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Hello everyone today I will tell you a story that really happened, about a scientist crazy about science and the reincarnation of certain animals Robert Cornish, an early scientist was always attracted to the idea of bringing the dead back to life. To do this, he devised a rather striking system: fixing the body of an individual, recently deceased and without physical injuries, to a kind of tilt plane in several positions (basically a swinging playground swing), and moving it up and down, it was possible make the blood circulate again, and therefore the brain and cardiac functions are reactivated. The first experiments with drowned people and those who had had heart attacks were not very successful, although Cornish claimed that they turned their color on the pale faces and had even detected some pulse signal. He improved the system and sacrificed dogs were injected with coagulants and stimulants just before "swinging" them, which surprisingly did get results: some dogs resuscitated and survived months (although with severe brain and blind damage). Until then this was his last experiment and we don't know what happened to this great scientist crazy about science, you better be very careful if you get to find this guy your best option is to RUN!16 points
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2 points
New account wow Manager CS 1.6 make a requests ???2 points
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2 points
Contest description: Many bloody Hellos to our dear devilish members! Today is a special day that takes place and is a scary trend in all parts of the world, Halloween! Show us your costume and/or give us an original and terrifying message about Halloween! Scary rules - Post only with your in real life (with yourselves) - Don't copy others messages or use google - Give a bloody like[special avalaible for the period of the contest] to someone who dressed terrifying or inflicted panic with his/her message! - There is prohibied to do more accounts or post multiple times, you will be desqualified and possible you get banned on forum. Sign up period: 29 October- 15 November [!]Rules can be changed on the way, for protecting the purpose of the contest! Rewards given by us: Place 1: 15 € (PayPal, Bank account, Paysafecard) + 120k points on TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 5000 points on our forum Place 2: 5 € (PayPal, Bank account, Paysafecard) + 70k points on TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 3500 points on our forum Place 3: VIP on a period of 14 days + 40k points on TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 2000 points on our forum How is the winner choosed? Very simple: The report between originality(photo, message) and bloody likes! Other detalies: - Are given to persons who obtain more than 10 likes for his reply * All members can participate to this contest, including forum administration. Give us a like! RO version Descriere concurs: Multe saluturi insangerate pentru membrii nostrii diabolici! Astazi este o zi speciala care are loc si este un trend infiorator in toate partile lumii, Halloween! Aratati-ne costumul vostru si/sau dati-ne un mesaj original si terifiant despre Halloween! Reguli de speriat: - Postati numai poze din viata reala(cu voi) - Nu copiati mesajele altora sau utilizati google - Dati un like insangerat [special valabil pentru perioada concursului] cuiva care s-a imbracat fiorator sau a indus panica prin mesajul lui/ei! - Nu aveti voie sa va faceti mai multe conturi ori sa postati de mai multe ori, o sa fiti descalificati si posibil si banarea voastra pe forum. Perioada inscrieri: 29 Octombrie - 15 Noiembrie [!]Regulile pot fi schimbate pe parcurs, pentru protejarea scopului concursului! Premii oferite de noi: Locul 1: 15 € (PayPal, Cont bancar, Paysafecard) + 120k puncte pe TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 5000 puncte pe forumul nostru Locul 2: 5 € (PayPal, Cont bancar, Paysafecard) + 70k puncte pe TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 3500 puncte pe forumul nostru Locul 3: VIP pe o perioada de 14 zile + 40k puncte pe TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 2000 puncte pe forumul nostru Cum este ales castigatorul? Foarte simplu: Raportul dintre originalitate(poza, mesaj) si likeurile sangeroase! Alte detalii: - Se acorda persoanelor ce depasesc mai mult de 10 like-uri la postul sau; * Toti membrii pot participa la acest concurs, inclusiv staff-ul cat si administratia comunitatii; Dati-ne un like!1 point
Is Greece becoming a "dirty money laundry" A criminal case in the country usually takes five years to get from pre-trial to court The Greek government of Kiriakos Mitsotakis has put in parliament a measure that seems to give Greece backs from strict implementation of international standards in the fight against corruption and money laundering, the Financial Times reports. An amendment to the country's penal code, adopted late Wednesday evening, provides for suspects of fraud and money laundering to have their assets seized by court if they are not brought to justice within 18 months. In Greece, it usually takes five years for a criminal case to reach pre-trial investigation, according to members of the Athens Bar Association. The appeal can take as much. The amendment, which is part of the accepted amendments to the Greek Penal Code, contradicts international anti-money laundering practices adopted by Greece, the Financial Times said. According to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergovernmental organization for combating money laundering and terrorist financing, and the Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), cash and property seized during the criminal investigation should remain frozen until all legal procedures have been completed. Justice