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X A V I ™

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Everything posted by X A V I ™

  1. Hello @GL HERO SHIMA We all want the opportunity, but I will help, your activity is good and keep going
  2. Music title: Shakira's Global Dominance Signer: N\A Release date: 21‏/03‏/2024 Official YouTube link:
  3. Nick movie:The Lady Forgets (1989) Time: 93min Netflix / Amazon / HBO: Netflix Duratio
  4. Nickname: XAVI Video author: Join & Clash,Tom Gold Run, Name of the game: Spiderman Link video:
  5. Aunque ya están establecidos en el mercado los SSD PCIe 5.0, estas unidades aún son muy escasas, las placas base compatibles aún están contadas, y además son extremadamente caros. En cambio, los SSD PCIe 4.0 llevan ya unos años entre nosotros, prácticamente cualquier placa base moderna los soporta, han mejorado mucho en temperatura y durabilidad, son capaces de ofrecernos velocidades muy altas y, al mismo tiempo, cada vez son más baratos. Por ello, hoy os traemos el análisis de uno de los últimos modelos que acaba de llegar al mercado: el KIOXIA EXCERIA PLUS G3. Los SSD PCIe 4 han evolucionado mucho desde sus primeros modelos lanzados en 2019. A parte de ser ahora mucho más baratos, incluso en sus modalidades de 2 TB, también se ha optimizado mucho la eficiencia de energía, lo que ha permitido prescindir de los grandes disipadores que acompañaban a estas unidades. Hoy os vamos a enseñar cómo rinde este nuevo SSD NVMe de KIOXIA pensado, sobre todo, para jugadores y editores de vídeo. KIOXIA EXCERIA PLUS G3: especificaciones técnicas KIOXIA Exceria Plus G3 Factor de forma M.2 2280 Interfaz PCIe 4.0 x4 NVMe 1.4 DRAM No Capacidades 1 y 2 TB Controladora Phison PS5021 Tipo de NAND BiCS FLASH TLC Soporte S.M.A.R.T. TRIM NCQ DevSleep Garbage Collection Algoritmo ECC LDPC Cifrado N/A Lectura secuencial Hasta 5.000 MB/s Escritura secuencial Hasta 3.900 MB/s Lectura aleatoria 1 TB: 770K IOPS 2 TB: 680K IOPS Escritura aleatoria 950K IOPS Durabilidad 1 TB: 600 TBW 2 TB: 1.200 TBW Consumo 1 TB: 4,9W 2 TB: 5,3W Temperatura de funcionamiento 0 - 85 ºC Dimensiones 80,15 x 22,15 x 2,63 mm Peso 7,4 gramos Garantía 5 años KIOXIA ha fabricado este SSD utilizando memorias BiCS FLASH TLC, un tipo de memorias 3D patentadas de muy alto rendimiento apilada verticalmente que permite no solo aumentar la densidad, sino también reducir el tamaño de los chips. Estas memorias utilizan la tecnología NVMe 1.4, que, junto al estándar PCIe Gen4 x4 nos va a brindar unas velocidades de lectura y escritura muy elevadas. Esta unidad podemos encontrarla tanto en 1 TB de capacidad como en 2 TB de capacidad (nosotros vamos a analizar la unidad de 2 TB). Este SSD nos ofrece una velocidad máxima de lectura de 5.000 MB/s y 680.000 IOPS, y de escritura de 3.900 MB/s y 950.000 IOPS. Además, nos brinda una durabilidad garantizada TBW de 1.200 terabytes y una esperanza de vida de 1.5 millones de horas. Un dato curioso de este SSD es que se ha establecido su rango de temperaturas de funcionamiento que se sale del estándar. Lo normal en un SSD es que su rango de temperatura en funcionamiento vaya desde los 0ºC hasta los 70ºC, pero en este caso KIOXIA ha dispuesto que puede funcionar a plenas facultades (entendemos que sin Thermal Throttling) hasta los 85ºC. El SSD tiene el formato estándar M.2 2280, con unas dimensiones de 80.15 x 22.15 x 2.63 mm y un peso de 7.4 gramos. Por ello, es ideal para cualquier PC, portátil e incluso para las consolas PS5. Unboxing y análisis externo El KIOXIA EXCERIA PLUS G3 viene en una caja de cartón blando, con los colores negro y azul predominantes. En la parte superior de la caja podemos ver una foto de la unidad así como su velocidad y otras especificaciones técnicas. En la parte trasera encontramos información más detallada sobre el producto. https://hardzone.es/reviews/discos-duros/kioxia-exceria-plus-g3/
