professor of political science at the University of Chile, in an interview with BBC Mundo. "It's contradictory, but it's a pretty common thing." This expert - who in the last Chilean elections explained that the great political division of the country is generational - believes that age has played against and also in favor of Boric in his first year in office. Skip We recommend and continue reading We recommend The journalist Ana Maria Roura. 3 causes of the rejection of the new Constitution in Chile and what possible scenarios are opening up now Chilean President Gabriel Boric. 3 achievements of the first year of Gabriel Boric's government in Chile (and the challenges that lie ahead) Protester in Chile. 3 questions to understand how the new Constitution of Chile will be written after the overwhelming rejection in the previous process Copies of the draft Constitution The "brutal" misinformation about the new Constitution proposed for Chile (and some of the most widespread confusion) End of Recommend And he points out that, although the leftist president has political experience, he has made rookie mistakes from power, such as taking a key tax reform to a vote in Congress without securing the necessary support (the project foundered on Wednesday, March 8 in Deputies). What follows is a summary of the telephone conversation with Funk, who is also a partner at the consulting firm Andes Risk Group. Line How important do you think the generational change has been during the first year of Boric's government? There are two aspects. One is that the Chilean electorate wanted to see a new generation in power, new ideas, people addressing some issues that are more of the 21st century, like climate change. And they saw in Boric that possibility. robert funk IMAGE SOURCE, PERSONAL ARCHIVE Caption, Robert Funk is a professor at the Faculty of Government of the University of Chile. Indeed, in the government there is a whole generation of people of 30 or 35 years governing. What happens is that many times, when a new generation arrives, it has all the benefits of youth, but also its weaknesses. And one of them is a relative lack of experience. Boric has been in politics for 10 years, he was in Congress and was a student leader, but leading a government, managing a state apparatus, is not easy, especially if many of the people around him share that lack of experience. So we're seeing in some ways lately the results of that lack of experience: just not knowing how to advance his own agenda. What does it mean to be a new generation politician in Chile today? The underlying issue has to do with something that is common throughout the world: there are new issues that many people expected parties and politicians to solve. Boric in his campaign addressed those issues, such as the environment, the rights of indigenous communities or access to water. In the Chilean case, this coincides with a long-standing demand. Our political system has been governed by a Constitution written during a dictatorship and that the political class, despite the reforms that have been made to it, felt that it did not have the power or the capacity to eliminate and make a new one. In the same way, that previous generation thought that they had to maintain the economic model inherited from the military regime, with many changes but essentially very focused on the market. Therefore, a generation comes along that does not have the fears of the previous one and says: "We are going to make a new Constitution, to change the economic system and move towards a more social-democratic model of State." It is not just a political change and it arises from the coming to power of a generation without the traumas of the previous one. But has he managed to promote this new agenda from the government? In some ways yes and in others no. If one sees, for example, the issue of gender equality, there has been a much more present discourse, attempts to have joint cabinets, appoint more women to important positions, etc. I think there is an effort. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-64919799
  6. Yamaha has invested $100 million in artificial and robotic technology: a huge budget that will need to be translated into great future innovations. Experts (at least many of them) warn that we are getting closer to machines being smarter than us (some say that, depending on the case, this is not so difficult). Once we reach that point, it is possible that we are facing a "before and after" in the life of the human being. When will a machine program itself? Can an AI system (artificial intelligence) “suffer” or feel “happiness”? Will there come a time when disconnecting a machine is like killing a living being? It may interest you More security: Airoh presents a helmet with airbag You can't miss New security measures for cars... and motorcycles? We confess that these issues fascinate us but we don't have the remotest idea about it. What we can say is that Yamaha has just founded the Yamaha Motor Exploratory Fund, L.P. in the United States. II, a 10-year fund financed by the company with an