1. @myCro ? maybe u get all information of server by daddy bossess. But which daddy boss report all server information to u ? @linko its a very good for position he have . But in server have big problems and no one do anything for this , All just played help players with kills nothing else. @linko And @ThheIncredibleHulk help all time with ammos.
U are a Daddy of Daddybossess , i am a Co-owner , and Imagine u never talk with me, and how u will know what guy ,admin i am? . All what i have to say is : @myCro ? If u can't Stay active Let a person or some person you trust. All admins need a Daddy boss .
And for the last , u remove hulk? yes but u remove a family member who's help with what he have.
Cya ❤️