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X A V I ™

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Everything posted by X A V I ™

  1. Nickname: XAVI Video author: Grimace Monster Scary Survival,Poppy Playtime Chapter 3,Death Park Name of the game: Grimace Link video:
  2. Las primeras unidades SSD que llegaron al mercado, no ofrecían la misma durabilidad que los tradicionales HDD, por lo que, les costó convertirse en una alternativa real. Conforme fueron pasando los años, la tecnología fue evolucionando y en la actualidad este tipo de almacenamiento no tiene nada que enviar a los discos duros tradiciones, y, al igual que estos, se desgastan con un uso continuado en el tiempo. Si queremos conocer cuál es el rendimiento de nuestro SSD para comprobar tanto su estado como la velocidad a la que trabaja, en Internet podemos encontrar un gran número de aplicaciones para conocer esta información y saber, en todo momento, si va siendo hora de pensar en renovar nuestro SSD o si todavía podemos alargar su vida útil un poco más. No es recomendable alargar su vida útil más allá de lo recomendado ya que, a diferencia de los discos duros, un SSD cuando deja de funcionar, es prácticamente imposible recuperar la información. Cómo medir el rendimiento de un SSD Si quieres conocer cuáles son las mejores herramientas para conocer el estado de un SSD, a continuación, os mostramos las mejores opciones gratuitas. CrystalDiskMark. Comenzamos este recopilatorio de los mejores programas gratuitos para medir el rendimiento de un SSD con CrystalDiskMark, una aplicación gratuita traducida al español y que nos permite conocer la velocidad de lectura y escritura de cualquier unidad SSD conectada al equipo. Su funcionamiento es muy sencillo ya que tan solo debemos pulsar sobre el botón All para que realizar las pruebas de lectura y escritura para ofrecer sus resultados. Podemos modificar el tamaño del archivo que se utilizará, aunque con la configuración predeterminada es más que suficiente. Para descargar CrystalDiskMark este enlace. HD Tune. Cuando hablamos de HD Tune, estamos hablando de una aplicación que nos ofrece toda la información que podemos necesitar acerca de nuestro SSD, tanto la velocidad de lectura y escritura como el número de horas que lo hemos utilizado y la vida útil que le queda. Además, también nos permite analizar la unidad en busca de errores para solucionarlo, borrar archivos de forma totalmente segura y mucho más. La versión gratuita de HD Tune es más que suficiente para conocer el rendimiento de nuestro PC y podemos descargar desde su página web. SSD Life. Si nuestros conocimientos informáticos son bajos o prácticamente nulos y apenas entendemos que significa la información que recopilan las aplicaciones que hemos mostrado sobre estas líneas, la aplicación que buscamos en SSD Life. SSD Life, es una sencilla aplicación que nos permite conocer tanto la salud de nuestro SSD como la duración prevista en base al uso que le demos. La versión gratuita de esta aplicación es más que suficiente para conocer esta información y la podemos descargar desde su página web. Anvil’s Storage Benchmark. Una interesante opción que también tenemos a nuestra disposición para comprobar la velocidad de lectura de nuestra unidad SSD la encontramos Avil’s Storage Utilities, una aplicación que también nos permite analizar el funcionamiento de discos duros mecánicos. La información que muestra es prácticamente la misma que cualquier otra, pero la representa de una forma mucho más sencilla y, además, nos muestra información sobre la esperanza vida de la unidad en base a su rendimiento. La aplicación lleva unos cuantos años sin actualizarse, sin embargo, no es un impedimento para que funcione sin ningún tipo de problemas en Windows 11. Se trata de una aplicación portable, por lo que no es necesaria instalarla y la podemos descargar desde aquí. Hard Disk Sentinel. Si buscamos un guardián para conocer el estado y rendimiento de nuestro SSD, Hard Disk Sentinel es una de las más completas el mercado, una aplicación completamente gratuita, que se actualiza periódicamente y que, además de está disponible Windows, también la podemos utilizar en Linux. Esta aplicación analiza el estado de nuestro SSD para mostrar su nivel de salud. Podemos mantenerla abierta en segundo plano para que analice en tiempo real el funcionamiento de nuestra unidad SSD y que repare cualquier problema que pueda detectar. La descargar de Hard Disk Sentinel está disponible desde aquí. Aida64. El famoso software Aida64, sucesor del Everest, también incorpora un benchmark para las unidades de almacenamiento mediante la que podremos medir el rendimiento del SSD, si bien es cierto que tan solo mide la velocidad de lectura en diferentes escenarios. AD SSD. De forma similar a CrystalDisk Mark, este benchmark para el SSD medirá el rendimiento de lectura y escritura de la unidad con diferentes tamaños de archivo, pero a diferencia del primero le asignará una puntuación arbitraria. Además, esta aplicación cuenta con varios benchmarks internos como velocidad de copia de archivos o velocidad a la hora de manejar ar https://hardzone.es/noticias/componentes/herramientas-gratuitas-medir-rendimiento-ssd/
