☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕
QeLi's Achievements
Good bye Csbd i will miss u all a lot
It was a pleasure to play here but i think its time to go Cya...
hi qeli im fabio you ban me in server cs go reamake can i unban ? pls im very sorry for scam it will no longer return sorry
- Guardians of Gaming
- Nickname:-QeLi
- Real name: Resul
- Age: 15
- Country: KOSOVO
- Experience as admin: I have experience with amx in a few mods including cs go remake
- Why do you want to be admin here: i like the server
- Steam On/Off: ON
- You can donate: Due to my age i cant
Other: Nothing for now
- 2 weeks later...
- Nickname:Cor[T]eX
- Real name: mohand
- Age: 18
- Country:KOSOVO
- Experience as admin: I have experience with amx in a few mods including cs go remake
- Why do you want to be admin here: i like the server
- Steam On/Off: ON
- You can donate: Due to my age i cant
Other: Nothing for now
Cs CS GO remake rank 45
Also looking for experienced admins if u are experienced u might get a chanse even if u dont have hrs in sv if u want a chanse contact the boss amaranth