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There was once a lot of talk about the rivalry between the Maruti Suzuki Jimny and the Mahindra Thar. However, looking at the volumes of the two sport utility vehicles (SUVs) now, that rivalry seems to be waning! In October, Jimny clocked domestic wholesale despatches of 1,852 units. In comparison, the Thar was miles ahead at 5,593 units. Maruti Suzuki India sold 14,456 units of the Jimny during the period from June to October. The vehicle was launched in June. Mahindra & Mahindra sold 26,125 units of Thar in the June-October period. At the heart of the Maruti Suzuki Jimny is a K15B 1.5-litre petrol engine, which delivers 105PS of maximum power and 134Nm of peak torque. The transmission options include a 5-speed MT and a 4-speed AT. Based on a ladder frame chassis, the SUV has ALLGRIP PRO 4WD technology with low-range transfer gear (4L mode) as standard. The Mahindra Thar has three engine options -- 1.5-litre D117 CRDe diesel (117bhp/300Nm), 2.2-litre mHawk 130 CRDe diesel (130bhp/300Nm) and 2.0-litre mStallion 150 TGDi petrol (150bhp/320Nm). The 1.5-litre diesel engine can be paired with a 6-speed MT. The 2.2-litre diesel and 2.0-litre petrol mills have 6-speed MT and 6-speed AT choices. The Thar 1.5-litre diesel comes with a RWD, the Thar 2.2-litre diesel has a 4WD and the Thar 2.0-litre petrol gets both RWD and 4WD options. The Maruti Suzuki Jimny is priced between Rs 12.74 lakh and Rs 15.05 lakh (ex-showroom), while the Mahindra Thar sits in the price range of Rs 10.98 lakh to Rs 16.94 lakh (ex-showroom). Link
The final Formula 1 sprint race of the year, won by Red Bull's Max Verstappen at the Sao Paulo Grand Prix, has solidified a consensus within the sport that the format needs to change. Red Bull team principal Christian Horner acknowledged F1 "can do a better job" and said sprint weekends "need tuning". His driver Sergio Perez, who finished third behind Verstappen and McLaren's Lando Norris, proposed running the shorter races with reverse grids, putting the fastest cars at the back. And Mercedes F1 boss Toto Wolff said the current system was "confusing". F1 bosses are discussing a series of options for changes to the sprint format next year amid a feeling that the current system of running grand prix qualifying on Friday and separating out Saturday as a sprint-focused day was not working. One proposal is to run qualifying for the sprint race on Friday, with the sprint as the first track action on Saturday, followed by qualifying for the grand prix. Other ideas have been to give more points for the sprint, try grids in reverse championship order, even to create a separate sprint championship. Final decisions will be taken this winter in discussions between commercial rights holder F1, governing body the FIA and the team bosses, with F1 president Stefano Domenicali holding most sway. Horner said: "If there is a genuine desire from the fans, we should find a solution. But what we have at the moment isn't quite right for the drivers or the fans. There needs to be more to it. "We have just won a sprint race and nobody quite knows what to do because all the focus is on a grand prix. It's like you've won a long run (in a practice session) and got a medal for it." Verstappen wins Sao Paulo sprint race from Norris Horner dismissed the idea of a sprint championship, saying: "Who cares about that?" But he added: "What should it be? Should it be a reverse grid, in championship order? Should it have more points attached to it? Should there be two grands prix during a weekend? I don't have the answer. I know what we have today needs tuning." Horner and Wolff both prefer the standard format for a grand prix, with practice on Friday, qualifying on Saturday and a grand prix on Sunday, saying they are "traditionalists". But there is no prospect of the sprints being abandoned - F1 put out a series of statistics before the weekend in Brazil that it said proved that sprint weekends create a bigger global audience and more interest, both on television and online. Wolff said the proposal to deal with sprint qualifying and the sprint race before moving on to grand prix qualifying and the main event "would maybe create less confusion - I'm getting confused". He added: "We all have the same objectives, between F1 and the teams. I've said it often but I am not keen on these weekends but, if it makes sense from the audience's point of view, then obviously we do need it." The sprints were introduced in 2021 with a different format, which used the result of the sprint race to set the grid for the grand prix. But after pushback against that and other aspects of the