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X A V I ™

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Everything posted by X A V I ™

  1. Russia's President Vladimir Putin has hailed the "return" of Crimea to Russia at a concert marking the 10th anniversary of the illegal annexation of the territory from Ukraine. He said Crimea had "returned to its home harbour" and that it would move forwards with Russia "hand in hand". Mr Putin was addressing thousands in Moscow's Red Square a day after claiming a landslide election win. The vote has been condemned by Western governments as a sham. UK Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron said the elections, in which serious opposition candidates were not allowed to stand, "starkly underline the depth of repression under President Putin's regime". He also stressed that holding Russian elections in occupied Ukrainian territories was an "abhorrent violation of the UN charter and Ukrainian sovereignty". Germany which called it a "pseudo-election", while the US said it was "obviously not free nor fair." Ukraine's president accused Putin of "simulating" another election. China, Saudi Arabia and India all congratulated Mr Putin: In a message to the Russian president, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that under his leadership Russia would "certainly be able to achieve greater achievements in national development and construction" Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he looked forward to strengthening Delhi's "time-tested special and privileged strategic partnership" with Moscow Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman praised the Russian president's "decisive" victory. The Black Sea peninsula of Crimea was annexed by Moscow in 2014 - eight years before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the seizure of its Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions. On Monday, Mr Putin said the "return" of those four Ukrainian regions to Russia had turned out to be "much more grave and tragic" than Crimea. "But in the end we did it. It is a big event in the history of our country," he said, describing the occupied territories as part of "New Russia". The crowd responded with chants of "Russia, Russia". Mr Putin also announced a new railway that will run from the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don to Crimea via occupied Ukraine - which would serve as an alternative to the current bridge which links the peninsula to Russia's mainland. "This is how together, hand in hand, we will move on. This is what - not in words, but in deeds - makes us really stronger," he said. The existing bridge, which opened in 2018, has been attacked and forced to close twice since the start of the war in Ukraine. Earlier during the rally, he said a rail line from Rostov to the occupied Ukrainian cities of Donetsk, Mariupol and Berdyansk had been restored, and would now be extended to the Crimean port city of Sevastopol. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68601131
  2. A former professional rugby union player, who who died in 2023 at the age of 33, has become the first in New Zealand to be formally diagnosed with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) – the neurogenerative disease associated with repeated head trauma. Billy Guyton died of a suspected suicide last year, CNN affiliate Radio New Zealand (RNZ) reported, and his family subsequently donated his brain to Auckland’s Neurological Foundation Human Brain Bank which made the CTE diagnosis. CTE can only be formally diagnosed after death with an autopsy. It is pathologically marked by an abnormal buildup of a protein called Tau in the brain which can disable neuropathways and has been associated with a variety of clinical symptoms, including memory loss, confusion, impaired judgement, aggression, depression, anxiety, impulse control issues and sometimes suicidal behavior. The Auckland Brain Bank told CNN in a statement on Monday that its co-director Professor Maurice Curtis had been “working closely with the family of Billy Guyton to interpret the results of a post-mortem pathology undertaken of Billy’s brain.” It added that it doesn’t normally share the details of a donor’s pathology but that the family had granted permission to comment in this case. Guyton’s father, John, told RNZ that his son’s death came after years of “cries for help.” “I figured out Billy had CTE a few days after he died,” he said. “My wife and I were watching a documentary on it, and I said … that’s Billy. That’s what he had.’ “If I can work it out based on a documentary, what the hell were all those specialists Billy saw missing?” After playing for three Super Rugby franchises – the top-flight league in New Zealand and Australia – Guyton retired from rugby in 2018 aged 28, telling the Nelson Weekly that concussion symptoms had forced his hand. CNN has contacted New Zealand Rugby for comment. “The poor guy would spend hours in a small, dark cupboard because he couldn’t handle being in the light,” John Guyton told RNZ. “Some mornings he’d just sit in the bottom of his shower tray crying, trying to muster up the energy to get moving. “Can you imagine what was going on in that guy’s head?” Associate Professor Michael Buckland, founder and director of the Australian Sports Brain Bank, confirmed the CTE diagnosis, and categorized it as stage 2 of the disease on the four-step scale assessing its severity. Stage 2 of the disease