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  1. Accepted , Good Luck
  2. Sorry for late, this is ur avatars ❤️ 

    qCS6srI.png FUhfqxm.png


    1. Freaky


      o thank You mate ?

    2. Freaky


      Very nice

  3. Freaky


    Well So you wanna say that your cs is crashing and having the problem of nick? So I gotta a solution for you buddy , Just follow the steps Go to Cstrike Folder There must be a .cfg file called Config.cfg Open it with Notepad++ Search for "Name" and S_a3d Change the name which u would like to choose Change the values of s_a3d to s_a3d "0.128" It might work try it , bcoz it worked for me i had this kind of problem so i followed those steps to get out of that problem PS : If u wanna take snapshot you can find on your keyboard their is button "PrintScreenSysRq" just press it and open paint/photoshop and press CTRL + N and then CTRL + V Another thing please do not change your windows so many times you might lose your graphic card Regards #Freaky#The_Architect
  4. Hello , If u wanna know about that light portion , just choose any colors which are related to orange or any color [I am talking about that image that you gave for that use color which are related to orange] and after that choose Colordogde or Light Screen. If u wanna know about the shapes so in photoshop their is a column called Shapes , you can find easily on bottom left corner of adjustments from their you can choose any shapes if you want to , if you dont have shapes just download it from google and install it is that simple is that ? If you still have this kind of questions do no hesitate to contact me , you can find me in ts Regards #Freaky#The_Architect ?
  5. Freaky

    Request Fonts

    Its RAZED
  6. WHO'S BACK 



    1. Viceroy


      dean is me 

      Team is complete ?

  7. I WON Thanks for votes T/C
  8. Start Vote V1 V2 : V3 : Good luck ! @Verox wasn't able to join the battle
  9. Name of the oponent: @Verox @The Ga[M]er. @Flenn. Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): C4D Signature Size: 600 x 280 *Text: Prototype Watermark: CSBD Stop votes ( min. 4 - max. 8 ) - 8 Working time: 24 Hr Wish you good luck
  10. welcome back ❤️ 

  11. Congrats For Gfx

  12. Congrats dude finally you back . 

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