Minister Costas Ciaras tabled an amendment on Wednesday morning, minutes before the last debate on the bill began, without providing legal justification for why Greece is breaking down its current practice. According to the Financial Times, among those who will benefit from the measure are a dozen shipowners, big businessmen and former bankers investigated for fraud and money laundering. Their assets were seized two to seven years ago and so far none of them has been brought to justice. Minister of State Giorgos Gerapetritis said on Thursday that the measure was adopted to align Greek law with the European Convention on Human Rights and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, because currently every Greek citizen can be deprived of his property indefinitely only with the decision of one prosecutor. Greek lawyers, however, have expressed before the issue that the vote on the change poses reputational risks to Greece and creates a risk that the country will move down in the international business conditions indices. According to the amendment, special committees will be set up that will look at nearly 900 cases over the next three months to decide which of them is justified in extending the jail for another 18 months.1 point
congrats could not think of any one else who deserves it more ? good luck !1 point
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Congratulations to you and wish you more success and promotion!1 point
1 point
ZmNewSchool need acitivi admins who need admin pm me1 point
Hey borra mensajes o ven a TS tengo un tema importante que hablar contigo????1 point
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1 point
<23:03:41> "-": Could you tell me how to close a topic I forgot ahaha <23:03:47> "-": excuse me <23:17:48> Chat partner has closed the conversation i hide the nick :v if u wann see who send me that msg, give me 99999999k point :VV1 point
Are you serious, you can read the title well is "GAMES STORE", not windows servers Topic/Closed!!1 point
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Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition review — Gorgeous new look, more enjoyable than ever About 20 years ago, the second installment in the real-time strategy (RTS) Age of Empires series was released for PC. Developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft, Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings saw an expansion — Age of Conquerors — about a year later, bringing more campaigns, civilizations, and some quality of life (QoL) fixes. This collection of games was played incessantly by a huge crowd of RTS fans and eventually saw an HD remake in 2013. Age of Empires II: HD Edition spawned its own collection of expansion packs, including The Forgotten, The African Kingdoms, and Rise of the Rajas, complete with a bunch of new civilizations, campaigns and a graphics reworks that better suited modern hardware and displays. Now, with Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition (AoEII:DE) — developed by Forgotten Empires, Tantalus Media, and Wicked Witch and published by Xbox Game Studios — fans of the series are getting an impressive graphics overhaul with new animations and 4K support, three new campaigns with four new civilizations, remastered audio, new units and technologies, plenty of QoL changes, and an improved multiplayer experience with leaderboards, ladders, matchmaking, and improved spectator mode. I've been playing AoEII:DE for about a week to check out whether or not it's worth a buy for long-time veterans and newcomers to the series. What I loved about Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Age of Empires II isn't a game that needed any major mechanics reworked, and that's been honored here in the Definitive Edition. I played a lot of the original and HD versions, and I was able to jump into a Definitive Edition skirmish and play without having to make many adjustments. Hotkeys can be set to classic or to a grid-like method — the top row of the keyboard is used for the top line of your commands, middle row for middle line, and on — that's easier for newcomers to pick up. Gameplay is immediately familiar, but the myriad QoL improvements also make it seem new. Age of Empires II has never looked so good, and the developers have kept the feel of the original game. I'm still uncovering small tidbits that make macro- and micro-managing easier. Still, there are some significant changes that benefit everyone and ultimately make the game a lot more fun to play in Dark Age through to Imperial Age. Starting out, you can now set farms to automatically reseed as long as wood stocks allow. No more spamming the farm queue button and eventually running out ten minutes later. Units can have multiple waypoints set at once, meaning you can chart out a path for your original scout (or any other unit) and not have to continuously click a new place for it to travel to. Trebuchets will now pack and unpack automatically when you assign them to attack a certain building either in or out or range. And you can now queue up technologies and units at the same time, allowing less downtime for production buildings while you're busy managing other aspects of the game. Your global queue of tech and units now includes icons in the top-left corner of the screen, just below the reworked toolbar. Along with standard resource counts, the idle villager icon has been moved up top and shows how many idles you have. Below each resource is also a value that indicates how many villagers are collecting at the given time. When you've hit Post-Imperial, and there are hundreds of units to manage, these small changes make a huge difference. The user interface (UI) is also scalable, so you can find something you're satisfied with depending on your monitor size. Resources now have a toggleable "health" bar that