is characterized by “multiple collections of Tau protein in the furrows of the cerebral cortex, which is the external layer of the brain,” the Auckland Brain Bank said, while by Stage 4 “it is widespread across several regions of the brain.” Professor Curtis added that “there are a limited number of modifiable risk factors in this case, and concussions and head knocks are certainly one of them.” Guyton’s diagnosis further spotlights the sport’s growing head injury crisis. Around the world, players are grappling to deal with the impact of head injuries sustained during their rugby careers. In the UK, some 450 current and former rugby players have now joined lawsuits to take legal action against global governing body World Rugby and the national governing bodies of England and Wales, the Rugby Football Union (RFU) and the Welsh Rugby Union (WRU), Rugby Football League Limited, International Rugby League Limited and British Amateur Rugby League Association. Lawyers for the plaintiffs say there was a failure to protect them from permanent injury caused by repeated head injuries and concussions during their careers. A new study from the University of Glasgow, Boston University and the University of Sydney which looked at the post-mortem brain exams of 31 former amateur and elite rugby union players found CTE in 68% of the brains, which had been donated for research purposes. There is a potential bias in these numbers because the brains donated were probably submitted by relatives who noticed these symptoms in their family members when they were living. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/18/sport/billy-guyton-new-zealand-rugby-cte-spt-intl-scli/index.html
  3. Second marriages are becoming increasingly common, with many couples choosing to restart families together and as a result, the demand for fertility treatment among second-marriage couples is on the rise. For some, the desire to have a child together can be an important part of building a strong bond and creating a shared family unit. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Sulbha Arora, Clinical Director at Nova IVF Fertility in Mumbai, shared, “By openly discussing these issues and seeking support from professionals, couples who have remarried can increase their chances of success in starting or expanding their family through assisted reproductive technologies.” She stated the factors behind second marriages: Hindustan Times - your fastest source for breaking news! Read now. The age of marriage is now considerably later compared to the previous generations. Divorce and second marriage rates are now higher than they used to be in the past. The divorce rate in India is steadily increasing year by year. It’s estimated that the number of divorces has more than doubled over the last two decades. The rate of divorce in urban cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru is higher. Many couples are ending their unhappy marriages rather than staying in toxic or abusive relationships. Moreover, the younger generation is more willing to prioritize personal happiness and self-fulfillment over societal expectations of marital longevity. Couples are willing to seek separation when essential needs are not being met. Getting a divorce, and starting life afresh with a new partner is commoner now than in the decades past. In the meanwhile, the age of the couple also goes up and the biological clock starts to slow down. In the previous marriage, either the wife already had children or the husband had, sometimes both had children or they never conceived in the previous marriage. Sometimes, they conceive but have miscarriages. However, now that the couple is starting a new inning of life with each other, they may wish to have children with each other and might end up facing difficulties in conceiving due to multiple factors. Due to advanced age and previous fertility problems or new fertility problems that have cropped up, the couple may be unable to conceive and have a child together in the new marriage. There is also a rise in secondary infertility. Some couples face problems conceiving a second child after the first pregnancy. Secondary infertility refers to issues of conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to full term for the second time. This type of infertility is seen among women who plan babies in their late 30s or early 40s. Factors leading to secondary infertility are low sperm production, ovulation disorders, uterine conditions, fallopian tube damage, endometriosis, unhealthy weight loss or weight gain, certain medications or chemotherapy treatment, blockages caused by fibroids, complications during previous pregnancies or surgeries, poor diet choices, and smoking. IVF can come to the rescue of such couples. Dr Sulbha Arora opined, “IVF is a boon for couples who opt for a second marriage and are unable to conceive: Second marriages often come with unique challenges, especially when it comes to starting a family. For couples who are struggling to conceive naturally, IVF can be a game-changer. It offers hope and a practical solution for those who may have thought their chances of having a child were slim. IVF provides a ray of light for second-marriage couples by offering them the opportunity to create their biological child together.” https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/remarriage-to-parenthood-tips-for-couples-to-overcome-challenges-with-fertility-treatment-in-second-marriages-101710858868062.html