endowment of 100 million dollars (93.2 million euros) to explore new technologies. The brand wants to invest in technology companies and for this it has created what is called Yamaha Motor Ventures (YMV), which since 2015 has been operating in the famous Silicon Valley (USA). Yamaha invests 100 million for the motorcycles of the future Yamaha: 100 million dollars for the motorcycle of the future One of the objectives of the company Yamaha Motor Ventures (YMV) is "to move people and goods around the world" and for this it invests in "startups" that it considers interesting. The fields of greatest interest for Yamaha are: automation, robotics, data analysis and AI (artificial intelligence). We already saw what Yamaha was able to do with its Motobot, a robot that could take a Yamaha R1 around a circuit without any external help. Something that at the time seemed science fiction. Or the prototype of the motorcycle that did not fall down. At the rate that AI is developing, it is difficult to imagine what we will see in the coming years, although we still prefer to go to the controls… https://www.moto1pro.com/actualidad/yamaha-invierte-100-millones-para-las-motos-del-futuro
  7. It's a great option for older devices or those with low battery life. In the latest update of the Telegram messaging application, a new option was added that may be most interesting for those who want to enjoy a very fluid experience when using the development (and, also, for those who have a rather old terminal ). We are talking about the energy saving mode. We tell you how to activate it in a simple and safe way. Doing this disables some of the options that are extra in the app, such as effects and animations. Therefore, the operation of Telegram is not affected in any way, but both a better user experience and a decrease in consumption are obtained, which means that it has a direct impact on the autonomy of the phone or tablet. . In addition, there are a good number of configuration options for the mode we are talking about, so you can let the application work exactly as you want. You can even set Power Saver to activate automatically when the terminal load drops to a certain percentage. This is how you activate the energy saving mode in Telegram Obviously, you must have the latest version of the application installed, both for iOS and Android. You can check this in the official Apple and Google stores respectively, since if there is something new you will have the option to proceed with an update. If so, you must do it to be able to follow the instructions that we are going to show you below, and that are necessary to activate the new option that we are talking about. Open the Telegram application as usual, and then click on the icon with three horizontal lines in the upper left. A menu appears in which you must choose Settings. You will see a new screen in which there are different sections, you must find the so-called Energy saving, which is what you have to use to improve the performance of the app and also to reduce its energy consumption. In the upper area you will now see a slider that is the one you have to move to activate the Energy Saving when a percentage is reached (by default, it is 10%, but you can easily vary it). Saving mode in the Telegram application SmartLife In the lower area you will see a large number of sliders that indicate what you can activate or not when executing the new Telegram tool. We recommend that you enable all of them, but it is possible to choose that some of them remain functional -an example is that GIFs are activated automatically-. It depends on what you want. Energy saving options in Telegram SmartLife Once this is done, you are finished and you have everything perfectly prepared. Obviously, you can change the settings at any time you want, since access is always complete in Telegram. Therefore, this new option, which is very positive and is one more that differentiates this messaging application from the competition, such as WhatsApp. https://cincodias.elpais.com/cincodias/2023/03/15/lifestyle/1678887637_170265.html
  8. The fluctuation of the United States currency during this week reached its lowest price today. Find out what the price of foreign currency in Colombia is for Wednesday, March 15. According to the Banco de la República, the Market Representative Rate, which is "the amount of Colombian pesos for one United States dollar and is calculated based on foreign currency purchase and sale operations between financial intermediaries that trade in the Colombian exchange market”, is listed in Colombia for Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 4,736.03 pesos. Compared to the previous day, the US currency fell 33.73 pesos, leaving an annual devaluation of the national peso by 24.60%. In relation to last year, the foreign currency rose 935.18 pesos, since according to the historical series of the last twelve months, presented by the Bank of the Republic, on March 15, 2022 the dollar had a price of 3,800.85 pesos Colombians. What was the fluctuation of the dollar during the last week? Today, Wednesday