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X A V I ™

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  1. Nickname: XAVI Video author: Toyota Land Cruiser Prado (547hp) | Offroading | Forza Horizon 4 | Logitech g29 gameplay Name of the game: Lamborghini Link video:
  2. Las primeras unidades SSD que llegaron al mercado, no ofrecían la misma durabilidad que los tradicionales HDD, por lo que, les costó convertirse en una alternativa real. Conforme fueron pasando los años, la tecnología fue evolucionando y en la actualidad este tipo de almacenamiento no tiene nada que enviar a los discos duros tradiciones, y, al igual que estos, se desgastan con un uso continuado en el tiempo. Si queremos conocer cuál es el rendimiento de nuestro SSD para comprobar tanto su estado como la velocidad a la que trabaja, en Internet podemos encontrar un gran número de aplicaciones para conocer esta información y saber, en todo momento, si va siendo hora de pensar en renovar nuestro SSD o si todavía podemos alargar su vida útil un poco más. No es recomendable alargar su vida útil más allá de lo recomendado ya que, a diferencia de los discos duros, un SSD cuando deja de funcionar, es prácticamente imposible recuperar la información. Cómo medir el rendimiento de un SSD Si quieres conocer cuáles son las mejores herramientas para conocer el estado de un SSD, a continuación, os mostramos las mejores opciones gratuitas. CrystalDiskMark. Comenzamos este recopilatorio de los mejores programas gratuitos para medir el rendimiento de un SSD con CrystalDiskMark, una aplicación gratuita traducida al español y que nos permite conocer la velocidad de lectura y escritura de cualquier unidad SSD conectada al equipo. Su funcionamiento es muy sencillo ya que tan solo debemos pulsar sobre el botón All para que realizar las pruebas de lectura y escritura para ofrecer sus resultados. Podemos modificar el tamaño del archivo que se utilizará, aunque con la configuración predeterminada es más que suficiente. Para descargar CrystalDiskMark este enlace. HD Tune. Cuando hablamos de HD Tune, estamos hablando de una aplicación que nos ofrece toda la información que podemos necesitar acerca de nuestro SSD, tanto la velocidad de lectura y escritura como el número de horas que lo hemos utilizado y la vida útil que le queda. Además, también nos permite analizar la unidad en busca de errores para solucionarlo, borrar archivos de forma totalmente segura y mucho más. La versión gratuita de HD Tune es más que suficiente para conocer el rendimiento de nuestro PC y podemos descargar desde su página web. SSD Life. Si nuestros conocimientos informáticos son bajos o prácticamente nulos y apenas entendemos que significa la información que recopilan las aplicaciones que hemos mostrado sobre estas líneas, la aplicación que buscamos en SSD Life. SSD Life, es una sencilla aplicación que nos permite conocer tanto la salud de nuestro SSD como la duración prevista en base al uso que le demos. La versión gratuita de esta aplicación es más que suficiente para conocer esta información y la podemos descargar desde su página web. Anvil’s Storage Benchmark. Una interesante opción que también tenemos a nuestra disposición para comprobar la velocidad de lectura de nuestra unidad SSD la encontramos Avil’s Storage Utilities, una aplicación que también nos permite analizar el funcionamiento de discos duros mecánicos. La información que muestra es prácticamente la misma que cualquier otra, pero la representa de una forma mucho más sencilla y, además, nos muestra información sobre la esperanza vida de la unidad en base a su rendimiento. La aplicación lleva unos cuantos años sin actualizarse, sin embargo, no es un impedimento para que funcione sin ningún tipo de problemas en Windows 11. Se trata de una aplicación portable, por lo que no es necesaria instalarla y la podemos descargar desde aquí. Hard Disk Sentinel. Si buscamos un guardián para conocer el estado y rendimiento de nuestro SSD, Hard Disk Sentinel es una de las más completas el mercado, una aplicación completamente gratuita, que se actualiza periódicamente y que, además de está disponible Windows, también la podemos utilizar en Linux. Esta aplicación analiza el estado de nuestro SSD para mostrar su nivel de salud. Podemos mantenerla abierta en segundo plano para que analice en tiempo real el funcionamiento de nuestra unidad SSD y que repare cualquier problema que pueda detectar. La descargar de Hard Disk Sentinel está disponible desde aquí. Aida64. El famoso software Aida64, sucesor del Everest, también incorpora un benchmark para las unidades de almacenamiento mediante la que podremos medir el rendimiento del SSD, si bien es cierto que tan solo mide la velocidad de lectura en diferentes escenarios. AD SSD. De forma similar a CrystalDisk Mark, este benchmark para el SSD medirá el rendimiento de lectura y escritura de la unidad con diferentes tamaños de archivo, pero a diferencia del primero le asignará una puntuación arbitraria. Además, esta aplicación cuenta con varios benchmarks internos como velocidad de copia de archivos o velocidad a la hora de manejar archivos no comprimibles. https://hardzone.es/noticias/componentes/herramientas-gratuitas-medir-rendimiento-ssd/
