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Everything posted by lonut gfx

  1. Guess who I am

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mindsphere.


      Somebody who got warned. Speak only English or Romanian through status, thanks!

    3. King_of_lion


      do you will tell us what we must to do?

      no need to post it here, save it to yourself. thanks too!

    4. Agent47


      @Mindsphere. Mindsphere, i dont know what language other besides english is being used here, you are taking this thing very hard. You need to chill, drink tea.

  2.  Ayshaaaaaaaaa

    1. -Sarah


      Aysha: runnn😂😂

  3. Hey bro .. pm me

  4. Why is my country flag not showing up on my profile?

    1. Mindsphere.


      Hahaha, because you are hiding under the rock. 😂😂

    2. lonut gfx

      lonut gfx

      @Mindsphere.Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-fun...how do I handle it

    3. Mechatronic


      easy go to account settings, scroll down and search for country, you have option to disable or enable it. 




  5. @BlackfireWach a hassan ... te39eel ela bader

    1. Blackfire


      Xkon li Hadi ynsa badar, 3chiwr dbesah, Ayam zwina li dwzna FL play d Mohamed, drayem a khawa M3a mester kingo ou drari akhrin, 2015 ou sarf 

  6. Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslims here 🌙 

  7. Pm me!

    1. Mr.Shehbaz


      Bro I Can't Open Ur Inbox 😕


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