original plan, the current format was introduced for 2022. A feeling within F1 that the latest arrangements were not working coalesced over the US Grand Prix two weeks ago, and has only strengthened since. Perez said he believed a reverse grid would make sense given the original intention of providing more interest for the audience over a greater part of the weekend. "If they want to get this format of sprint races, we've got to change it," he said. "I would propose a reverse grid, something like that, to make it more interesting for the fans, because I don't think it's working, what we want to achieve. Nothing really happens in these sorts of races. For the last two years this sort of event hasn't brought a lot of good racing. Verstappen has been consistent in his opposition to the sprint format, and said on Saturday in Brazil: "Just a normal race weekend, please. Thank you. I'm not interested in any change. I don't like it." Other drivers, such as Ferrari's Charles Leclerc and Mercedes' Lewis Hamilton, say they appreciate the variety created by the sprint if it is run on only a few weekends, but accept that it needs tweaking. Driver concerns about rules Drivers expressed their concerns over other aspects of the rules in Brazil, especially over attempts to control their pace on out-laps in qualifying and the way they exit from the pits. A new rule imposed in Brazil led to near-misses in the pit exit as drivers jockeyed for position against the backdrop of a new rule that forced them to make gaps to other cars after leaving the pits, after traffic jams at the pit exit in recent races. Drivers are also forced to stay above a minimum lap time when on a warm-up or cool-down lap, to try to avoid dangerous speed differentials. But Verstappen said the situation was "just a mess - every single qualifying you have six to eight cars getting noted for driving too slow with the minimum time. I don't know what we're trying to achieve". Norris added: "There's just more and more rules for everything and it just causes more and more havoc for everyone." Verstappen a safe bet for GP win Another aspect of the sprint weekends that has been criticised is that it provides too much of a clue as to what will happen in the race. Verstappen qualified second for the sprint, but took the lead from Norris at the first corner and controlled the race from there. For Sunday's grand prix, Verstappen is on pole, with Leclerc second, while Norris starts sixth, also behind the Aston Martins of Lance Stroll and Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton's Mercedes. Leclerc said that the Dutchman's advantage in race pace is so big that it would be "irrelevant" if he took the lead at the start. The principle applies equally to any other driver. Link
A hostage situation at Hamburg Airport involving a young child has ended after 18 hours, according to local police. The man drove through a security barrier and on to the airport tarmac on Saturday night with his four-year-old daughter in the car and parked under a plane. He eventually gave himself up to the authorities "without resistance", according to police, and was arrested. "The child appears to be unharmed," they wrote on X (formerly Twitter). The incident caused the disruption of several flights in and out of the airport. Efforts are now under way to resume operations. It began at about 20:00 local time (19:00 GMT) when the suspect drove his car to the airport's apron, the area where aircraft are usually parked. According to local media, he parked under a Turkish Airlines plane. Police said the man shot his weapon twice in the air and threw burning bottles from the vehicle. It was unclear if the man had explosives. The authorities believe the situation involved a "custody dispute". The child's mother is reported to have alerted emergency services that the four-year-old had been taken. "I wish the mother, the child and her family a lot of strength to cope with this terrible experience," Hamburg mayor Peter Tschentscher wrote on X. Hamburg police spokeswoman Sandra Levgruen said earlier on Sunday that the man did not agree with some decisions made by the authorities in relation to the custody arrangement and wanted to travel to Turkey with the child. "He speaks about his life being a heap of shards," she told German broadcaster ZDF. Local media reported that negotiations with the man were conducted in Turkish through a translator, but it is unclear what his connection to the country is. The airport said it was working to resume operations as quickly as possible. A total of 286 flights with about 34,500 passengers had been scheduled for Sunday, it said earlier. Link