  6. El sector del software dedicado a los navegadores web es uno de los más importantes en estos instantes debido a su extendido uso. De hecho este tipo de programas son de los primeros que abrimos cuando ponemos en marcha nuestro ordenador o incluso el móvil. Microsoft Edge es una de las propuestas de este tipo más po[CENSORED]res en todo el mundo. No en vano se trata del software que encontramos de forma predeterminada cuando hacemos una instalación limpia del sistema operativo Windows en nuestros equipos. Poco a poco ha ido creciendo desde su lanzamiento hasta llegar a convertirse en la segunda propuesta más utilizada a nivel global. Precisamente por todo ello a continuación os vamos a hablar de una serie de novedades importantes que llegarán al programa a principios del próximo año 2024. Y es que Microsoft está trabajando en una importante actualización para Edge en la que incluye algunas interesantes funciones que os mencionaremos a continuación. Antes de nada os diremos que todo lo que os contaremos llegará al programa en la próxima versión 121 que se lanzará a principios del próximo año. Y es que uno de los principales objetivos del gigante del software es reducir de manera importante la penetración de mercado que aún le separa de Google Chrome, líder indiscutible del sector. Lo primero que merece la pena saber es que en 2024 Microsoft Edge ya dispondrá de soporte para el formato de fichero AV1. Básicamente esto quiere decir que el programa estará capacitado para la descodificación de contenidos AVIF de forma nativa. Aquí nos referimos a uno de los formatos de imagen considerados de próxima generación. La compatibilidad para estos formatos llegó hace tiempo a Google Chrome y Microsoft por fin lo incorpora a Edge. Hay que tener en cuenta que AVIF aprovecha mucho más la compresión que JPEG o WebP. Por tanto y teniendo en consideración que hablamos de un navegador donde cargamos múltiples webs repletas de imágenes, esta es una llegada importante. Otras funciones interesantes que llegarán pronto a Edge Por otro lado también merece la pena saber que en esta importante actualización también llegará la función que nos permite guardar fotogramas de vídeo de forma directa. Con esto lo que os queremos decir es que tendremos la oportunidad de acceder misma con tan solo hacer clic con el botón derecho derecho en cualquier vídeo. En ese instante aparecerá un menú contextual que nos permitirá, por un lado guardar ese fotograma al disco, o copiarlo al portapapeles del sistema. Como es podéis imaginar, la primera de las opciones de este tipo nos permite almacenar en el equipo el fotograma del vídeo seleccionado. Además tendremos la posibilidad de elegir el formato de archivo y la ubicación de disco que más nos interese. Por otro lado la opción de copiar fotograma simplemente lo guarda en el portapapeles para usarlo donde lo necesitemos. Otra de las funciones interesantes que nos vamos a encontrar nos ayudará a trabajar con los textos y enlaces desde el navegador. Esto nos dará la oportunidad de arrastrar cualquiera enlace hacia un lado para así abrirlo directamente en una nueva pestaña. https://www.softzone.es/noticias/programas/novedades-edge-2024-navegador/
  7. The telecom regulator TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) announced changes to its mobile number portability (MNP) rules last week. As per the latest amendment, if a SIM card has been swapped or replaced, the associated mobile number cannot be ported out to a different telecom operator for seven days. This is the ninth new amendment since the inception of MNP regulations. The new regulations aim to prevent and reduce SIM swap fraud in the country. The new rules will be applicable from July 1. The Indian telecom regulator released the Telecommunication Mobile Number Portability (Ninth Amendment) Regulations, 2024 last week. As per the new regulations, customers are not allowed to port their mobile number to a different telecom operator if they have swapped or replaced their SIM card in the last seven days. These regulations are aimed at curbing the practice of porting mobile numbers by way of fraudulent SIM swap or replacement by unscrupulous elements, said TRAI in a circular. It has also introduced an additional criterion for rejection of the request for allocation of a Unique Porting Code (UPC) that is essential for transferring a mobile number from one telecom