  4. Audi is still planning to phase out all of its ICE cars by 2033, but boss Gernot Döllner hasn’t ruled out moving that date back if electric car demand doesn’t pick up. While several car makers have scaled back or delayed plans to transition to an all-electric line-up in the wake of weakening demand for EVs, Dollner said there was “no doubt” that “the future of the vehicle is electric”. Audi will begin a major product offensive this year, with the new Q6 e-tron electric SUV the first of 20 models – with both ICE and EV powertrains – that will launch in 2024 and 2025. https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/new-cars/audi-plots-flexible-switch-ev-based-demand
  5. The Supreme Court has allowed Texas to arrest and jail migrants, as part of the state's new tough immigration law. Under the law, known as SB4, local and state police can arrest and prosecute those suspected of illegally crossing the Mexican border. The Biden administration has called the law unconstitutional. The decision comes a day after it was blocked by the same court while emergency appeals played out. Enforcing immigration laws - including arrests - has typically been handled by the federal government. SB4 now gives that power to Texan officials, allowing them to prosecute migrants or order them returned to Mexico. The law is among the toughest immigration measures taken by any US state in recent memory. In total, SB4 was delayed three times by Justice Samuel Alito. Then on Tuesday the Supreme Court said the law can take effect at the same time that the lower federal appeals court weighs its legality. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton hailed the decision as a "huge win" against the Biden administration and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which challenged the law in court. "As always, it's my honour to defend Texas and its sovereignty, and to lead us to victory in court," he wrote in a post on X, formerly Twitter. The ACLU, for its part, vowed that it "won't back down until this extreme anti-immigrant law is struck down for good." The court's three liberal justices - Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson - dissented. Where do Biden and Trump differ on immigration? Three reasons why US border crossings at record high "The court gives a green-light that will upend the longstanding federal-state balance of power and sow chaos," Justice Sotomayor wrote in the dissenting opinion. She also wrote that the law could "disrupt sensitive foreign relations, frustrate the protection of individuals fleeing persecution, hamper active federal enforcement efforts" and keep migrants from reporting abuse or trafficking. SB4 gives local and state police officers the ability to stop and arrest anyone suspected of having crossed the border illegally, except in schools, healthcare facilities and places of worship. Punishments would range from misdemeanours to felonies and potential imprisonment, or fines of up to $2,000 (£1,570). Penalties for those who illegally re-enter Texas after having been deported could go up to 20 years in prison, depending on a person's immigration and criminal history. The justice department has argued that SB4 infringes on the federal government's authority to secure the US border. Additionally, the Biden administration has warned that it could harm relations with Mexico, which has condemned the law as "anti-immigrant". Historically, the US government has created laws and regulations on immigration, even though the US constitution does not explicitly give it those powers, and negotiated treaties and agreements with other countries. SB4 was signed into law in December and was initially due to come into effect on 5 March. The case will now head back to a three-judge panel from the New Orleans-based US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, where oral arguments are scheduled for 3 April. The losing party can then again appeal the case, sending it back to the Supreme Court. The implementation of SB4 comes amid rising public concern over immigration and the US-Mexico border. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68609930
  6. Nick: XAVI Real name: Ferhat kada How old are you?: 25 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): cs 1.6 pubg mobail Where are you from?(country and city): Algeria - Dejlfa Describe yourself(at least 50 words): Well , i am a friendly man with a nice behavior , I love when someone need the help even in the bad times , and my Favorite team in football are Real Madrid and FC Barcelona and of course i like video games,Wathing TV Walking in the Garden etc ..., my favorite color are : Cyan , and one of the best season i love is Summer & and the one who i hate is who give me his back and finally I love the moments when my friends tell me this is the day who we are wating for . Note some of your qualities: I am Serious , Happy , sometimes Tell us some of your defects: I hate when someone who don't belive most of the time , and the worst thnig i hate is Set up Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): Moderator On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): the most of my activity is in VGR , Journalists Which category/project you want to care off?: VGame Reviewers , Journalists , Guardians Of Gaming . How well you speak english?(and other languages): (and other languages): English 9/10 , Arabic 10/10 , and also frensh 7/10 Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: For now i have problem on my ts3 , after i solve the problem i will join the ts3 . For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): .First . Contact methods: FB . instgram Last request:
  7. Mobile gaming is not just fun, but big business worth billions of dollars and is in many ways the cornerstone of the metaverse. Gaming companies like Fortnite developer Epic Games have already started create virtual worlds of their own to compete with the ones developed by Facebook-owner Meta. However, that doesn’t explain what mobile gaming is or what the opportunities are. Don’t worry, though, we’ve got you covered. Mobile gaming refers to playing video games on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. The most important aspects of this sector are the processors and displays, connectivity via telecom networks and cloud services and LiveOps. Most processors in smartphones and tablets are specially designed systems on a chip (SoCs). An SoC is a microchip that contains all the computing components required for the device on a single integrated circuit, including a graphics processing unit (GPU), a central processing unit (CPU), system memory and input/output (I/O) connectivity. The CPU determines the speed at which the device performs when a game is played, while the GPU determines the speed at which the graphics are rendered. The clarity of graphics on a mobile device depends on the display’s resolution and refresh rate . The word resolution refers to the number of distinct pixels a display accommodates. Refresh rate is the count of how many times the screen updates per second. Mobile gaming publishers rely on telecom operators to provide internet connectivity and Big Tech to distribute games via app stores. They also need cloud and edge infrastructure services providers – such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure – to deploy game content closer to users, reducing latency and improving the quality of the experience. LiveOps is a set of practices that modify a game following its launch. Game developers use LiveOps to get insights into the performance of games, understand consumer behavioral trends, and implement strategies to add users and generate revenue. LiveOps helps them focus on user acquisition, engagement, monetisation, marketing and troubleshooting. https://www.verdict.co.uk/what-is-mobile-gaming-and-why-does-it-matter/?cf-view
  8. The day after the North American finals of the Apex Legends Global Series was postponed because of a mid-match hack against two players, Easy Anti-Cheat has issued a statement saying "there is no RCE vulnerability" in its software that was exploited to carry out the attack. The first hack, against Noyan "Genburten" Ozkose of DarkZero, took place during the third match of the day: He was suddenly able to see every other player on the map, even through walls, and was ultimately forced to drop out of the match, although his teammates managed to claim second place even though they were a man down. The second hack occurred in the next match: Phillip "ImperialHal" Dosen of TSM suddenly found himself saddled with an aimbot. That match was ultimately abandoned, and the North American finals were postponed "due to the competitive integrity of this series being compromised." Shortly afterward, the Anti-Cheat Police Department, a volunteer group that specializes in "gathering intelligence on cheats to detect and disrupt cheating vendors," issued a statement saying that an RCE (remote code execution) was being abused in the game, and that it was unclear "whether it comes from the game or the actual anti-cheat (software)."Remote code execution exploits enable attackers to run software on remote machines, and they are bad news: An RCE was responsible for the suspension of PC PvP servers for Dark Souls games in 2022. A similar vulnerability was discovered in GTA Online in 2023. In this case, as Anti-Cheat PD put it, "the RCE is being abused to inject cheats into streamers machines, which means they have the capabilities to do whatever, like installing ransomware software locking up your entire PC." How this attack happened still isn't known, but earlier today Easy Anti-Cheat issued a statement disavowing responsibility. "We have investigated recent reports of a potential RCE issue within Easy Anti-Cheat," it tweeted. "At this time—we are confident that there is no RCE vulnerability within EAC being exploited. We will continue to work closely with our partners for any follow up support needed." https://www.pcgamer.com/games/battle-royale/easy-anti-cheat-washes-its-hands-of-the-apex-legends-hacking-disaster-that-saw-streamer-accounts-hijacked-live-there-is-no-rce-vulnerability-within-eac/
