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About MSi

  • Birthday 12/12/1990


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  1. Hello old friend good job for NewLife 

    Dont forget and ZmOldschool old family good luck Bro

    @Wizard ;x 

    1. Gerardo Larreal.

      Gerardo Larreal.

      Hello my bro, never forget my old family from zmoldschool... all living my heart u are welcome in this new family.

    2. Wizard ;x

      Wizard ;x

      I will never forget my old family of zmoldschool, that's will never happend!!

  2. 8 years  in CsBlackDevil 

  3. In order to be a NR server, it is first repeatedly reported, followed/join by Administrator / Moderator - GT.com! And not just to login Administrator / Moderator to your server, it has probably been reported as a fake or boost from gt.rs
  4. Hello, what about romania, what is a protest?



    What do they want to change the government? I watched the news but could not understand anything.

    1. Mr.Love


      Hello MSI,


      We have some political problems in our country.

      Last night in Bucharest in the street were more than 150.000 people.

      protest = is a that moment when people go outsite in a large number and They say their discontent about political decisions.


      In this moment our government made some changes in our Penal Code ( they said now that people can be forgiven even if stealing a lot of money money from our state, and many other shit things.

      Killers will be release from jails...


      Is very sad. 

      Corruption is try to win a big fight in our country even our president is with us.

  5. MSi

    i need help

    Past the command and left in Quit in game, and connect again. Don't use type exit in console.
  6. MSi

    felicitaciones new group in forum :P 

    1. XAMI


      nope ugly, you are the most pro here e,e

      Thanks you man!

  7. Welcome CSBD.
  8. Welcome here. here have a fun CsBlackDevil.
  9. V1. Effect + Text + Gif.
  10. Nick: BufferEffect Name of server: HellZone.CSBlackDevil.Com Picture of Score: http://prikachi.com/images.php?images/722/6952722g.jpg
  11. MSi

    Hello gamers!

    Hello ! /> Welcome
  12. Welcome - CSBD Empire
  13. ¤ Name in game: BufferEffect and MSi - so write if l play Zombie in one of the servers ¤ Age: 24 ¤ Name: Miroslav ¤ City: Sofia, Sliven ¤ Contry: ¤ Country: Bulgaria ¤ Favorite Games: CS 1.6 ¤ A short description about you: Sports: Fitness and wrestling ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil: From the very start, and l think it was 2011/12 ¤ Server preferred (server only community!): HighLife.CSBlackDevil.Com # DeathMach ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=105899896163376&set=pb.100002300993222.-2207520000.1387476558.&type=3&theater
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