  3. Al margen de la enorme utilidad que tienen los navegadores web actuales, muchos usuarios quieren ir un paso más allá en cuanto a su funcionalidad. Precisamente para estas tareas llegaron las extensiones que seguro muchos utilizáis de forma habitual. Esto es algo que se hace extensible a la gran mayoría de los programas de este sector como Google Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi, Opera, Edge y tantos otros. Sin embargo la cosa cambia de manera importante cuando nos centramos en los navegadores para dispositivos móviles Android. Aquí la tendencia no está tan al alza en cuanto a las extensiones como sucede en los equipos de sobremesa. Pero con todo y con ello la cosa podría empezar a cambiar en breve. Y es que parece que los desarrolladores de estas aplicaciones empiezan a aceptar que las extensiones en sus productos Android deberían extenderse más de lo que lo hacen. No en vano esto es algo que vamos a ver pronto en el navegador web móvil de Microsoft para Android, nos referimos a Edge. Os decimos todo esto porque pronto será compatible con las extensiones que tanto usamos en el PC. Antes de nada debemos tener en consideración que la mayoría de los navegadores basados en Chromium, como Google Chrome, no admiten extensiones en móviles. Por otro lado Mozilla las introdujo recientemente en su propuesta, Firefox. Además hay algunos basados en Chromium que sí las soportan como Brave, Vivaldi u Opera. Así, en un principio Microsoft siguió los pasos de Google en lo que respecta a la compatibilidad con extensiones, no añadiendo soporte para estás complementos. Hay que tener en cuenta que disponemos de este navegador en Android desde el año 2021. Microsoft añade soporte para extensiones Edge en Android Sin embargo parece que la cosa va a cambiar en breve para los usuarios que esperan estos elementos adicionales en sus dispositivos móviles. Y es que el gigante tecnológico ha introducido una nueva función experimental en Edge: KI Browser para Android. De momento esta llegada está en periodo de pruebas y tan solo se puede usar en la versión de desarrollo Canary del navegador Edge. Básicamente esto significa que en estos momentos la empresa ya está probando el soporte para extensiones que además se debe activar manualmente. Una vez hecho esto en esta versión de pruebas los usuarios se encuentran con un total de tres extensiones en estos momentos: Dark Reader, uBlock Origin y Global Speed. Podemos afirmar que incluso si usas la última versión Canary de Edge en Android, quizá aún no hayas recibido esta función de prueba. Parece que la empresa la está enviando a sus usuarios de forma paulatina. Lo que aún no sabemos es el camino que va a seguir respecto al uso de extensiones en Edge para Android. Quizá lleve a cabo un movimiento similar al que hizo Mozilla con Firefox y se centre tan solo en algunos de estos elementos. Pero también se puede dar la circunstancia de que desbloquee el soporte completo para todas las extensiones. Eso es algo que aún está por ver y que presentan tanto ventajas como inconvenientes. Para terminar os diremos que la interfaz de usuario de estos elementos añadidos es diferente a la versión para equipos de sobremesa. Para activar esta funcionalidad en la versión Canary del navegador en Android, cargamos la página edge://flags y localizamos la entrada llamada Android Extension. https://www.softzone.es/noticias/tramites/pedir-renovar-certificado-digital-renta-2024/
  4. The smartphone landscape has just witnessed a massive shift with the launch of the OPPO F25 Pro 5G in India. This device is not merely another entry into the competitive market; it represents OPPO's strong commitment to innovation and style. With groundbreaking and segment-leading features, the OPPO F25 Pro 5G has definitely become the must-have smartphone under INR. 25,000 this season. This article takes a closer look at the wide range of features that make the OPPO F25 Pro 5G stand out, exploring its impressive camera system, sleek design, immersive display, and robust performance. Leading in this segment with 4K ultra-high resolution video recording capability on both the front and back cameras, the OPPO F25 Pro 5G sets a new standard for smartphone videography. This remarkable feature is not just about stepping up the video game; it's about elevating it to