  3. Es bastante probable que la mayoría de vosotros dispongáis de una cuenta personal en la tienda de juegos para PC, Steam. Aquí vais acumulando toda vuestra biblioteca que en ocasiones está compuesta por miles de títulos. Hablamos de una plataforma de juegos que hace las veces de tienda y que lleva muchos años entre nosotros convirtiéndose en el líder del sector actual. De hecho buena parte de los desarrolladores de juegos exponen sus proyectos aquí para que los potenciales clientes puedan hacerse con ellos. Incluso los desarrolladores novatos ponen a disposición de todo el mundo sus juegos para hacerse un sitio en este complicado mercado. Aquí nos podemos encontrar con algunos de estos juegos que se han vendido por decenas de millones de copias, y otros que no han tenido el éxito esperado. Hay que tener en cuenta que la empresa responsable de la tienda Valve, no para de mejorar sus clientes y aplicaciones oficiales con nuevas funciones cada vez más avanzadas. Así, además de comprar juegos como tal, podremos organizarlos y gestionarlos de la mejor manera, adquirir elementos adicionales, o interactuar con jugadores de todo el mundo. Pero en estas líneas nos vamos a centrar en la biblioteca de juegos que con el paso de los meses y los años hemos ido acumulando. Esto nos da la oportunidad de instalar cualquiera de ellos en el momento que nos interese ejecutarlo para así pasar horas y horas de entretenimiento. Con todo y con ello es muy posible que aquellos que tengáis una buena cantidad de títulos aquí guardados y comprados, tengáis cierta curiosidad acerca de los inicios de vuestra cuenta. Así ves el primer juego que compraste en Steam Seguro que hace años cuando os disteis de alta en Steam, no imaginabais la enorme cantidad de compras que ibais a realizar aquí y todo el tiempo que vais a pasar con estos juegos. Es posible que, aunque solo sea por curiosidad, queráis saber cuál fue el primero, o los primeros juegos que comprasteis en esta plataforma. Pues bien, llegados a este punto os diremos que hay una manera muy sencilla de obtener este dato. La propia tienda nos ofrece una funcionalidad integrada que nos permitirá viajar atrás en el tiempo para echar un vistazo al primer juego que adquirimos aquí. Con el fin de lograr este objetivo que os comentamos, lo primero que hacemos es acceder a nuestra cuenta de Steam a través del cliente oficial. Una vez tenemos en pantalla la interfaz principal, en la esquina superior derecha pinchamos en la foto correspondiente a nuestro perfil de usuario. De entre las opciones que aparecen la que nos interesa en este caso es la que reza Detalles de la cuenta. A continuación y entre las muchas opciones y funciones que nos encontramos, en el panel derecho vemos una que precisamente no se indica Ver historial de compras, donde pinchamos. En ese momento en pantalla aparecerán los últimos títulos adquiridos en la tienda y no tenemos más que desplazarnos hacia abajo para retroceder en el tiempo. De esta manera y una vez lleguemos al final del listado, que en muchas ocasiones será bastante amplio, ya podremos ver el primero que adquirimos aquí. Al mismo tiempo nos encontramos con información adicional como la fecha de compra, el precio que pagamos o el método de pago. Como os podéis imaginar esta función que os hemos mencionado os será de ayuda no solamente con el último juego adquirido en esta tienda de Valve. Igualmente nos servirá para realizar determinadas consultas como por ejemplo cuántos juegos adquirimos en un determinado periodo de tiempo, o el dinero que nos gastamos en su momento en alguno de los títulos que forman parte de nuestra biblioteca. https://www.softzone.es/noticias/juegos/funcion-steam-primer-juego-compra/
  4. Samsung has officially unveiled its latest Galaxy A series marvels. The Galaxy A55 5G and A35 5G, mark a bold stride in making flagship features widely accessible. These smartphones redefine the industry's norms by democratizing flagship features at an affordable price. In addition, both models sport a cutting-edge design with a first-time metal frame in Galaxy A55 and a newly crafted key island in both models, enhancing the device's grip for a more effortless handling experience. Let's dive into their features: Design Details: The Galaxy A55 5G debuts a sleek metal frame with premium finish - the first time in A Series. Both the devices stand out with their glass back, adding to the device's look and feel. Users can choose from captivating soft-toned