operator to another. TRAI states that the UPC should not be allocated if the request for UPC has been made before the expiry of seven days from the date of the SIM swap or replacement of the mobile number. Users can switch their service provider without having to change their mobile number through the MNP facility. They can initiate the porting process by sending an SMS in the format PORT< ten-digit mobile number> to 1900. This will create a UPC and the user will get it through SMS. It can be used to place an MNP request. Is the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 the best foldable phone you can buy in India right now? We discuss the company's new clamshell-style foldable handset on the latest episode of Orbital, the Gadgets 360 podcast. Orbital is available on Spotify, Gaana, JioSaavn, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and wherever you get your podcasts. https://www.gadgets360.com/telecom/news/trai-mnp-regulations-mobile-number-porting-july-1-announcement-5261121#pfrom=relatedStories
  8. El combate se ha vuelto un elemento clave de grandes producciones del mundo del gaming, pero lamentablemente hay producciones de corte narrativo que muchas veces se van a lo estándar. Esto nos entrega juegos que se ven diferentes, pero se juegan de manera muy similar. Por esto, Unknown 9: Awakening me llamó la atención de inmediato en una demostración hands-off: resulta que aún es posible explorar ideas que se salgan un poco del molde. Pero antes, ¿qué es Unknown 9: Awakening? Se trata de un videojuego desarrollado por Reflector Entertainment que hace 4 años llamó la atención de espectadores de Opening Night Live de gamescom 2020 gracias a un increíble avance. En ese momento se mostró como un juego de acción situado en la India, pero en realidad es que es mucho más que eso. Recuerda seguirnos en MSN para estar al tanto de la mejor cobertura del mundo del gaming Tal vez ya lo sabes, pero Unknown 9: Awakening es más que solo un juego. De hecho, forma parte de una estrategia transmedia que quiere construir una franquicia con un lore profundo. Si bien Awakening se perfila para ser el punto de entrada para muchos, en realidad esta saga ya ha expandido su mundo por medio de novelas, cómics e incluso un podcast. Todo esto suena interesante pero, ¿de qué trata Unknown 9? El mundo de Unknown 9 sigue la historia de los Queastors, personas con acceso a The Fold, una dimensión paralela que les entrega poderes especiales. Estos sujetos están en búsqueda de los Unknown 9, un grupo de inmortales extremadamente poderosos y quienes tienen el conocimiento para acabar con la humanidad o destruirla. Como puedes imaginar, el poder y saber de los Queastors hace inevitable que se dividan en 2 grupos: uno que quiere aprovechar a los Unknown 9 para llevar a la sociedad a una nueva era y otro que prefieren usarlo para dominar a la humanidad para su propia ventaja. En este contexto hay varias historias de luchas entre Queastors e individuos que forman parte de ambos grupos. Uno de ellos será Unknown 9: Awakening, juego que seguirá la historia de Haroona (interpretada por Anya Chalotra), una Quaestor con una conexión única con The Fold, y quien emprende un viaje para cobrar venganza por la muerte de su maestro a manos de Vincent Lichter, un ex discípulo con oscuras intenciones. Esa es la historia que conoceremos al jugar Unknown 9 Awakening, pero, ¿qué tal se juega? Ya que el previo fue un acercamiento hand-off no pudimos probarlo; sin embargo, sí lo vimos en acción y nos dimos una buena idea de cómo será. A simple vista se ve como otro juego de corte cinematográfico con cámara desde el hombro. Ya sabes; algo como God of War o A Plague Tale: juegos lineales divididos en zonas de exploración y combates. Es en ese último aspecto donde Unknown 9: Awakening destaca ya que busca ofrecer algo diferente. Aunque Haroona es capaz de pelear cuerpo a cuerpo, su verdadera fuerza se encuentra en sus habilidades Umbric. Estas le permiten utilizar poderes especiales para empujar, jalar, destruir y hasta curar. También puede desplegar un escudo mágico para rechazar disparos y hasta esquivar los ataques