  9. This week, ASML delivered its 3rd Generation extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography tool, the Twinscan NXE:3800E, with a projection lens featuring a 0.33 numerical aperture. The system significantly increases performance compared to the existing Twinscan NXE:3600D machine. It is designed for fabricating chips at leading-edge technologies, including 3nm, 2nm, and small nodes in the next few years. The ASML Twinscan NXE:3800E represents a leap forward in Low-NA EUV lithography regarding performance (the number of wafers processed per hour) and matched machined overlay. The new system can process over 195 wafers per hour at a 30 mJ/cm^2 dose and promises a further increase in performance to 220 wph with a throughput upgrade. In addition, the new tool offers a less than 1.1 nm-matched machine overlay (wafer alignment accuracy). "Chipmakers have a need for speed," ASML revealed in a statement published on X. "The first Twinscan NXE:3800E is now being installed in a chip fab. With its new wafer stages, the system will deliver leading edge productivity for printing advanced chips. We are pushing lithography to new limits." Increased throughput will increase the economic efficiency of the Twinscan NXE:3800E machine when producing chips on 4nm/5nm and 3nm-class process technologies for logic makers. The improved performance of ASML's Twinscan NXE:3800E is expected to significantly mitigate one of the primary drawbacks of EUV technology, which is its relatively low performance, thereby enabling more efficient and cost-effective chip production. This will make process technologies that rely on EUV more accessible to chip designers with budgets that are not as vast as those of Apple, AMD, Intel, Nvidia, and Qualcomm. Also, the tool will be crucial for memory makers such as Micron, Samsung, and SK Hynix. In addition, the Twinscan NXE:3800E's enhanced performance will be particularly useful for making chips on 2nm and subsequent classes of fabrication technologies that will need EUV double patterning. Improvements in the matched machine overlay will benefit sub-3nm-class production nodes. However, the sophistication and capabilities of machines like the NXE:3800E come at a substantial cost, with a price tag of around $180 million each. Such high costs mean it takes some time to depreciate the costs of these lithography tools. However, for ASML's clientele, which comprises a select group of significant logic and memory fabrication companies, the NXE:3800E offers a path to bolster their production capabilities of cutting-edge chips. This is crucial for these companies as they strive to meet the growing global demand for semiconductors, expand their production capacities, and manage the economics of chip manufacturing. Introducing more advanced and efficient EUV scanners like the NXE:3800E is critical to achieving these objectives. Looking ahead, ASML is not resting on its laurels, with plans for further innovation in the form of the Twinscan NXE:4000F, another generation of Low-NA EUV scanner, slated for release around 2026. This ongoing development underscores ASML's commitment to advancing Low-NA EUV manufacturing technology despite the looming adoption of High-NA litho tools. https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/manufacturing/asml-delivers-3rd-generation-euv-chipmaking-tool-for-2nm-and-beyond
  10. A research team led by Prof. Ni Yong and Prof. He Linghui from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has developed a new composite glass combining the nacre-inspired structure and shear stiffening gel (SSG) material, maintaining transparency while exhibiting excellent thermal insulation and impact resistance. Their work was published in Advanced Materials. Bulk glass serves as an indispensable structural material in people's daily lives. However, glass has poor thermal insulation and is prone to fracture under impact, making it the weakest component in most buildings and transportation vehicles. There is an urgent need to develop new composite transparent materials with comprehensive performance. To develop a novel composite glass, the team studied the nacre-inspired structure and the rheological properties of shear-stiffening materials. The natural nacre can dissipate energy through the tablet sliding mechanism under quasistatic or low-speed impact loading. However, the impact resistance of the nacre-inspired structure diminishes rapidly with increasing impact velocities. In contrast, SSG exhibits strain-rate-dependent enhancement effects under impact loading, enabling them to dissipate a large amount of mechanical energy under high impact velocities. To combine the advantages of nacre-inspired structures and shear-stiffening materials, the team constructed a biomimetic composite glass using SSG. The nacre-inspired SSG glass (NSG) was made up of two 1.4-mm-thick nacre-inspired glass face sheets and a 3.0-mm-thick SSG core. The face sheets are composed of five borosilicate glass sheets and four polymeric interlayers in a 3D staggered brick-and-mortar arrangement, mimicking the structure of a natural nacre. After carefully aligning the two face sheets, the SSG core adhered to the face sheets facilitated by a coupling agent. Mechanical simulation analysis revealed that the out-of-plane deformation of the nacre-inspired glass panels in NSG can further enhance the energy dissipation in the SSG core. The synergistic energy dissipation effect of the nacre-inspired structure and SSG enables the NSG to exhibit superior impact resistance across a broader range of impact velocities. Furthermore, the NSG exhibits remarkable thermal insulation. The nacre-inspired glass panel, with its unique brick-and-mortar arrangement, effectively reduces surface heat conduction. Combined with the low thermal conductivity of the SSG core, the thermal insulation performance of NSG is significantly improved. Compared to the commonly used bulk glass, NSG offers superior comprehensive performance in transparency, lightweight, impact resistance, and thermal insulation, paving a new way for the future improvement of transparent structural materials. https://techxplore.com/news/2024-03-thermal-insulation-impact-resistance-composite.html