colour options – Lilac, Navy and Ice Blue for the Galaxy A35, and Navy and Ice Blue for the Galaxy A55 5G. Durability Features: In terms of durability, both the Galaxy A55 5G and A35 5G are equipped with Corning® Gorilla® Glass Victus+® in both front and back glass. Along with IP67 rating for water and dust protection, these features ensure enhanced protection against drops, scratches, and water damage, making the devices resilient to daily wear and tear. Cooling System: Both the Galaxy A55 5G and A35 5G come equipped with a 1.7 times larger vapor cooling chamber. It helps keep the phones from getting too hot, even during extended usage. This means you can do lots of things, like playing games or watching videos, without the phone slowing down or becoming uncomfortable to hold. Performance Specs: Both devices offer high-end performance with Exynos 1380 on Galaxy A35 5G, and Exynos 1480 on the Galaxy A555G. Galaxy A55 5G also debuts the first time in Galaxy A- a massive 12 GB RAM, giving consumers smooth performance across all tasks. Knox Vault: Now have unparalleled security and personal data protection with Samsung Knox Vault, which is an independent security chipset that keeps your personal data. This means that even if your phone gets attacked, your important information, like passwords, fingerprints, debit/credit card information, and personal documents- everything is kept safe. Other features like Private Share, lets you share files securely, where you can control who sees them and for how long. Secure Folder is a private, encrypted space on your phone where you can store apps, photos, and files that only you can access. Experience exclusive benefits with special offers when you purchase the Galaxy A55 5G or Galaxy A35 5G. Enjoy two months of complimentary YouTube Premium and a six-month subscription to Microsoft 365 basic, including 100GB of cloud storage. Now, with an attractive cashback of ₹3000, Buy Now Galaxy A55 5G, starting at ₹36,999, and Galaxy A35 5G, starting at ₹27,999. With convenient No-cost EMI options available, Buy Now Galaxy A55 5G starting at ₹1792 per month Galaxy A35 5G starting at ₹1723 per month Affiliate links may be automatically generated - see our ethics statement for details. https://www.gadgets360.com/mobiles/sponsored/galaxy-a55-5g-and-a35-5g-durability-clubbed-with-unparalleled-performance-matched-with-elegant-design-5290681#pfrom=relatedStories
  5. Legendary Pictures y Warner Bros. Pictures se aliaron con el equipo de Microsoft Flight Simulator para crear un paquete de contenido temático que celebra el estreno de Duna: parte dos (en cines desde el próximo 29 de febrero). La estrella en Dune Expansion es el ornitóptero de la casa Atreides, la icónica aeronave descrita por Frank Herbert en su épica de ciencia ficción de 1965, Duna, que ha sido inmortalizada por un sinfín de artistas; la más reciente corre por cuenta del equipo de Denis Villeneuve en la adaptación al cine protagonizada por Timothée Chalamet y Zendaya. Pero antes de continuar, ¿qué es un ornitóptero? Es un avión tri[CENSORED]do o una máquina voladora en la que los perfiles aerodinámicos —las alas— tienen un movimiento de aleteo, vaivén u oscilación, en lugar del movimiento giratorio utilizado en aviones y helicópteros. Por esta razón, de todas las naves que figuran en la literatura de ciencia ficción, el ornitóptero de Duna es singular; su diseño se aleja de las convenciones del género, lo cual le da sus aires extraterrestres, a pesar de que es un diseño que data de los días de Leonardo da Vinci. Dune Expansion en Microsoft Flight Simulator es un paquete de contenido gratuito que está disponible desde hace algunos días y ofrece retos que te ponen en el papel de un aprendiz de piloto en Arrakis, el planeta Duna. Naturalmente, la primera orden del día es familiarizarte con la aeronave para que te pongas al día con los controles y las acciones necesarias para despegar un ornitóptero desde cero. Es una probadita de la profundidad de los sistemas y la simulación; recordemos que MSF es uno de los simuladores más complejos que utiliza datos del mundo real e inteligencia artificial para recrear una experiencia de vuelo similar a la de la vida real. Visitar la cabina es emocionante, pues, como dijimos, el ornitóptero es una aeronave notable en la ciencia ficción que ha sido imaginada por muchísimos artistas. Además, debido a sus características de diseño, cada artista tiene una visión diferente. Por este motivo, ponerse frente al tablero de instrumentos, en parte, es como un sueño hecho realidad. Dentro del ornitóptero puedes encontrar botones que has visto en otras aeronaves dentro del simulador, como el paso de corriente de la batería, el interruptor del alternador y la electrónica de aviación, además de otros comandos como prender y apagar luces interiores, del tablero y de aterrizaje. Siguiendo