four times that of Full HD, making every frame movie-quality. This would surely empower all the content creators out there. And because we are discussing camera, let's talk about the heart of this photographic powerhouse which is a 64MP Ultra-Clear Triple Camera set-up, designed to make every shot a masterpiece. The primary camera isn't just any camera; it's equipped with a 64MP OmniVision OV64B sensor. This sensor is massive, at 1/2 inch, paired with a fast f/1.7 aperture lens, ensuring your photos are not just clear, but also rich in detail, no matter the lighting. But what's a beautiful scene if you can't capture its vastness? The 8MP ultra-wide camera steps in here, featuring a Sony IMX355 sensor. It stretches your view to a 112-degree field, backed by a 16mm focal length, making it perfect for those expansive landscape shots or group photos where you want everyone in the frame. For those moments when you're captivated by the tiny details of the world — the texture of a leaf, the dew on a spider's web — the 2MP macro camera allows you to get as close as 4cm to your subject, letting you see the beauty in the smallest of details. Selfies and video calls get a significant upgrade, too, thanks to the 32MP Sony IMX615 front camera. With an f/2.4 aperture lens and a 21mm focal length, it's all about capturing the perfect selfies. https://www.gadgets360.com/mobiles/sponsored/the-oppo-f25-pro-5g-exceptional-specs-at-exceptional-value-your-must-have-smartphone-this-season-5156104#pfrom=brandStories_featured
  5. A PlayStation 5 y Xbox Series X|S aún les quedan varios años de vida, pero es un hecho que Sony y Microsoft trabajan desde hace tiempo en sus consolas de próxima generación. Los primeros detalles sobre PlayStation 6 y el siguiente Xbox surgen poco a poco gracias a filtraciones y diversos reportes. ¿Qué ofrecerá el nuevo hardware? ¿Qué tan potente será? ¿Qué tecnología lo potenciará? ¿Cuál será su precio? ¿Cuándo será revelado? ¿Cuándo llegará a las tiendas? ¿Renunciará por completo al formato físico? A continuación, resolvemos éstas y otras dudas. Los primeros reportes sobre PlayStation 6 y el nuevo Xbox surgieron en mayo de 2022, cuando una vacante de AMD sugirió que el chip para las consolas de nueva generación ya estaba en desarrollo. A partir de entonces, no ha parado de surgir información acerca de lo que ofrecerá el hardware de Sony y Microsoft. Si bien hay mucha especulación al respecto, parte de los datos provienen de importantes filtraciones, como las de Xbox en el caso de Activision Blizzard. Además, diversas fuentes especializadas en tecnología han hablado sobre el tema y han revelado datos bastante llamativos. Sobra decir que Sony y Microsoft apostarán por tecnología de punta para potenciar sus nuevos sistemas. Sabemos que la inteligencia artificial y la nube tendrán un gran peso en la próxima generación de consolas. Se dice que serán los pilares de la estrategia de ambas compañías y, de hecho, ya hay información al respecto. Empecemos con el PlayStation 6. Diversos reportes coinciden en que la nueva consola de Sony será potenciada por un chip de AMD. Supuestamente, la compañía japonesa trabaja con el gigante tecnológico para usar un conjunto de chips personalizados, que ya están presentes en productos no relacionados con los videojuegos. Si bien no se han revelado especificaciones técnicas, se dice que Sony quiere que el PlayStation 6 explote el Ray Reconstruction o reconstrucción de rayos, tecnología asociada con ray tracing y herramientas de escalado mediante inteligencia artificial, tales como el Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) de Nvidia. ¿Para qué sirve? A nivel general, mejora aspectos como la iluminación y los reflejos en el trazado de rayos de los juegos. Lo más destacable es que reduce su costo de rendimiento de forma importante. Por tal motivo, los títulos para PlayStation 6 podrían ser portentos visuales sin sacrificar desempeño. Asimismo, se dice que la consola apostará por el Path Tracing, técnica de renderizado que simula el comportamiento de la luz. Se usa principalmente para la creación de imágenes fotorrealistas en 3D. Fuentes aseguran que la tecnología dará sus primeros pasos con una implementación mínima en consolas. Se utilizaría sólo en algunos juegos de PlayStation 6 y su uso se ampliará poco a poco, tal como ha sucedido con el trazado de rayos https://www.levelup.com/articulos/778032/Todo-lo-que-sabemos-sobre-PS6-y-el-proximo-Xbox-posible-fecha-precio-potencia-y-mas