enemigos. Hasta ahí suena muy estándar, ¿no? Y es que lo es; sin embargo, hay una habilidad de Haroona que tiene el potencial de hacer que el bucle de juego se sienta completamente diferente. Se trata de Stepping, un poder con el que puede tomar control de los enemigos para provocarles daño masivo. Por ejemplo, imaginemos que Haroona está en una zona con 4 enemigos y quiere pasar desapercibida. Para hacerlo aprovecha su poder para primero controlar al que tiene un rifle y hacer que le dispare a un compañero; inmediatamente después posiciona a otro cerca de unos explosivos y al final hace que el que carga una antorcha use el fuego para provocar una cantidad inmensa de destrucción. En la secuencia también la vimos tomar control de un enemigo grande y musculoso para obligarlo a golpear un generador y así quedar vulnerable. Con esto Haroona puede parecer una heroína demasiado poderosa, pero hay un balance: estas habilidades no se pueden usar siempre y se recargan de diferentes formas. Así pues, el juego te obligará a variar tus planes ofensivos e incluso variar entre un enfoque sigiloso y uno meramente ofensivo. Todo esto, sumado a la forma en la que funciona la habilidad Stepping, nos entrega un juego de acción en el que prestar atención a tus alrededores y diseñar una estrategia con lo que ves resulta crucial. A esto se suma la progresión en árbol de habilidades que te permitirá personalizar a Haroona para que destaque en las habilidades que más te gusten. Por lo que pudimos ver, Unknown 9: Awakening será una propuesta interesante y vale la pena seguirle la pista. No sólo por su lore profundo, sino por un sistema de juego que puede ser una bocanada de aire fresco. Seguiremos al pendiente para traerte las novedades de este nuevo lanzamiento de Reflector y Bandai Namco. Unknown 9: Awakening está en camino a PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One y PC. Se espera que este lanzamiento se estrene en algún punto del verano de 2024. Sigue este enlace para ver más noticias relacionadas con él. https://www.levelup.com/articulos/778153/Unknown-9-Awakening-sigilo-y-control-para-crear-un-combate-fresco
  9. MLB RIVALS first update of 2024 promises new modes and more With Rival Series mode you can play even closer to the real MLB There's also additional log-in rewards and a new event debuting March 29th MLB RIVALS, Com2uS' licenced take on Major League Baseball, is getting a massive new update to kick off its latest season. Fittingly, this update debuts a new mode called Rival Series that challenges you to only make use of the Live Cards of active players and their cards from previous seasons during a total of 162 games. Meanwhile, a new Rival Pick feature allows you to grant special effects to player cards, boosting stats, potential and deck score. Finally, in celebration of the 2024 MLB season, you can acquire a Player Selective Live Pack that lets you scout your preferred Live Card as a log-in reward. Add onto that additional rewards and more for the Season Opening Special Scout Event (set to begin March 29th) and 2024 is starting off with a bang for MLB RIVALS. As far as complexity and impenetrability go, I think even the most complex RPG or gacha game quivers in its boots when faced by MLB games. Suppose you can figure out what any of the above we described means. In that case, you'll probably be equally as excited as MLB RIVALS' hordes of fans have been with this game, which has topped the charts on Google Play and accrued huge player bases in the United States, Japan and Korea, amongst others. And given the comprehensiveness of this update, we can only expect big things from MLB RIVALS this year. You can check out the full community page for all the nitty-gritty details on this massive update. Not a fan of Major League baseball? No problem! Why not take a look at our list of the top 25 sports games on Android to see if there's something there that does tickle your fancy? Or maybe https://www.pocketgamer.com/mlb-9-innings-rivals/kicks-off-new-season-with-massive-update/eFootball, Konami's pro-football simulator, and its crossover with the hit anime series Blue Lock will draw you in?