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Nick movie:Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Time:May 24, 2024 Netflix / Amazon / HBO: Hulu, Disney+, and ESPN Duration of the movie: N/A Trailer:
Telegram, the encrypted messaging app, has quietly restricted access to several channels affiliated with the Palestinian armed group Hamas. Hamas’s official account, the account of its armed wing the Qassam Brigades, and the news account Gaza Now have not been accessible on versions of Telegram downloaded from Google Play or Apple’s App Store since last week. The accounts, which have amassed hundreds of thousands of new followers since Hamas’s October 7 attacks on Israel, are still accessible from the online version of Telegram and the version of the app downloaded directly from Telegram’s website. While Telegram has not publicly commented on the reasons for the move, the restrictions appeared after the Zachor Legal Institute, a US-based lobby group that campaigns against “anti-Israel movements”, last week wrote a letter to Apple pointing out that seven Hamas-linked accounts remained accessible on iOS despite being blocked for Android users. Apple and Telegram did not respond to requests for comment, but Google told Al Jazeera in a statement that Google Play requires apps that feature user-generated content to moderate “egregious content, including content that promotes terrorist acts, incites violence, or celebrates terrorist attacks”. Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, is considered a “terrorist” organisation by the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan and Paraguay. Telegram has been used heavily by Hamas to promote its message and it used the app to broadcast violent videos and images of its attacks on southern Israeli communities in real time. Other armed groups such as ISIL (ISIS) and al-Qaeda have also used Telegram, which is known for its hands-off moderation, to promote their ideology and claim responsibility for attacks. “Telegram served a purpose to Hamas that day and every day since because it lacks moderation policies and these lax rules allow militant groups to upload graphic footage of the carnage they are participating in, and then that content will filter to other places on the internet like X,” Layla Mashkoor, an associate editor at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, told Al Jazeera. The official channels of the Qassam Brigades and Hamas added nearly half a million and 100,000 subscribers, respectively, after the October 7 attacks. Gaza Now – which is described as “Hamas-aligned” by the Atlantic Council – went from 343,506 subscribers to nearly 1.9 million. Since the introduction of the restrictions on the Google Play and App Store versions of Telegram, the channels have lost between 10,000 and 80,000 subscribers. Mashkoor said Hamas’s status as the government of Gaza sets it apart from armed groups like ISIL, even though both may share violent content through channels like Telegram. “The facts are the facts and they are officially a representative group for Gaza and that does demand that conversations around how we treat state leaders or officials come into consideration, but then of course the other element that needs to be considered [is] the graphic nature and the violence and how you balance that – which is a really difficult thing to determine,” she said. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has defended the platform’s loose moderation policies, arguing that it has provided valuable information about the Israel-Hamas war and is less likely to spread harmful content than competitors as users must opt in to channels. “As such, it’s unlikely that Telegram channels can be used to significantly amplify propaganda,” Durov said in a post on Telegram earlier this month, adding that moderators remove millions of pieces of harmful content every day. “Instead, they serve as a unique source of first-hand information for researchers, journalists and fact-checkers. While it would be easy for us to destroy this source of information, doing so risks exacerbating an already dire situation.” Still, Hamas appears to be preparing for its possible removal from Telegram and has told its followers to download a special dedicated app. Mashkoor said smaller channels that disseminate information from the main Hamas accounts could also ensure that its message continues to circulate even if Telegram cracks down on the group. “Most platforms have a policy against hosting content from designated terrorist organisations, so efforts to control the spread of this content will always start at the source channels,” she said. Link