  6. Com2uS has just announced the launch of its latest entry into the officially licensed baseball mobile game series, titled MLB 9 Innings Rivals. The title, which is now available on Android and iOS devices promises to deliver a console-like experience with breathtaking graphics and an advanced game engine. MLB 9 Innings Rivals is the result of two decades of baseball game development, offering players a chance to build a legendary team with super po[CENSORED]r names like Freddie Freeman and Xander Bogaerts’ S-Grade Live Cards. Players must pick from a roster of 30 teams as they enter in a tournament to demolish everyone else and be crowned world champions. Enjoy sporty games? Then why not check out this list of the best sports games to play on iOS? The game features numerous both such as Leagues, Live Matches, and Ranked Slugger, all in single and multiplayer options. New players can understand gameplay through multiple growth systems such as potential and skill changes. Additionally, players are free to switch between portrait and landscape modes depending on whether they’re going for a home run or spectating from the stands. Another cool feature to look out for is the replay system, which allows players to live every moment again as enthusiastic spectators. Mocap has ensured that in-game characters follow the movements of their real-life counterparts, creating a really immersive experience. Discussing the latest entry in the series, Jihoon Han, Head of Game Business Group, said: “MLB 9 Innings Rivals marks the next generation of Com2uS’ official licensed MLB mobile games that feature real-life player animations and extraordinary depth and variety in gameplay. Launch is just the beginning for this brand new mobile baseball game and we aim to continue to update and expand the experience with its unique game characteristics for years to come, similar to the legacy of the MLB 9 Innings series.” Start hitting those home runs by downloading MLB 9 Innings Rivals now by clicking on your preferred link below. It is a free-to-play game with in-app purchases. https://www.pocketgamer.com/mlb-9-innings-rivals/official-launch-android-ios/
  7. Music title: Davido & Lila Iké Perform Signer: N\A Release date: 22‏/03‏/2024 Official YouTube link:
  8. Nick movie: MASTER WING CHUN FINAL FIGHT Time: 105min Netflix / Amazon / HBO: Netflix Duratio
  9. President Joe Biden speaks during an event about lowering costs for American families at the Granite State YMCA Allard Center of Goffstown on March 11 in Goffstown, New Hampshire. Sophie Park/Getty Images CNN — As President Joe Biden barnstorms battleground states this week, he is framing the debate with former President Donald Trump around themes of economic populism that Democrats have employed, often with success, for decades. But Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, may prove to be a more elusive target for those arguments than a typical GOP candidate. Biden is portraying himself as committed to standing up for average Americans against powerful interests and the wealthy. But polls consistently show that significantly more Americans, including substantial numbers of Black and Hispanic voters, believe they personally benefited from Trump’s policies than Biden’s. That sentiment risks blunting Biden’s populist arguments: even if he can convince voters that Trump’s policies helped the rich and corporations the most, they may not mind as much if they believe that they also benefited more under Trump than they have under Biden. For Biden – who spent Tuesday meeting with Teamsters leaders and is headed to Wisconsin and Michigan the next two days – the critical question may be whether voters’ support for key ideas in his policy agenda can outweigh their frustration with their lived economic experience during his presidency. “You are really hitting on the crux of what a lot of swing votes will be [weighing] going into the election,” said Democratic pollster Danielle Deiseroth. Biden has plenty of ammunition to mount a traditional populist case against Trump. The former president’s principal legislative accomplishment was a massive tax cut that provided most of its direct benefits to corporations and the most affluent. Trump came within one Senate vote of repealing the Affordable Care Act, which has significantly increased health care coverage for lower-income working Americans. As a candidate in 2016, Trump pledged to seek legislative authority for Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices from pharmaceutical companies, but in office, under intense pressure from the industry, he abandoned that promise. Across a wide range of regulatory issues, from the environment to consumer protection, his administration consistently sided with business interests. Biden has set a very different course. He won the legislative authority for Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for seniors, and his administration is now negotiating lower prices for the first 10 drugs under that program; he also won authority to