  10. Four months after Israeli troops first stormed Gaza's biggest hospital, al-Shifa, claiming it was a cover for a Hamas command and control centre, they have returned. The Israeli military said it had "concrete intelligence" that Hamas operatives had regrouped there. Palestinians have told the BBC of their fears at being trapped in fierce battles. While this week's raid again highlights a desperate humanitarian situation, it is also a strong reminder that Hamas is far from a spent force. Some analysts suggest it shows the desperate need for a comprehensive strategy to deal with the Islamist armed group and a clear plan on the post-war governance of Gaza. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) now claim to have killed "over 140 terrorists" in ongoing fighting at al-Shifa and to have made some 600 arrests, including dozens of top Hamas commanders as well as some from Islamic Jihad. Two Israeli soldiers have also been killed. Israeli reports suggest that in recent weeks the army found that senior Hamas figures had resumed operations at al-Shifa and that some even took their families to the hospital. The IDF says it uncovered arms caches and a large quantity of cash at the site. Hamas has denied that its fighters were based there and claims that those killed were wounded patients and displaced people. Israeli forces raid Gaza's al-Shifa hospital Palestinian witnesses have told the BBC that gunfire and Israeli air strikes have been endangering patients, medics and hundreds of people still sheltering in the grounds. A local journalist has shared footage of smoke billowing from the complex. In another unverified video, shared on social media, dozens of women can be seen hunkering down in a building with their children. One says: "They took our men to an unknown place and now they're asking women and children to leave. We don't know where we'll go". In the background, an IDF officer says over loudspeaker: "Do not leave the buildings without instructions. We seek to evacuate civilians without harm, as we did in other hospitals in the past." Since Wednesday evening, communications have been severely restricted, making it hard to contact medics and others at the scene. Back in November, there were accusations of possible violations of international law as Israeli tanks closed in on al-Shifa, in the heart of Gaza City. Premature babies were among those who died as conditions deteriorated in the besieged hospital. The IDF released surveillance camera footage which showed two hostages snatched from Israel being taken into the hospital. After an extensive search, Israeli troops blew up a large tunnel with rooms which ran under the site and later withdrew. The Israeli army went on to suggest that Hamas's regional brigades and battalions in the north of the Gaza Strip had been disbanded. But soon reports emerged that small cells were regrouping. While Hamas has undoubtedly been severely weakened by the war, there have since been signs that it has been trying to restore its governing capability, including through policing and with some possible involvement in aid distribution. Washington has indicated that Israel's renewed military action at al-Shifa Hospital illustrates its worry that its close ally does not have an adequate strategy to dismantle the organisation. "Israel cleared Shifa once. Hamas came back into Shifa, which raises questions about how to ensure a sustainable campaign against Hamas so that it cannot regenerate, cannot retake territory," the US National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, said this https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68629540
  11. 15 December 1982 was wet and windy at Wembley. It was also stormy for Luxembourg's footballers as they suffered another hammering. This time it was England recording their record European Championship qualifying victory as striker Luther Blissett claimed a hat-trick in a 9-0 mauling. The life of a Luxembourg international player had been much the same for the years before and those immediately after. Mainly part-time they lurched from one heavy defeat to another. The Grand Duchy holds the record for the most World Cup and European campaigns without qualifying. Up until 2008, 104 World Cup matches had garnered just eight points. But things are changing - as they sit just two games away from their first ever major tournament. Luxembourg visit Georgia in the opening Euro 2024 play-off on Thursday before a potential final against either Kazakhstan or Greece for the right to reach the finals in Germany. "We weren't necessarily expecting a direct qualification, but you can always dream," said Luxembourg Football Federation president Paul Philipp. "We mustn't lose sight of the fact we are a very small country and are never going to become European champions. The fact we are playing at such a high level is quite extraordinary. "We're certainly not favourites in these matches. But in football a lot is possible." Philipp earned 54 caps for Luxembourg before going on to coach the national senior side for 15 years and admits the time he spent playing and coaching was difficult. The country has a po[CENSORED]tion of 660,000, just 100,000 more than Manchester, leaving the search for talent tough. "At the time we had few or no professional players," he revealed. "That was a big disadvantage. Then in 2001 we created our national football academy, I believe