shows you how much remains of a certain item, like a boar, tree, or gold tile. No more having to click an individual item to see how much remains. These changes make for a more user-friendly experience, but the biggest and best upgrades are the graphics and animations. Age of Empires II has never looked so good, and the developers have kept the feel of the original game. Units and buildings haven't been changed so much that they aren't recognizable, and the artwork and animations are absolutely gorgeous. Ever since I played my first round of the original game, I wanted to see castles and town centers crumble into dust, and that's now a reality. Trebuchets swinging, troops riding into battle, battering rams hammering down production buildings; it's all here, and it all looks stunning. A zoom feature has been implemented, so you can now pull back to get a broader look at the map or punch right in to see your workers toiling. With the HD graphics pack enabled, everything remains clear no matter how close you get to the action. The factory settings do take some tweaking to get looking perfect, and performance is going to be an issue, but I'll get into that later. To go along with the graphics overhaul, all audio has been remastered and reworked. The original soundtrack has been redone and sounds as epic as ever, and unit and building sound effects are more robust and more varied. With a quality gaming headset on, your ears are in for a treat. There's an old joke with Age of Empires II fans that the game taught more history than any class in high school, and that's more valid than ever with three new campaigns. The collection is called "The Last Khans" and encompasses the four new civilizations added to the game, including Bulgarians, Cumans, Lithuanians, and Tatars. The new missions are expertly voice acted, and the older campaigns have also been reworked with new voice acting. Some of the HD expansion campaigns only had text, but voice acting has been added there as well. Altogether, you're getting more than 200 hours of singleplayer gameplay before even breaking into skirmishes and multiplayer action. I played through most of all three branches of the new campaign, and if you enjoyed the older entries, you're sure to enjoy these. Additionally, there are nearly 150 achievements to attain. Once the optional campaigns are completed, you can jump into singleplayer skirmishes against AI or into multiplayer against other humans. All the classic modes return — Random Map, King of the Hill, Regicide, Deathman, etc. — as well as a new mode called Empire Wars that starts you out in Feudal age with a number of production buildings and assigned villagers. It's a quicker way to get into the action and offers something new for returning players. On top of the usual ways to play, there's a new feature called "The Art of War." It's a five-part section that teaches players how to get a good start on economy, how to boom, how to get to castle age as quickly as possible (a po[CENSORED]r strategy), and how to employ or defend against a rush. New AI has been implemented, as well as a ton of new commands for allied AI players. For example, you can tell allies to attack with certain troops, you can choose where to fortify with walls, and you can ask them to focus on certain aspects of the game to better complement your playstyle. In previous games, high-level AI had to cheat to keep up with human players. That has been removed, and AI now instead operates more similar to how pro-level humans play. I watched enemy AI scout with sheep, push in deer to the Town Center, and raid my economy with small forces as I attacked its front door. Enemy troops took the high ground when attacked, and wouldn't throw units away at the foot of my castles. Able to put up a strong fight against Hardest AI in the HD version of the game, the new Extreme AI utterly steamrolled me. I enjoy multiplayer but certainly spend a lot of time allied with and against AI opponents, so these changes make a huge difference and ultimately prepare players better for multiplayer. HD and original CD AI are also available to play against. On that note, multiplayer has also seen some changes. The old peer-to-peer servers are gone in favor of dedicated servers spread out across global regions. I played with an ally from the UK and experienced no noticeable lag. That might change with an eight-player game from different regions, but overall there should be far better stability in online games. There are now leaderboards and ladders baked in, and a matchmaking feature makes it easy to find an opponent in the same rating range. There's no limit to how many spectators can jump into a game to watch, and they have new tools to get the best viewing experience possible. AoEII:DE is available on Steam and from the Microsoft Store, but both versions will be able to cross-play. What I disliked about Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition I'm thoroughly enjoying my time with AoEII:DE, but there are certainly some noticeable issues. Foremost is the performance on my PC that includes an AMD Ryzen 5 2600 processor (CPU), NVIDIA RTX 2060 graphics card (GPU), and 16GB of DDR4 RAM. I immediately changed graphics settings to my liking — disabled bloom, disabled animated fog, and cranked everything else up — and set resolution to 1440p. This gave the game more of an original feel that veterans will likely prefer. I first played a number of matches without the Enhanced Graphics pack and saw framerates consistently around 120, dropping below 60 with a lot of action on the screen. Without the pack enabled, the game still looks good, but you can't zoom in nearly as far, and sprites do look pixellated at max allowable zoom. The game looks stunning with the Enhanced Graphics pack enabled, but after placing down some farms and massing some troops, the