limit seniors’ monthly costs for insulin to $35 per month and to cap seniors’ annual out-of-pocket expenses for all drugs at $2,000. He passed significantly larger subsidies to help the uninsured buy coverage under the ACA, which has pushed enrollment to record highs. His administration has enforced the antitrust laws more aggressively than any in recent times and pursued a multi-pronged regulatory offensive against what he calls junk fees. The Covid-19 stimulus bill passed in 2021 included an expansion of the tax credit for families with children big enough to cut childhood poverty roughly in half, though the credit expired when West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin insisted on its removal in the Inflation Reduction Act. Biden did pass in that law a new 15% minimum tax for corporations. At the same time, the tax incentives for domestic clean energy manufacturing included in the Inflation Reduction Act and separate legislation promoting more domestic production of semiconductors, as well as the thousands of projects funded under the bipartisan infrastructure bill, have set off a boom in blue-collar employment with nearly 1.6 million jobs created in construction and manufacturing alone since Biden took office, according to administration figures. Biden also became the first president to walk a picket line when he joined the United Auto Workers during its strike against the nation’s three largest automakers. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/12/politics/biden-economic-populist-inflation-analysis/index.html
  10. Follow Cardiff Dragons, Leeds Rhinos, London Pulse, Loughborough Lightning, Manchester Thunder, Saracens Mavericks, Severn Stars, Strathclyde Sirens, Surrey Storm and Team Bath Netball throughout the season live on Sky Sports https://www.skysports.com/netball/live-blog/12415/13073131/netball-super-league-live-free-streams-from-every-round-of-the-2024-season-on-sky-sports
  11. A dog owner says she is devastated after watching her Chihuahua killed in an attack by an "XL bully" type dog in Glasgow Abby McKinnon, 25, was bitten on her shoulder during the attack on her two-year-old pet Gizmo. She said the owner of two large dogs had one on a lead and harness, while the other was free, before the incident in the city's Bridgeton area on Tuesday. Scotland followed the UK in introducing new restrictions on XL bully-type dogs last month. Ms McKinnon told BBC Scotland News she was on her afternoon walk with Gizmo on Finnart Street at around 16:00 when the attack happened. The dog that was off lead approached her from behind and began biting the tail of her long-haired chihuahua. Ms McKinnon said the owner made little attempt to help despite her "screaming for help". She said: "I was turning my back to the dog to try and keep Gizmo away from him, and the dog jumped up and bit my back, just under my left shoulder blade and managed to get gizmo out of my hands. "I could see the dog biting into him. "I was trying to open the dog's mouth, I was pulling at its fur trying to get it off my dog, but I couldn’t." Ms McKinnon said she could see puncture wounds on her dog and “saw him take his last breath”. She said the owner then approached and managed to get the dog on a harness. She said she hid in a garden until a passer-by came to her aid. Ms McKinnon: "Pet loss is hard enough never mind having to watch your pet die in front of you. "He was just two years old, a healthy dog. He had such a good life and in 10 minutes this man and his dog's have ripped every single bit of that away," she said. Under the new laws on XL-bullies, their breeding and sale is now banned, while those already kept as pets must be muzzled in public places. The legislation was introduced in Scotland after the breed was linked to a string of serious attacks. Ms McKinnon said the new legislation was a “good idea” but wants to see it go further requiring all dogs to be on a lead in public . She added: "I feel angry, upset and frustrated at the fact this was so preventable. "Had the owner taken the right steps he could have prevented this. He had no control over the dogs." Police Scotland is appealing for information about the incident. A force spokesperson said it has been reported locally the animals involved were "XL Bully type dogs", however this had yet to be confirmed. Sgt Bobby Fisher said inquiries were ongoing to establish the exact circumstances and to trace the owner of the dogs. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn0w8g80wgjo