this was the beginning or our success." The squad Philipp and his head coach, Luc Holtz, have built is now spread across Europe with players featuring for top level clubs in Germany, the Netherlands and Italy. It is all a far cry from Philipp's time playing and coaching. "The key to our success has been establishing the football academy where young players aged 12-19 train almost every day of the week with one international friendly a week," said Philipp. "At the weekends they return to their clubs and play league matches. "More than 20 years later, thanks to our academy, we have around 20 professionals playing abroad." Holtz was appointed national coach in 2010 having made 55 international appearances himself in a playing career spent exclusively in Luxembourg. He is now international football's longest serving manager. "We had to change a lot when I took over, especially the mentality of the players," said Holtz. "We are no longer anxious but play with courage. In the past everything was based on defence but nowadays we are more focused on ball possession and pressing high." Two wins over Bosnia-Herzogovina were Luxembourg's eye-catching results from their Euro 2024 qualifying campaign. There was also a win and a draw against Iceland, and a draw with Slovakia as they finished third in Group J. Iceland themselves have shown the way to success for Europe's smaller nations by reaching both a European Championship and World Cup in recent years. Their po[CENSORED]tion is just over half that of Luxembourg and Holtz has taken heart from their example. "It's difficult to compare two different countries but Iceland has shown what is possible for a small country whether in football or handball," he added. "It's an example to follow in that it's not the size of the country that makes the difference, it's the mentality." There have been draws with France and Italy, and a win in Switzerland during Holtz's tenure, which all pointed towards their improvement and Luxembourg have also been helped by a large Portuguese community from which they have been able to recruit. Defender Miguel Goncalves, midfielder Leandro Barriero and all-time leading scorer, Gerson Rodgrigues hail from that background. "Luxembourg is a country with high immigration, 49% of our po[CENSORED]tion are foreigners, so we have other players with different backgrounds." Holtz said. He will take his side to Tblisi having already made history by getting Luxembourg to the brink of a major finals, which all seems a far cry from when he took over in 2010. "At the time I didn't necessarily think qualifying for a championships was possible," Holtz admitted. "Our aim was to develop and progress, everything else comes later. "I think the pressure is greater for Georgia, they are at home and are the favourites so I am not even thinking about what it might feel like to actually qualify. "You have to take one step after the other and not burn the steps." Whatever the outcome, Luxembourg supporters will look forward to more progress under Holtz after he signed a new two-year contract in December last year. "The side we have is very young and can play together for many more years," he said. "I believe we have not yet reached our maximum potential." https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/68596735
  12. A three-year-old blind dog has received "not one application" for a new home despite a video of him reaching nearly 70,000 views. Benedict, who is described as "happy and loving", had to have his eyes removed after he caught an infection. Currently with a foster family, he will have to return to Immingham Dogs Home on 25 March if he does not find a new home. Kelly Magee, founder of the dog centre, said people are "scared of the unknown" but assured people his blindness has not held him back. Benedict, who is fully vaccinated, microchipped and neutered, first arrived at Immingham Dogs Home in November 2023 after coming from another rescue. His time with the foster family is coming to an end due it it no longer being suitable, with their own dog being sent across from abroad. Quirks of his blindness including following people's voices or a bell on his walks. The kennels in North Lincolnshire currently has 36 dogs with 16 on a waiting list. Immingham Dogs Home said it was "praying" he did not have to come back to kennels. 'He deserves a home' Kelly Magee said: "I think people are scared of the unknown. We don't see many dogs with their eyes removed. "It is very sad because he deserves a home, he has done so well with adapting. "You can't meet him and not fall in love with him." Benedict has not met any cats and would prefer children over 12 years old as he would need a quieter home. Due to work put in by his foster family to socialise him with other dogs, he could live with another calm female dog. Follow BBC East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram. Send your story ideas to eastyorkslincs.news@bbc.co.uk https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c13dv0lj6lpo