After launching the new Bullet 350, Royal Enfield is gearing up to introduce the new Himalayan. This new 452cc Himalayan will replace the old 411cc Himalayan. Although the new Himalayan will reportedly make its global debut on November 7, its technical specifications have been revealed. The new Royal Enfield Himalayan employs a more powerful, 452cc, liquid-cooled, single-cylinder, DOHC, EFI engine, developing 40PS of maximum power and 40Nm of peak torque. This engine is mated to a 6-speed gearbox. In its 2023 avatar, the motorcycle is based on a twin-spar tubular frame, having USD front forks (200mm wheel travel) and a monoshock at the rear (200mm wheel travel). There is a 21-inch wheel at the front and a 17-inch wheel at the rear. There is a disc each at the front (320mm) and rear (270mm). Riders get the option of a switchable dual-channel ABS. The new Royal Enfield Himalayan measures 2,245mm in length, 852mm in width and 1,316mm in height. It has a 1,510mm wheelbase and a 230mm ground clearance. There are two options for seat height -- 805mm and 825mm. The kerb weight of the motorcycle with 90% fuel and oil is 196kg. The fuel tank has a 17-litre capacity. The Royal Enfield Himalayan 2023 has an all-LED lighting system with LED headlamp, LED taillamp and LED turn indicators. It gets a new fully-digital TFT instrument cluster with Bluetooth connectivity. We expect the new Royal Enfield Himalayan price to be around Rs 2.50 lakh (ex-showroom). The current model is priced between Rs 2.16 lakh and Rs 2.28 lakh (ex-showroom). Link
WXV1: England v New Zealand England: (19) 33 Tries: Matthews, Atkin-Davies, Bern, Talling, Aldcroft; Cons: Aitchison 4 New Zealand: (7) 12 Tries: Simon, Vahaakolo; Con: Holmes England became the inaugural WXV1 champions with a 33-12 win over world champions New Zealand in Auckland. The Red Roses capitalised on a fine start against the Black Ferns to end as the WXV top tier's only unbeaten team. Facing the side that beat them in last year's World Cup final, England started quickly with tries from Alex Matthews, Lark Atkin-Davies and Sarah Bern. Kennedy Simon and Katelyn Vahaakolo replied, before Morwenna Talling and Zoe Aldcroft put England beyond reach. As well as confirming them as the first winners of women's rugby's new global tournament, England's victory also ensured they will stay ahead of New Zealand at the top of the world rankings. Relive England's WXV1 title victory as it happened England captain Packer named World Rugby Women's Player of the Year WXV crowds 'need to and will grow' - Horrox Final WXV tables The platform for England's win was laid by a blistering start as they raced into a 19-0 lead with three tries inside the first 23 minutes. Matthews burrowed over from the base of a scrum and that was quickly followed by an Atkin-Davies try reminiscent of the four she scored against Canada in England's previous outing. Bern crashed over from close range after multiple phases to extend England's advantage over a New Zealand team who began with several sloppy errors but finally clicked into gear before the interval. Simon and Vahaakolo both crossed after overlaps were created on the Black Ferns' left side, reducing their deficit to seven points, but England again went through the phases to send Talling over close to the posts midway through the second period. Link
They say “age is just a number” — and now there’s scientific proof to that effect. The amount of candles on your birthday cake has little to do with how old you are biologically, according to a recent study from Stanford University School of Medicine. Lead researcher Michael Snyder and his team identified the four specific “age-o-types” — metabolic, immune, hepatic (which pertains to the liver) and nephrotic (which pertains to the kidneys) — to determine how some areas of the body mature faster than others in different people, and how those changes can serve as precursors for future health issues. “Our study captures a comprehensive view of how we age by studying a broad range of molecules and taking multiple samples across years from each participant,” said Snyder in a January 2020 report. “We’re able to see clear patterns of how individuals experience aging on a molecular level — and there’s quite a bit of difference.” For the findings, analysts closely observed 43 healthy men and women ranging in age from 34 to 68 for two years. Researchers took samples of feces, blood, genetic material, microbes, proteins and other byproducts of metabolic processes over the course of at least five wellness checkups, and tracked levels of biological molecules over time. Through extensive examinations of the