  11. The smartphone landscape has just witnessed a massive shift with the launch of the OPPO F25 Pro 5G in India. This device is not merely another entry into the competitive market; it represents OPPO's strong commitment to innovation and style. With groundbreaking and segment-leading features, the OPPO F25 Pro 5G has definitely become the must-have smartphone under INR. 25,000 this season. This article takes a closer look at the wide range of features that make the OPPO F25 Pro 5G stand out, exploring its impressive camera system, sleek design, immersive display, and robust performance. Leading in this segment with 4K ultra-high resolution video recording capability on both the front and back cameras, the OPPO F25 Pro 5G sets a new standard for smartphone videography. This remarkable feature is not just about stepping up the video game; it's about elevating it to four times that of Full HD, making every frame movie-quality. This would surely empower all the content creators out there. And because we are discussing camera, let's talk about the heart of this photographic powerhouse which is a 64MP Ultra-Clear Triple Camera set-up, designed to make every shot a masterpiece. The primary camera isn't just any camera; it's equipped with a 64MP OmniVision OV64B sensor. This sensor is massive, at 1/2 inch, paired with a fast f/1.7 aperture lens, ensuring your photos are not just clear, but also rich in detail, no matter the lighting. But what's a beautiful scene if you can't capture its vastness? The 8MP ultra-wide camera steps in here, featuring a Sony IMX355 sensor. It stretches your view to a 112-degree field, backed by a 16mm focal length, making it perfect for those expansive landscape shots or group photos where you want everyone in the frame. For those moments when you're captivated by the tiny details of the world — the texture of a leaf, the dew on a spider's web — the 2MP macro camera allows you to get as close as 4cm to your subject, letting you see the beauty in the smallest of details. Selfies and video calls get a significant upgrade, too, thanks to the 32MP Sony IMX615 front camera. With an f/2.4 aperture lens and a 21mm focal length, it's all about capturing the perfect selfies. https://www.gadgets360.com/mobiles/sponsored/the-oppo-f25-pro-5g-exceptional-specs-at-exceptional-value-your-must-have-smartphone-this-season-5156104#pfrom=brandStories_featured
  12. Music title: Justin Bieber Signer: idk Release date: 05‏/03‏/2024 Official YouTube link:
  13. Video title: People Being IdiotsTRY NOT LAUGH BEST FUNNY VIDEOS COMPILATION Content creator ( Youtuber ) : memetrap Official YT video:
  14. Nick movie: Hidden StrikeUne Nuit Inoubliable Time: 1 hour 45 mints Netflix / Amazon / HBO: Movie Duration of the movie: Romance Movie Trailer:
  15. Councils in England will be told to cut spending on consultants and diversity schemes when Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivers his Budget on Wednesday. Councils are facing severe financial pressures and eight have effectively declared bankruptcy since 2018. This week Nottingham City Council approved big cuts to services and Birmingham is expected to do the same. Senior government figures are also not denying that the chancellor plans to cut 2p from National Insurance. The plan, reported in The Times, matches a similar cut Mr Hunt made in the Autumn Statement. The Budget - taking place in the House of Commons on Wednesday - will see Mr Hunt set out his tax and spending plans. During the statement, he is expected to freeze fuel duty for another year. The levy has not increased since 2011. Birmingham Council to vote on wave of budget cuts 'We feel like it's us repaying Birmingham's debt' What is council tax and how much is it going up? The Local Government Association said most councils spent "pence" on things like diversity schemes. Chair of the Local Government Association, and Labour councillor, Shaun Davies told the BBC's Today programme councils' money troubles were the result of a "simple equation". "Demand for services are going up to record highs, the cost of providing services are at record highs and cuts from central government are at record highs. "We've seen 19 councils this year approach the government for exceptional financial assistance, we've seen more councils go bust in the last three years than in the last 30 years." He said conversations about diversity schemes were a "distraction" from the real problems. On consultant spending, Mr Davies argued that councils were forced to pay for consultants in order to bid for central government funding. He urged ministers to start allocating money based on need rather than the "begging bowl culture of competitive bidding". A recent survey found that two-thirds of councils in England are planning to cut services. At the same time the vast majority of them are preparing to increase council tax by the maximum 5% next month. Nottingham City Council leader David Mellen told the BBC they would be implementing "swingeing cuts" adding that social care demands, inflation and a rise in homelessness had contributed to a "huge gap" in the council's budget. Mr Mellen said the council had "very open about mistakes in the past" including an energy project which lost the city millions. However, he added that cuts in government funding "overwhelms anything that we have apologised for in terms of our management". He said £100m had been taken from their budget by central government "each and every year in the last 10 years". https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-68477450