  13. Britain's Queen Camilla recently joked that her grandson Louis was "quite a handful" during her latest visit to the Isle of Man. But she was referring to….Britain's Queen Camilla, during her latest visit to the Isle of Man on Wednesday, joked that her grandson Louis was "quite a handful" as she addressed the crowd on the behalf of King Charles.On her way out of Douglas Borough Council, the 76-year-old Queen stopped to meet with well-wishers, including Rachael Hughes and her 15-week-old twins, Louie and Oliver. She arrived at the Isle of Man to confer city status on the Borough of Douglas and handed the letters patent to make it legal. "I have a Louis grandson... quite a handful," said the Queen, who was seen all laughing and smiling while meeting her well-wishers, reported Sky News. Several media outlets reported that she made the remarks about the 5-year-old son Prince Louis, who is the youngest child of Prince William and Kate. Prince Louis garnered all media attention in 2022 after being caught making goofy faces and dramatically shielding his ears near Queen Elizabeth during her Platinum Jubilee celebrations. https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/queen-camilla-quips-her-grandson-louis-is-quite-a-handful-but-palace-clarifies-she-didnt-mean-kate-middletons-son-101711047805404.html
  14. This is the BMW Vision Neue Klasse X, a thinly disguised teaser for the next-gen iX3, due to go on sale in the back half of 2025. It follows last year’s well-received – and restrained – saloon proposal, and deepens BMW’s radical new over-arching philosophy. “The Neue Klasse is much more than just a car or a specific concept,” BMW's chairman Oliver Zipse says. “It is redefining the BMW brand – and, at the same time, will be more BMW than ever.” Interesting choice of words. During a recent preview, TopGear.com got up close and personal with the Vision X and can confirm that it’s confident, robust and very cleanly surfaced. Forget the recent adventures in polarisation, the shock value here is that the Vision X looks a lot like a BMW – a wholly modern one, designed from the ground up to be electric. It’s notably cab-backward in stance, relies on sculptural qualities rather than graphics for impact, and has an impressively low beltline. The Neue Klasse, of course, is the ‘umbrella’ term for BMW’s next generation of electric cars. It takes its name from the 1962 saloon that helped turn the company’s fortunes round after some difficult years. The new Neue Klasse family is said to represent the single biggest investment BMW has ever made, a multi-billion euro bet on a new future. Invoking the past in this way is telling in itself, and BMW’s fanatical fan-base will be pleased to know that their eyes don’t deceive them: there is a definite 02 series vibe to the Vision X’s front end, and shades of 3.0 CSL and E30 in its glasshouse and overall form language. The wheelbase is long, the front and rear overhangs nicely abbreviated. “We wanted to define the true-to-the-bone heritage of BMW,” head of i Design Kai Langer tells us, “and the Vision X is our pure essence. Try to remove a line from this car and you just won’t be able to. And look at the dash-to-axle ratio… it’s really short. The Vision X is clearly a BMW, even though it has completely different proportions.” https://www.topgear.com/car-news/concept/bmws-vision-neue-klasse-x-concept-channels-30-csl-and-e30-vibes-teases-next-gen
  15. US Speaker of the House Mike Johnson will invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress. Mr Johnson, who leads the Republican-controlled House, told CNBC they are "trying to work out schedules". The news comes as the relationship between Israeli leaders and leading US Democrats has grown tense. Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer has called for Israeli voters to replace Mr Netanyahu, who he has deemed a barrier to peace talks in Gaza. "I would love to have him come in and address a joint session of Congress," Mr Johnson told the network on Thursday. "We'll certainly extend that invitation." He added that he had personally been invited to address Israeli lawmakers in the Knesset, calling it a "great honour". Mr Schumer, who is Jewish and a supporter of Israel, delivered a 40-minute speech on the Senate floor last week calling for Israel to hold new elections to replace Mr Netanyahu. He criticised Mr Netanyahu and his conservative government for his handling of the war in Gaza, saying he "has lost his way" and argued that he stands in the way of peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Mr Johnson on Thursday criticised him for those remarks. "To suggest to our strongest ally in the Middle East, the only stable democracy, that he knows better how to run their democracy is just patently absurd," he said. In response to Mr Johnson, Mr Schumer's office released a statement saying he did not object to an address by Mr Netanyahu. "Israel has no stronger ally than the United States and our relationship transcends any one president or any one prime minister," Mr Schumer said. "I will always welcome the opportunity for the prime minister of Israel to speak to Congress in a bipartisan way." Mr Johnson's comments on the invitation come a day after Mr Netanyahu delivered remarks behind closed doors to Republicans in the Senate. Mr Schumer turned down a request from Mr Netanyahu to speak to Senate Democrats, saying any address should be done in a bipartisan fashion. Mr Netanyahu last spoke to the US Congress in 2015, when both chambers were controlled by Republicans. He used the opportunity to criticise then President Barack Obama, a Democrat, for pursuing a deal with US allies and Iran to curtail that https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68631499


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