March 15, the dollar reached its minimum price during the last seven days, in which it had a maximum rise yesterday with 4,769.76 Colombian pesos. For today, you can buy dollars in the country's exchange houses from 4,600 pesos and sell them for around 4,450 pesos. Remember that this value may vary and will depend directly on the place where you make the purchase. Wednesday, March 15: $4,736.03 COP. Tuesday, March 14: $4,769.76 COP. Monday, March 13: $4,748.14 COP. Sunday March 12: $4,748.14 COP. Saturday March 11: $4,748.14 COP. Friday March 10: $4,748.14 COP. Thursday, March 9: $4,755.59 COP. Wednesday, March 8: $4,744.95 COP. During the year, the fluctuation of the United States currency has produced a devaluation so far this year of -1.54%. However, around 10:00 in the morning today, the dollar experienced a rise of 71.47 pesos above the TRM set for today by the Financial Superintendence, which places it so far at a price of 4.807, 50 Colombian pesos. For now, the country is experiencing annual inflation of 13.28%, the highest figure since March 1999, which, according to the newspaper Portafolio, ranks us as the country with the fourth highest inflation among Latin American economies. "The annual variation in Colombia reflected a significant increase until February 2023, which was 13.28% compared to February last year, which was 8.01%," he said. https://colombia.as.com/actualidad/precio-del-dolar-en-colombia-hoy-15-de-marzo-tipo-de-cambio-y-valor-en-pesos-colombianos-n/
  9. Atrapadaaaa xd

  10. In addition to captivating a record number of people, cats helped heat up the Japanese economy during the covid-19 pandemic. According to Katsuhiro Miyamoto, a professor emeritus at Kansai University, the phenomenon he called "nekonomics" (economic effects of cats) moved about $14.6 billion (1.9 trillion yen) in the 2021 period alone. To arrive at this high figure, the survey took into account expenses on food, basic necessities and veterinary care, as well as projects generated by the Japanese passion for cats. Even those who do not have a pet at home often go to themed cafes and tourist spots, such as islands known for their concentration of felines, just to photograph and touch the cats. In Japan, the onomatopoeia for meowing is "nyan nyan nyan", which sounds like "ni" (two in Japanese). Based on a play on words and at the suggestion of the pet food industry, in 1987 it was established that February 22 would be Cat Day, thus creating one more reason to increase "nekonomics". For many Japanese, ignoring the cat's piercing gaze and purring is as difficult as resisting the myriad of cute items that the cat industry tends to fill the shelves with at this time of year. Skip We recommend and continue reading We recommend Baby Japan's multi-billion dollar plan for couples to have more children (and why money isn't always the solution) The suspect was confronted by a police officer after the attack. Shinzo Abe: how is the homemade weapon used by the suspect in the murder of the former prime minister South Korean Yang Geum-deok (right) was forced to work in Japan during World War II. The agreement to compensate victims of World War II that brings South Korea and Japan closer after years of tension Sakhalin-2 What it means for Russia to take control of Sakhalin-2, one of the world's largest oil and gas projects End of Recommend According to the Japan Pet Food Association, the po[CENSORED]rity of cats has been on the rise for more than two decades. The pandemic only caused this interest to rise further as people were forced to isolate at home. The po[CENSORED]tion of these cats registered a record in 2021, adding some 489,000 more animals compared to the previous period, which brought the total number of cats in the country to about 8.94 million (compared to 7.10 million dogs ). Yoichiro Matsushita with Kiki and Lara, the current feline members of his family. IMAGE SOURCE, PERSONAL ARCHIVE Caption, Yoichiro Matsushita with Kiki and Lara, the current feline members of his family. Professor Miyamoto multiplied this number by the average monthly expense of US$63 (about 8,460 yen) that goes into the country for feeding and basic care of each animal. The sum reaches US$ 6,758 million per year (about 911,580 million yen) To that amount was added the domino effect of the entire chain and what was generated by feline domestic tourism: the total was about US$14.6 billion (almost 2 trillion yen). By way of comparison, the 'nekonomics' in 2021 are slightly higher than what was spent on the organization of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games (estimated at US$12.528 million or 1.69 trillion yen). Professor Miyamoto reminds that the cost of taking care of a small cat is relatively low for a family, but for Japan it means a lot. "In other words, the accumulation of small amounts by each family contributes to the Japanese economy, it is the engine that moves the whole," he says in an interview with BBC News Brazil. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-64740017


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