  16. Holders England have been drawn in a tough group with the Republic of Ireland, France and Sweden in Group A3 of Women's Euro 2025 qualifying. Scotland will face Serbia, Slovakia and Israel in Group B2, while Northern Ireland are alongside Portugal, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Malta in Group B3. Wales have been drawn against Croatia, Ukraine and Kosovo in Group B4. The qualifiers will take place between April and July, with the tournament scheduled for July 2025 in Switzerland. France, England and Sweden are ranked third, fourth and fifth respectively in the Fifa rankings, while the Republic of Ireland are 24th. The Lionesses beat Sweden 4-0 on their way to lifting the trophy in 2022. World champions and Nations League winners Spain will play Denmark, Belgium and Czech Republic. Germany, who lost to England in the Euro 2022 final at Wembley, will face Austria, Iceland and Poland. Switzerland, who will take part despite having automatically qualified as the host nation, have been drawn against Hungary, Turkey and Azerbaijan. The top two teams from the League A groups will qualify automatically, with the other two sides entering the play-offs. The nations in Leagues B and C are competing to reach the play-offs. Scotland face Serbia, Slovakia and Israel in Euro 2025 qualifying Wales drawn against Croatia, Ukraine and Kosovo England qualifying group tough but exciting - Wiegman The groups in full League A Group A1: Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Finland Group A2: Spain, Denmark, Belgium, Czech Republic Group A3: France, England, Sweden, Republic of Ireland Group A4: Germany, Austria, Iceland, Poland League B Group B1: Switzerland, Hungary, Turkey, Azerbaijan Group B2: Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Israel Group B3: Portugal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Ireland, Malta Group B4: Wales, Croatia, Ukraine, Kosovo League C Group C1: Belarus, Lithuania, Cyprus, Georgia Group C2: Slovenia, Latvia, North Macedonia, Moldova Group C3: Greece, Montenegro, Andorra, Faroe Islands Group C4: Romania, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Armenia Group C5: Albania, Estonia, Luxembourg Analysis Emma Sanders, BBC Sport The defence of England's title may not be as straightforward as many presume. They have a tough group which includes Olympic runners-up Sweden, as well as major tournament regulars France. In the Republic of Ireland, they will come up against Arsenal's Katie McCabe, who helped spearhead the side to their first major tournament appearance at the 2023 Women's World Cup. Sweden has been a hotbed of talent for several years and the Women's Super League has recruited heavily from the Scandinavian region so there will be familiar faces in that match-up too. England were strong favourites to win Euro 2022 but since then, the quality of opposition around Europe has significantly improved. Sarina Wiegman's side will need to be at their best and hope they have key players back from injury - including Chelsea duo Fran Kirby and Millie Bright. They will be boosted by their performances in the recent international camp in Spain, where they recorded big wins over Austria and Italy, and new players thrived on their debuts. Northern Ireland will be determined to make the most of a draw which gives them a real chance of qualification. Portugal, with several exciting young players, are expected to be their strongest opponents but NI will fancy their chances against lower-ranked opposition in Malta and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Scotland, who narrowly missed out on qualification for the Women's World Cup, are the highest-ranked side in their qualification group so will also feel confident. However, the Scots are without key midfielder Caroline Weir, who suffered an anterior cruciate ligament injury last year. Wales, under new management in Rhian Wilkinson, have a tough tie with Ukraine, but are capable of topping their group if their key players remain fit and perform well. How does Women's Euro 2025 qualifying work? The qualifiers will see each team face the other teams in their group home and away. Group winners and runners-up from each League A group automatically qualify, with the remaining seven places taken by the best-ranked sides from all three leagues. All third and fourth-placed teams from League A will go through to the play-offs. The top three teams in each League B group will also make the play-offs. If Switzerland finish in the top three of their group, then the best ranked fourth-placed team from League B will go into the play-offs. From League C, the five group winners and three best-ranked runners-up will reach the play-offs. The 28 teams making the play-offs will be whittled down to seven, with the first round being split into two paths. The eight sides from League A will be drawn against the eight sides from League C. The six best teams from League B will face the six lowest-ranked teams from League B. Both sets of matches are two-legged. In the second play-off round, the remaining 14 teams will be split via seedings. The seven nations with the best ranking will be drawn against the other seven teams. The winners of those fixtures https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/68477115


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