game dropped down to a consistent 30 frames-per-second (FPS) and regularly dropped below 15 FPS in action-packed sequences or popped up to 60 FPS in quiet moments. My PC certainly isn't the most powerful out there, and I could turn down more settings to boost framerates, but performance could certainly be better. If you don't have a dedicated GPU, you're going to suffer even without the graphics pack enabled, and the HD version of the game will likely make a lot more sense. Performance aside, I saw some wonky stuff in terms of pathing and logic. For example, I sent a bunch of villagers to build multiple farms with a mill in the middle. After checking back later, I noticed that only the mill and one farm was built and tended, while the other villagers had gone off to hunt nearby game. I noticed some weird pathing as well when sending villagers to work outside of walls. I tasked a group to build a castle outside my base, then deleted a section of the wall to allow them to walk directly to the castle's foundation. I retasked them on the castle with the wall deleted, but instead of noticing they now had an easier trail, they kept heading for the nearest gate. I had to click the ground next to the castle to get the villagers to go through the deleted wall portion, then click the castle foundation again to have them start work. The patrol command for troops, ideal for sending battalions into battle, seemed, in some cases, to be off. For example, I patrolled a group of pikemen into an enemy base, and instead of taking out the cavalry in front of them, they set fire to a farm while their numbers were hacked down by the knights. This wasn't the case every time, and more often than not, units figured out what they should do to ensure a long life, but I did have a laugh a couple of times as I watched my units pass by the enemy to attack something completely non-threatening. These issues, if not just me making errors on my end, will hopefully be addressed in the future. Microsoft has stated it will continue to work on AoEII:DE after release, with a focus on balancing and QoL changes. That's especially a good thing in terms of the new civilizations. The Definitive Edition has attempted to balance out some key aspects of the game — including making the Barracks infantry line more feasible with new technology — but there's still a way to go. Some of the new units in the game are quite powerful, and we'll have to see how the competitive community responds and how the developers react. Finally, no doubt because of the cross-play feature between Microsoft and Steam, mods will be collected at the Age of Empires website instead of the Steam Workshop. That's no doubt a bit of a worry for some long-time players used to the Workshop, but thanks to the built-in mod manager within AoEII:DE, there shouldn't be much issue implementing the additional content. One po[CENSORED]r mod — the addition of gridlines on the playing field — is now implemented in the game as a gameplay setting. Should you buy Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition?1 point
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Hi all this is my Real Life story xD It is Diwali(Festival) in India same day period you Guys Celerate (Halloween) This happend long back when i was in school I was a Shy Person in school wont talk much and soo only few friends. So most of the time i spent with my Grand-Father,we play PLaying Cards,chess (me and my grandpa use to Drink wine too secretly xD he give me little since i was a child in school xD).Life was 1-School 2-few friends chat hours and more time at home with my Grandpa.My Daily routine.... Suddenly when i was almost doing my Final year In school,My Grand-Father died with breathing problems... I was heart broken my grandpa was the only thing in my life That time ? . Soo that last Final year normal school test i use o Fail,i stop talk with my friends i was completly heart broke and became too Sad up to the point i cry every day at Home..Seeing this my parents took me to doctor [i wanted to End my life hehe xD]. i was That bad ? Doctors are Pain in Ass they never Beleave us Nor they help xD just get money from us And lie to us ? Diwali (Halloween For you Guys) season came that time i not celebrate with friends i avoided them not talk with family properly too i was Alone ? not even go out much only school and home ? 2 Days before this festival i had a dream in that some 1 spoke to me saying forget past play with you friends study well or your Life will get Ruied. i was soo scared coz my grandpa was gone 2 months before ? I told my mom dad ,they said pls forget that he is gone stop saying this and shouted at me Let us concentrate on our life work bla bla ? Next night Again in Dream same voice ,But this time It was GrandPa sitting with me in my Room ? ,First i was shocked chilled terrifed But later he took my Hand i was soo happy We played Chess,playing Cards all those which i missed i was soo Happy i Cried like Hell ,I even woke up sweating and crying In Bed.. This happen in this Festival Season After this i became Normal , i spoke with my friends,i move out of House Freely and with Joy, i use to laugh and play and study well got Average pass marks in School too [i though i Almost Gona fail in Final Exam ? ] This freaking Incident Made me Happy,Strong,More joyFull than ever Before In Life xD But iam telling you when i was in that Period of Pain and he came back in Dream Etc that time i was freaking terrified and about to End my Life xD And From this Moment He never came ever Again I Still Dont Beleave in Ghost horror Etc But it was my Freaking Grandpa soo yes i beleaved in After Death stuff After that Incident xD This is Realy true if i say to my Friends they make fun of me Its my Ever And Ever Sweet Memory ? Thanks Take Care1 point
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