la tradición de MSF, puedes presionar cada uno de los comandos en el tablero y esperar una respuesta en la mayoría de los casos. Sin embargo, los comandos sobresalientes son los que controlan las alas, elementos que dan nombre a la aeronave. No te mentimos, sentimos algo de emoción cuando comenzamos a escucharlas por primera vez; es una mezcla tan fascinante como compleja. La descripción original es la de un zumbido vibrante, similar al de un motor jet en baja potencia que se intensifica a medida que aumenta la velocidad. A esto se añade un ligero aullido producido por el roce del aire con las alas. Dentro de MSF el sonido es un poco diferente a lo descrito por Herbert, quizá por implicaciones imprevistas de acercar el diseño retratado por Villeneuve al reino de la realidad, pues el sonido resulta muy similar al de un helicóptero.Enseguida, tu travesía como piloto de Arrakis te enfrasca en actividades que emplean las funciones de la aeronave. Por ejemplo, los retos que probamos fueron diseñados para aprender maniobras, como la caída en picada y el freno aéreo. La caída en picada es una práctica en la que las alas se repliegan rápidamente para permitir que la nave caiga en picada. Cuando se combina esta jugada con los jets propulsores en el momento apropiado, imprime gran velocidad a la nave. Por su parte, el freno de mano detiene al ornitóptero en el aire para descender y aterrizar con seguridad, lo que demuestra la versatilidad de la nave que la convierte en un híbrido entre helicóptero y ala aérea. Dentro de los controles está la opción de fijar las alas en una posición neutral, para que el ornitóptero funcione como planeador.Las actividades cobran intensidad de manera gradual. Después de conocer los controles básicos, tienes oportunidad de volar a través de un sistema de cuevas que retarán tu pericia con la nave, porque es mucho más que planear y esquivar. Aquí, se pone muchísimo énfasis en aprender a utilizar el freno de mano para aterrizar suavemente y, posteriormente, activar el jet propulsor para despegar rápidamente, ya que toda la travesía está cronometrada. Obviamente, los más veloces estarán en la cima de una tabla de posiciones. Las actividades culminan con una misión de rescate épica: el ornitóptero de tu instructor se desploma en la fauces de una tormenta de arena. La misión: rescatarlo y escapar al refugio más cercano. Esta actividad requiere el dominio más profundo de la aeronave porque hay que aplicar todas las disciplinas para asegurar la supervivencia: despegue y aterrizaje; maniobrabilidad y eficiencia en el uso del combustible, así como pericia natural con los controles. Quedas advertido: el rescate en las dunas está reservado sólo para los expertos más audaces. https://www.levelup.com/articulos/777233/Un-sueno-hecho-realidad-volamos-el-ornitoptero-de-Duna-parte-2
  6. Rei Ayanami is coming to Tower of Fantasy on March 28th. She is a Frost-Volt simulacrum and the first fully qualified Evangelion pilot. Rei wields a specially crafted bow called Salvation. Publisher Level Infinite and game developer Hotta Studio have announced that Rei is the next Evangelion collab limited simulacrum to join Tower of Fantasy. Rei Ayanami will be available within the open-world MMORPG as of March 28th. Rei is an EVA-00 pilot who finds herself in Vera after travelling across time and space. A woman of mystery, Rei is considered aloof and has an eerie calm about her. She is a Frost-Volt simulacrum who wields Salvation, a special bow created by the Mirroria Department of Science and Technology specifically for her. Salvation uses energy arrows as ammunition. The first fully qualified pilot of Evangelion, Rei is known for following orders without hesitation despite any danger to her life. During the Angel invasion of Vera, Rei fought beside Shinji, Asuka, and the Vera citizens. Tower of Fantasy has unveiled a trailer showcasing Rei and Salvation in action. In the two-minute trailer, you’ll see Rei calmly take down multiple enemies with her energy arrows which simmer with electricity. Tower of Fantasy is a cross-platform MMORPG that takes place several centuries after the human race abandoned Earth and settled on planet Aida. The game features an anime-like sci-fi art style and thrilling combat. You’ll explore a vast world featuring futuristic buildings as you hone your personal fighting style. You will also wield impressive weapons and learn each character’s backstory as you journey across Aida. Whether you choose to go it alone or play with friends, you’ll enjoy the freedom of seamlessly switching weapons and gameplay styles on the go. Tower of Fantasy is available on the App Store, Google Play and Steam. To learn more about the game, be sure to check out the official website. You can also follow it on Facebook, YouTube and X (Twitter) or join Tower of Fantasy’s Discord community.