  12. Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, has announced that she has been diagnosed with cancer and has started chemotherapy treatment. In a heartfelt statement and accompanying video, the Duchess revealed that tests conducted after her surgery in January detected the presence of cancer. She shared the news to keep the public informed and to prevent any speculation. She said, “Following the advice of my medical team, I am now in the initial stages of a preventive chemotherapy course. William and I were deeply shocked by this diagnosis. We are focusing on managing this situation privately for the well-being of our young family.” Sitting on a garden bench dressed in a blue and white striped jumper paired with blue trousers, Kate Middleton shared that she took time to process the news and inform her children, Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 8, and Prince Louis, 5, before making a public announcement. "It's been an incredibly challenging few months for our family. However, I've been fortunate to have an exceptional medical team who have provided me with excellent care, for which I'm deeply thankful," she said. "In January, I had a significant abdominal surgery in London, initially believed to be non-cancerous. The surgery was successful, but post-operative tests revealed the presence of cancer. Consequently, my medical team recommended a preventive chemotherapy treatment, which I've now begun." Kate praised her husband, William, as "a great source of comfort and reassurance" during this time. She continued, "This news was undoubtedly a shock, and William and I have prioritized processing and managing this privately for the well-being of our young family." She added, "Recovery from major surgery and preparing for treatment has taken time. But, most importantly, we've taken the time to explain everything to George, Charlotte, and Louis in an age-appropriate manner and reassure them that I will be okay." https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/kate-middleton-reveals-she-has-cancer-and-has-started-preventive-chemotherapy-101711130574024.html
  13. Caterham CEO Bob Laishley seems pathologically wary of the usual political gibberish, a man whose media training amounts to saying – after he’s told you a juicy secret – “that should probably be off the record”. I like Bob a lot. He’s a straight talker and a terrible liar. But even he might have a bit of a job convincing diehard Caterham fans that an electric mini-supercar might well be the future of the brand. Although given the Project V, it might not be as hard as it sounds. Mainly because the Project V – ‘V’ standing for voltage or velocity – is a pretty car in the metal, with a wasp waist and three bubble profile, strong shoulders and a simple rear end. There’s a distinct lack of 21in rims, Lambo doors and leather made from otter nipples, just an elegant silhouette and some muscular surfacing. It’s small, simple and the better for it. The front has shades of Porsche, hints of the stillborn Caterham/Alpine C120, even the never quite there Caterham 21 of the mid-Nineties, a ghost of the Jannarelly Design 1. Although that’s not really that surprising, seeing as Caterham’s chief designer is actually... Anthony Jannarelly. But once you’re up close and personal, this is a car that has both character and proportion, intent but not fuss. It’s really rather excellent. Saying that, it is quite the departure from the Seven, a car that circumvents fashion by being reliably unfashionable, barely changed in style since 1958 when Lotus first released the car into the wild, even if the mechanical specification doesn’t share a single part with those old stagers. But where the Seven still has cycle wings, a tent for a roof and a heater that parboils only your left knee, the Project V is entirely new ground for the company. It’s got a roof, for a start. https://www.topgear.com/car-news/first-look/caterham-project-v-sportscar-we-dont-need-chase-numbers
  14. Shootings, explosions and a fire at a concert hall Friday evening in Russia are being investigated as a terrorist attack, the country's top investigative agency said. Russia’s Federal Security Service said that at least 40 people had been killed in the attack and more than 100 others are injured in one of the deadliest attacks on the country in years. The attack began when gunmen donning combat gear burst into a Moscow-area concert and open fired, killing at least 40 people. The gunmen also threw explosives inside the concert hall during the attack, which set the building on fire, Russian media reported. A Russian Rosguardia (National Guard) servicemen secures an area as a massive blaze seen over the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov) (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov) https://www.foxnews.com/world/russia-investigating-explosions-concert-hall-terror-attack
  15. Your activity is very good and see u in Staff Welcome !


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