samples, the specialists discovered 608 molecules that could be used to predict what might contribute to age-related health problems. They then categorized the biomarkers into the four age-o-type classes. “The age-o-type is more than a label,” said Snyder. “It can help individuals zero in on health-risk factors and find the areas in which they’re most likely to encounter problems down the line.” Metabolic Folks under the metabolic designation have a greater likelihood of developing heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes due to the rapid aging of their metabolisms — the chemical reactions in the body’s cells that change food into energy. Despite being at higher risk for weight-related diseases, a person with a metabolic age-o-type can still have a stronger immune system than someone much younger. Immune An immune age-o-type refers to an individual whose immune system is aging more rapidly than the rest of the body. Increased maturity to the system often prompts inflammation throughout the body, enhancing the risk of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Hepatic People with a hepatic age-o-type are afflicted with a fast-aging liver — a vital organ charged with detoxifying the blood of poisonous substances such as alcohol and drugs. Rapid aging ultimately decreases the liver’s ability to properly function as a person gets older, leaving them extremely susceptible to cirrhosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Nephrotic A nephrotic age-o-type pertains to the kidney — which filters out waste from the blood to produce urine, balances bodily fluids and helps manage blood pressure. Folks afflicted with quickly aging kidneys can expect to experience high blood pressure and renal failure later in life. The grim realities of poor health in old age aside, Snyder says a person’s age-o-type doesn’t determine their fate. Instead, it affords them the opportunity to make healthy lifestyle improvements — such as losing weight, kicking nicotine and alcohol habits, and managing blood pressure and glucose levels — to avoid sickness before it’s too late. “Our study shows that it’s possible to change the way you age for the better,” he assured. He went on to note that participants who adopted healthier ways of living ultimately decreased their body’s rate of aging. “Among those who exhibited decreased levels of hemoglobin A1c, many had lost weight, and one made dietary changes,” reads the report. “Some who saw a decrease in creatine (a naturally occurring substance in the body that affects the liver, kidneys and pancreas) indicating improved kidney function, were taking statins (prescription drugs to lower cholesterol).” A fascination with reversing one’s biological age has become a trendy phenomenon in recent months — thanks, in part, to anti-aging advocate and tech guru Bryan Johnson. The 46-year-old tech mogul has gone viral for unabashedly spending $2 million a year on a strict regimen in hopes to bio-hack — an attempt to boost a person’s biological makeup through dieting, exercising, supplements intake and other extreme measures — himself into an 18-year-old. Andrew Boyd, a 23-year-old YouTuber, achieved social media superstardom in October after adopting Johnson’s intense routine for 75 days. Through the experiment, Boyd ultimately dropped 30 pounds and reduced his biological age to 19. “I felt incredibly focused and energized,” he told online audiences. Link
An Australian woman charged with murdering three people in a suspected mushroom poisoning case is also accused of trying to murder her ex-partner on four occasions, court documents say. Erin Patterson, 49, was charged with three counts of murder and five of attempted murder on Thursday. The murder charges relate to a family lunch she hosted in July at her home in the town of Leongatha, Victoria. Ms Patterson continues to maintain her innocence. She appeared briefly in court on Friday, where her case was adjourned until 3 May to give prosecutors time to analyse computer equipment seized from her home during a police search. She did not apply for bail. About half a dozen TV crews were lined up outside the hearing in the small town of Morwell, about 60km (37 miles) from Leongatha. But for the cameras and curious locals there was no glimpse of Ms Patterson, who was moved from her overnight police cell into the court building via a connecting tunnel. In court documents released to local media on Friday, police allege Ms Patterson attempted to kill her estranged husband Simon Patterson three times between November 2021 and September 2022. The alleged fourth attempt was on the day she served a beef Wellington lunch to