  7. Music title: Chicano Batman Signer: N\A Release date: 24‏/03‏/2024 Official YouTube link:
  8. Nick movie: DEFILE Time: 72min Netflix / Amazon / HBO: Netflix Duratio
  9. President Joe Biden delivered a raucous third State of the Union address, one that could be among the most important speeches he gives during his presidency as he turns toward reelection. His list of objectives was long: Tout his accomplishments in office, look ahead to a second-term agenda, allay concerns about his age and fitness and provide a contrast with Republicans, including his rival Donald Trump. The result was a fiery speech that bore little resemblance to his States of the Union past. Intent on displaying his energy and eager to engage with Republicans, Biden delivered a starkly political speech that his aides hope can ease Democratic jitters about his political prospects. Biden may not have uttered his predecessor’s name during his remarks, but there was little question that Trump was at the center of the State of the Union, making Thursday’s speech a particularly politically tinged yearly address. It was reflective of the extraordinary political moment Biden finds himself in, where the political norms of the past decades – ones Biden has openly pined for – have been largely swept aside. The president took multiple swipes at Trump; his prepared remarks referenced “my predecessor” 13 times as Biden seized the bully pulpit, one of the advantages of incumbency. In the very opening of his speech, he referred to “my predecessor” while lambasting the former president for his statement about encouraging Russia to invade NATO members who don’t meet defense spending targets. Shortly after, he went after election lies following the 2020 election as the “gravest threat to democracy” since the Civil War. By then, a pattern had emerged: on abortion, immigration, taxes and more, Biden repeatedly made the contrast with Trump, with Democrats in the audience backing him up with cheers. It was as clear a sign as any of how Biden views the upcoming general election campaign, with nothing less than the future of American democracy on the ballot. And even as he works to tout his own accomplishments, as important for Biden was warning what might happen should Trump return to office. State of the Union speeches are often staid affairs, with predictable lists of policies and proposals. That was not the case Thursday, as Biden frequently veered off script to ad-lib lines and parley with Republicans. The result was the most raucous State of the Union in years, with the House chamber brimming with election year frission. The casual jousts with Republicans – over their plans on taxes, Social Security and immigration – clearly lent the president energy as he was delivering his speech. Biden seemed to have built the moments into his speech after last year’s address, when his back-and-forth with Republicans in the crowd emerged as a standout moment. The moments allowed Biden to show he was willing to engage with Republicans, but also – in his view – take apart some of their arguments. When he was interrupted by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who was calling attention to the murder of nursing student Laken Riley by an undocumented immigrant, Biden responded directly by picking up one of the pins the Georgia Republican had been passing out reading “Say Her Name: Laken Riley” and using the term “illegal,” which isn’t how Democrats ordinarily describe immigrants. By now, questions over Biden’s age and fitness for office have become one of the principal backdrops to the presidential campaign. It’s one of the main reasons many Democrats say they would have preferred a different candidate. So it was unavoidable that Biden would face the issue during his State of the Union, whether he wanted to or not. Apart from the substance of his speech, how he spoke and how he looked while he was speaking were important factors in how Americans absorbed his message. The president came out fired up and gave an energetic speech that was a far cry from some of his more subdued efforts that have concerned supporters. He delivered much of the speech at high volume. Biden spent most of the last week fine-tuning and meticulously rehearsing his speech, both at the White House and at the presidential retreat Camp David. That appeared to pay off in his forceful delivery Thursday night. Aides acknowledged ahead of the speech it was a topic on voters’ minds and something the president was prepared to address, if not dwell on, in his speech. His argument on that front – that Trump is almost the same age, but with an antiquated and vengeful outlook – sought to defuse the issue and turn it around on his opponent. “When you get to be my age, certain things become clearer than ever,” Biden said in his speech, to some laughs. He went on: “The issue facing our nation isn’t how old we are, it’s how old our ideas are,” adding later we “can’t lead with ancient ideas.” The president makes a strong case for American leadership abroad Foreign policy typically takes a backseat during State of the Union speeches; the intended audience is Congress and the American people and their concerns are usually within US borders. But for reasons not entirely within his control, Biden is a foreign policy president at a moment of deep global tensions. The Russia-Ukraine war grinds on, with the future of American assistance in doubt. And Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza, prompted by the terror attacks of October 7, has generated a humanitarian crisis that is dividing Biden’s political coalition. So it was inevitable that foreign affairs would occupy a larger chunk of Biden’s time than in previous addresses, even if his aides acknowledge it’s not a topic that is always at the top of voters’ minds. It also led much of the early portion of his speech. Even before he entered the Capitol, it was evident from protests along his motorcade route at the widespread discontent over his handling of the Israel-Hamas war. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/07/politics/takeaways-joe-biden-state-of-the-union-address/index.html?iid=cnn_buildContentRecirc_end_recirc
