After I quit the desktop in favor of a laptop I realized that I still need a separate feeder. I learned about the FSP H110, I tested it and tell you why it is one of the best in the market and why you have to have it if you are a laptop user
This feeder is very special in many ways. I start by telling you that FSP is a very large brand and experienced in electronics. They have among the best sources on the market, and laptops are the same. If for a PC you choose a quality source why not choose a good power supply for your laptop?
This feeder model is versatile and is compatible with any laptop. Almost any laptop. The package comes with all the cables removed because it is modular. You can feed any laptop because it offers you 7 jacks that are compatible with over 10 different manufacturers.
So no matter if you have an ASUS or Dell laptop, you'll find the dedicated jack for your laptop. It connects easily via 2 pins to the main cable.
Besides this you also offer 3 USB 3.0 and USB 3.1. They can be used to load other devices or to transfer data. Because he can do this too. Let's give a printer example.
You have the following specifications:
It is even compatible with gaming laptops because it offers 110W and efficiency is 87%. At least my configuration goes smoothly, I do not know what's going on. It also has protection.
If you need a new laptop feeder or you want a spare battery, I think this model is a very good and safe solution. When it comes to power supplies it is very good to choose a known brand that offers protection and stability, otherwise you risk to fry your equipment.
Price: 136 lei to eMAG.