his parents Gail and Don Patterson, aunt Heather Wilkinson and her husband Ian Wilkinson. Simon Patterson did not attend the meal. Erin Patterson has said she made the dish using a mixture of button mushrooms bought from a supermarket, and dried mushrooms purchased at an Asian grocery months earlier. All four of her guests were later taken to hospital reporting violent illness, police say. Within days the Patterson couple, both 70, and Ms Wilkinson, 66, had died. Mr Wilkinson, 68, was taken to hospital in a critical condition but later recovered. Police say they believe the four ate death cap mushrooms - which are highly lethal if ingested. Ms Patterson was named as a suspect after she and her two children appeared unharmed after the lunch. But she maintains she never intended to poison her guests and says that she herself was taken to hospital after the meal and given medication to guard against liver damage. "I am now devastated to think that these mushrooms may have contributed to the illness suffered by my loved ones," she wrote in a statement in August. Police have stressed the complexity of the case, describing it as a tragedy that may "reverberate for years to come". "I cannot think of another investigation that has generated this level of media and public interest, not only here in Victoria, but also nationally and internationally," Homicide squad Inspector Dean Thomas said on Thursday. Link
Music title: The Beatles - Now And Then (Official Audio) Signer: The Beatles Release date: Nov 2, 2023 Official YouTube link: Informations about the signer:- Your opinion about the track (music video):-
Nick movie: The Fall Guy Time: March 1, 2024 Netflix / Amazon / HBO: Prime Video Duration of the movie: N/A Trailer:
An animal welfare charity has been looking into the challenges of rescuing a ewe dubbed Britain's loneliest sheep. The sheep may have been stuck at the bottom of cliffs on Scotland's Cromarty Firth for at least two years, according to a kayaker who first saw it in 2021. A petition calling for a rescue of the sheep has gathered more than 52,000 signatures, while a hovercraft company has said it might be able to help. But the Scottish SPCA said, so far, there is not a safe way of reaching it. A group of kayakers encountered the sheep two years ago and again recently this year on a shoreline below steep ground and cliffs south of Brora. They believe it is the same animal, but with its fleece badly overgrown. The SSPCA said it has been aware of the stranded ewe for some time. A spokeswoman said: "The sheep is not in any immediate danger and has ample grazing and water, however, we are aware they badly require shearing. "We appreciate that there is growing concern for the sheep and we want to reassure the public that we are doing everything we can." It is not known who owns the sheep because it does not have an identification tag fitted to an ear. 'Incredibly complex' The SSPCA said it had considered a potential rescue with support from a local farmer. But the spokeswoman said: "The area where the sheep is stranded is very inaccessible by both land and sea, making this rescue incredibly complex, especially due to the logistics of rescuing a large animal. "We have been liaising with other agencies as to the best way to access the area but so far we have not found a suitable solution that doesn't compromise the safety of the rescue teams and the welfare of the sheep." The SSPCA said due to the time the ewe had been stranded it was now deemed to be feral, and likely to be stressed by human contact. "As this is not a domestic animal, both the coastguard and mountain rescue teams are unable to assist in this matter," the spokeswoman said. "We have also spoken with a local skipper who has advised it would be extremely difficult to land a boat in the area. "We have been given some contact information for other businesses who may be able to help and we are currently exploring these options." The spokeswoman said that even if there was a safe method of rescue, there were some additional challenges to consider. "The sheep will be very difficult to catch without gates and hurdles and is likely to be fearful and run away," she said. "If the sheep becomes too distressed, there is the possibility they may run into the sea, which will present further challenges. "As the animal's fleece is overgrown, it will also prove difficult to temporarily sedate the animal which would have assisted with the rescue." She said the SSPCA had received many kind offers of donations to support a rescue, and some people had expressed interest in rehoming the sheep. The spokeswoman added that the ewe was likely to need a specialist home, if it was ever rescued. Domestic sheep have been rescued from difficult terrain in the past. In 2016, a climbing instructor went to the aid of a sheep on crags on the north west Highlands coast. Paul Calton managed to lasso the animal before helping it to safety. He had been instructing school pupils at Sheigra near Sandwood Bay. In 2009, a ewe survived a jump of almost 25m (80ft) into a quarry in Lewis in the Western Isles. Link