  10. Matt Beard's Reds dominated possession in front of 9,457 supporters on Women's Football Weekend, but Everton had the best chance of the first half as Emma Bissell fired wide at the near post. The Toffees went even closer to an opener after the break as Katja Snoeijs struck the underside of the bar, before Justine Vanhaevermaet saw a goalbound volley tipped behind by Rachael Laws. Liverpool could have won it in the dying moments as Ceri Holland nearly scored a superb solo goal, but saw her close-range shot deflected wide. Sponsored Links Recommended byWhat is Outbrai The result means Liverpool leapfrog another arch-rival in United into fourth place, while Everton miss the chance to move up the table. Spurs got off to a dream start with England finding the net within two minutes of her return to the starting line-up. It was her 12th goal against Bristol City in her career, and the striker continued to cause problems after setting up a series of chances for forwards Celin Bizer and Jessica Naz, who could not find a goal to extend the lead. It did not always go Tottenham's way in the first half, after a difficult start from Bristol City. They did find openings, mainly from set-pieces. Abi Harrison had the best chance for them in the first half to add a second, collecting the ball after Sille Struck's audacious ball over her head and back into the danger area after the ball dropped from a corner. With space inside the box Harrison couldn't find the power and accuracy to trouble Rebecca Spencer in goal. Spurs continued to press after the break and Drew Spence fired wide, before substitute Yang Shuang hit the post from a corner. Despite some late pressure from Bristol City in stoppage time, the hosts could not find an equaliser, meaning they are still yet to win a point at home this season. Leicester 2-3 Brighton The game of the day so far was the thriller at the King Power Stadium. Side by side in table at the start of the day, Leicester had the chance to close in on Aston Villa ahead of their game against Arsenal, but it was Brighton who leapfrogged the Foxes into eighth place. Leicester started the game the stronger side, with Jutta Rantala having an early shot saved and last-ditch clearances from Brighton defenders Jorelyn Carabali and Li Mengwen preventing Leicester from taking an early lead. Inspired by Vicky Losada with some lovely touches and passes in the channels to get her side further forward, Brighton grew into the came and the tide shifted with Lize Kop having to make the saves for the remainder of the first half. In a similar patter to the first 45 minutes, Leicester started better in the second half, but this time they found the back of the net. Yuka Momiki showed her strength in midfield to shield the ball and send it out wide to Rantala, who needed no second invitation to rifle the ball into the roof of the net. https://www.skysports.com/football/everton-women-vs-liverpool-women/report/494408 Bristol City 0-1 TottenhamTottenham consolidated their spot in the top six as Bethany England's goal secured a 1-0 win away at bottom club Bristol City.
  11. A spaniel had to be rescued after spending a night down a 3m (10ft) hole in near-freezing temperatures. Benni became stuck after slipping through a 30cm (11in) gap in the ground. The hole was so small that cave rescuers had to use chisels and drills to reach him. But after a four-hour operation, Benni was successfully brought back to the surface - where he was said to be "ecstatic". South and Mid Wales Cave Rescue Team said that after a night underground, Benni faced further trouble - he desperately needed a bath. Rescuer Dan Thorne said: "Benni was cold and tired but when he got out he forgot all about that, he was ecstatic. "He wrapped up in a blanket, had some water and he was thoroughly happy." The alarm was raised on Friday evening and the recovery began at 05:00 GMT, when the cave rescue team were asked to go to Nant-y-moel, in Bridgend county, by firefighters. Mr Thorne said: "This is something we specialise in - people as well as animals. We never want to hear an animal in distress. "We discovered the hole was 30cm wide at the top and even our smallest caver couldn't get down. It was about 3m down. "We could hear Benni, but we were unable to get anywhere near. "So the next thing to do was to start removing bits of rock carefully, because you don't want to bury the animal." After chiselling and drilling their way down they eventually could see him. "We were able to just about see the tip of his nose," Mr Thorne said. Once out the team covered the hole with pallets in a bid to make it safe. Mr Thorne said: "It was a happy ending for Benni. The owners were incredibly happy to see him on the surface." https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-68646693
  12. Tourism over-saturation ahead of Easter rush is already prompting protests by some Barcelona residents and the drought may exacerbate the issue. Tourists arriving at Barcelona's airport or gazing at its iconic Sagrada Familia basilica will this Easter holiday be met with large signs in English that read: "Drought alert. During your stay, save water". As the impact of climate change intensifies across southern Europe, Spain's Mediterranean region of Catalonia, which includes Barcelona, is enduring its worst drought on record. Reservoir levels are only around 15% of their capacity, prompting curbs on water use by residents, visitors, agriculture and industry. Beach showers are shut and swimming pools cannot be filled with tap water, among other restrictions. Catalan officials have appealed for tourists to act responsibly, but are also adamant the drought should not put them off coming to the Spanish city and region most-visited by foreigners, where tourism accounts for 14.5% of the local economy. "The message from Catalonia's tourism agency and business department to campsites and hotels is one of calm: (People) can enjoy their holidays here as usual," said David Mascort, the regional government's environmental chief. Barcelona's hotel association warned in February the city could not afford to project an image abroad of hotels with empty pools. Hotels' lobbying prompted the authorities to relax a total ban on filling pools, allowing desalinated water to be used instead. "Tourists are not scared by the drought and are not aware of it (before arriving)," said the hotel association director Manel Casals. "If we are not careful the image of Barcelona will be impacted (by the drought restrictions) but we are not aware of any negative impact so far. Tourists are still coming." Tourists visiting Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi's Sagrada Familia confirmed they had known nothing of the water restrictions before seeing the billboards. "Of course, tourists can expend less water if they are aware of the situation," Finnish traveller Johan Saltin said. Barcelona's hotels have halved their water use since 2016, according to a recent hotel association study, though five-star hotels still using the most - 242 litres of water per day on average in 2022 - and all hotels represent 9% of the city's consumption. Current water restrictions order residents to use only 200 litres per day. Tourism over-saturation is already prompting protests by some Barcelona residents and the drought may exacerbate the issue. Holding signs that read "Let's close the faucet to tourism" and "Rivers and aquifers without water, hotels' pools full", environmental activists held a protest on Wednesday at Barcelona's tourism agency, demanding restrictions for the sector. "With the situation we are living, it is indecent that the concern is to (avoid) sending an image of alarm to tourists when the real problem we have is that our territory is drying up," said protester Josep Sabate. https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/travel/tourism-in-barcelona-unaffected-by-drought-restrictions-easter-holiday-visitors-can-enjoy-their-stay-101711262270226.html
  13. aserati and Aston Martin. Say what you like about the cars, but the brand names are to die for. They’re almost enough by themselves. Tell people you own a Maserati and they’re thinking Sixties St Tropez and cocktails on a shipping magnate’s yacht. For Aston just one word: Connery. Well, you hope that’s what they’re thinking. Residual retro cool is why you bought the car after all. And these marques do carry it off better than any other. They might be tourers at heart, but the essence of them is this: they’re cars to arrive in. Final yard cars. Name me anything that sweeps up to a kerb better than a grand tourer. Or departs from one. Because you’re not trying too hard, are you? Drive a grand tourer and you clearly have other interests. You want to get places with speed and style, but raffishly, not forcefully. You haven’t gone for the car that has your bum brailling the tarmac and an engine histrionically shoving you in the back. Here the engines lead, placed under long, athletic bonnets, they're there to be effortlessly charismatic. About that. V12s, you're hoping. But this is where the GT dream butts up against the stark reality of life in 2024. Most likely question you’ll be asked while driving one of these, “Is it hybrid?” People used to ask about fuel economy, now they query electric credentials. I don’t know which is worse, standing beside the DB12 and telling people there’s no e-assistance at all, or lounging against the Maserati and having to admit that you could have had an electric one, but chose to burn fossil fuels instead. This is the GranTurismo Trofeo. It uses the twin-turbo Nettuno 3.0-litre V6 as seen in the MC20 supercar, but with the histrionics toned down: 542bhp instead of 621. You want more speed? Should’ve had the 750bhp tri-motor Folgore, shouldn’t you? That way you could have had 0–62mph in 2.7secs bragging rights over the Aston as well. You may not be able to have a V12 in the DB12 (which upsets our sense of order) but 671bhp from a twin-turbo V8 is plenty. Both deliver on the GT promise of effortless progress. They whisk up to motorway speeds without apparent work, shuffling lightly and easily through gears, turbos whistling gently, revs calm, voices muted. Perhaps just as well, as the Maserati doesn’t sing a particularly pretty song. The old GranTurismo had an absolute Pavarotti of a V8 that sang through the revs, but had to work hard and was comparatively short. Now things are reversed. All things considered I think I prefer the way things were before. It had more charisma. Aston Martin, as it does in the DBX and Vantage, borrows its V8 from Mercedes. No problem with that, it’s just about the best there is. I was sceptical whether the DB12 needed this much power, but what it means is you always have more in reserve. Always. You don’t need it, and at low speeds you can’t have it, because that much power easily overcomes the grip of a pair of 