Homegrown auto major Mahindra & Mahindra continued its bullish run, clocking its highest-ever SUV volume in the domestic market for the fourth consecutive month in October. Mahindra offers SUVs like the Scorpio-N, Scorpio Classic, XUV700, XUV300, Thar, Bolero and Bolero Neo. In October, Mahindra sold 43,708 units of SUVs, logging a growth of 36% over 32,226 units despatched in the same month last year. "While the strong festive demand should see us continue our growth momentum in November, we will keep a close watch of select supply related challenges," said Veejay Nakra, President, Automotive Division, Mahindra & Mahindra. The SUV volume of Mahindra stood at 36,205 units in July, which was a record for the company then. The company broke its own record in August with 37,270 units and then broke it again in September with 41,267 units. Nakra recently told India Today that the SUV capacity of the company will increase to 49,000 units in the fourth quarter of the current fiscal (FY24). He said that the company is increasing the capacity on the brands where the waiting period is high, basically the Scorpio-N, XUV700 and Thar. Mahindra's SUV volume Month FY24 (units) FY23 (units) Growth October 43,708 32,226 36% September 41,267 34,262 20% August 37,270 29,516 26% July 36,205 27,854 30% Link
Anthony Joshua could fight MMA star Francis Ngannou in a boxing match, according to promoter Eddie Hearn. Ngannou almost stunned WBC heavyweight champion Tyson Fury on his professional boxing debut, losing on a controversial split decision in Saudi Arabia. Hearn revealed he has exchanged messages with the Cameroon-born fighter's camp following that bout. "As we start to plan AJ's next six to 12 months we just want to know if that is an option," Hearn told the BBC. "We could have that event in Saudi Arabia or other countries in the Middle East. Africa sounds incredible - can they come up with the money to do it? I don't know. "All of a sudden that fight between two giants, they're carved out of stone, it becomes a massive fight. We're definitely willing to consider it." Despite being the underdog, former UFC fighter Ngannou, 37, knocked down Fury in the third round and convinced one of the judges he was the winner. "The MMA world believe Ngannou beats everyone," Hearn told BBC Radio 5 Live. "When I met Ngannou he was trying to pitch me AJ against Ngannou in Africa. I spoke to AJ about it at the time and he said 'I want to try to win the world heavyweight championship now'. "I said 'this guy was close to beating Tyson Fury so he surely has to be a credible fight'. The MMA world are telling me Ngannou beats AJ easily. I'm like 'please make the fight because that's not the case'." Joshua, Wilder, Jones, Fury rematch - what next for Ngannou? Hearn says Fury v Ngannou has made him even more certain two-time heavyweight champion Joshua, 34, would beat his fellow Briton if they ever fought. "I've always been convinced AJ beats Tyson Fury but after watching that fight now I'm so sure," said Hearn. "I don't believe his punch resistance is quite the same, I don't believe he is necessarily the same fighter. Maybe the fights with Deontay Wilder took something out of him." An undisputed fight between Fury and Oleksandr Usyk was scheduled for 23 December, but BBC Sport understands that is now doubtful, with the Briton's team keen for the bout to take place in February after his hard-fought win over Ngannou. However, Joshua is still hoping to fight just before Christmas. "It's seven weeks on Saturday. AJ wants to fight on 23 December," said Hearn. "We appreciate it won't be a mega-fight. He wanted to box three times this year." Benn could fight Eubank in January Hearn said last month there was "a huge desire from both camps" to make a Conor Benn-Chris Eubank Jr fight happen. The pair were set to meet 12 months ago - 30 years after their fathers Nigel Benn and Chris Eubank Sr fought - but the bout was cancelled after Benn failed two voluntary doping tests. Benn does not currently have a licence to fight in the UK. In his latest interview, Hearn said: "Eubank [v Benn] looks like 27 January so there's a chance AJ could go early January." Link
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