325-width Michelins. But once up and running the Aston is deeply, forcefully fast. From 60–130mph it’s a second quicker than a Ferrari Purosangue, almost two ahead of its rival here. Quicker than either an Audi R8 V10 Plus or Taycan Turbo S. Supercar speed. The GranTurismo is four-wheel drive. It’s smooth until you get to tight corners where it tries its best to be rear drive, realises it needs the fronts to help out and then overdoes the shift forward a little. But in everyday use it’s helpful. The engine is less stifled, you can be more carefree coming off roundabouts. It’s plenty fast enough, but the performance feels that bit lighter weight, less muscular than the Aston’s. The same is true of the whole car. It’s taller, with a deeper glass area, it’s less bespoke and special inside but also significantly larger. It’s more GT, less sports car. Four adults will fit more easily here than in any other luxury tourer bar the Conti GT, the hatchback sized boot will swallow their gear with ease. Eager kids will slot briefly into the back of the DB12, but emerge wincing. As will you when you inevitably bang your head on the intrusive bootlid while stooping to retrieve their bags. As a car to walk out to and jump in, the GranTurismo is less intimidating, the view out is more open, the controls sit lower around you, the ambience less oppressive. The red in here is beyond startling, and you’ll need to get to grips with screens – everything is buried in them, even the headlight controls. This is blindingly obvious, but there’s no tactility to touchscreens, less sense you’re interacting with the car. The Aston experience is more personal partly because you have physical buttons – mainly for the dynamic controls, but also to disable lane keep and so on. These are all mounted on the high plinth between driver and passenger and although it sounds daft because they’re still just electric shortcuts to operations in the same way a screen is, they do enhance your sense of connection with the car. You’re less screen dependent here. Just as well as the graphics and icons are quite small. https://www.topgear.com/car-news/big-reads/aston-martin-db12-vs-maserati-granturismo-trofeo-big-super-gt-test
  14. Every Democratic lawmaker in the Senate voted against an amendment that would bar taxpayer funds from being used to fly illegal aliens to U.S. towns and cities, according to the Republican senator behind the amendment. "Tonight every single Senate Democrat voted against my amendment that would stop Biden Admin from using taxpayer dollars to charter flights for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from their countries directly to American towns to be resettled," Republican Tennessee Sen. Bill Hagerty tweeted early Saturday morning. "Indefensible," he added. Hagerty announced earlier last week that he was set to file an amendment to the appropriations bill that would "prohibit federal funds from being used to secretly fly illegal aliens from other nations directly into states across the country," according to his office’s press release. The amendment was in response to recent news stories reporting the Biden administration flew an estimated 320,000 illegal immigrants from their home nations to the U.S. in 2023. "Let me cut through the procedural language here. I’m bringing forward a vote on a very simple question: Do you support American taxpayer dollars being used to fly illegal aliens into the United States from places like Venezuela and Haiti, into America to be settled in towns and cities near you? If so, then vote against me. Vote ‘no’ to preserve the practice of using taxpayer dollars to charter planes that move and import thousands of illegal aliens into your states," Hagerty said Friday on the floor of the Senate. Lawmakers voted the measure down, 51-47. All Democrats voted against the amendment, but no Republicans did. The amendment was included in the Senate’s late-night vote Friday to avoid a government shutdown. The House passed the $1.2 trillion government funding bill earlier Friday, before making its way to the Senate, where lawmakers were in a standoff on whether to vote on amendments to the bill. "Let me explain what’s happening right now," Hagerty said on X ahead of the vote on the bill and his amendment. "Democrat Senators are afraid to take a position on Biden’s failed policies by voting on amendments to the appropriations bill. They’d rather shut down the government than take a position on President Biden’s failures." BORDER PATROL UNION BOSS SAYS BIDEN ‘SLAPPED EVERY AMERICAN IN THE FACE’ DURING STATE OF THE UNION The Senate ultimately cleared the spending bill after the midnight deadline to avert a government shutdown, following votes on a handful of Republican-backed amendments and proposals. The Senate voted 74-24 to fund the government through September, sending the bill to President Biden’s desk, which he signed Saturday. None of the Republican-backed amendments passed. If any amendments had passed, the bill would have returned to the House, which just began a two-week recess, for review. Hagerty’s tweet detailing how each Democrat voted against his amendment has racked up more than 30 million views as of Sunday, with critics of the Democratic lawmakers’ votes yielding condemnation online. "This is insane!" tech billionaire Elon Musk tweeted. "We're witnessing in real time the planned and controlled destruction of this country," former University of Kentucky swimmer and activist Riley Gaines tweeted in response. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/all-senate-dems-vote-against-barring-taxpayer-funds-fly-illegal-migrants-us-towns


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