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⚡ Ciprian ✔

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Everything posted by ⚡ Ciprian ✔

  1. if you can be active and at night you will receive Administrator but at night I want to see you on the servar
  2. cRosso[V]erXx You have 24 hours to respond to the complaint, if within 24 hours you do not respond you have been removed directly.
  3. Rank Name Score▲ Time Played Score/Min 165 CaRloSS 2499 44.53 0.94 Let's say, Pro Helpar
  4. accepted T/C
  5. You are right
  6. For starters, I want him to be semi-god on newlifezm PRO SEMI-GOD !
  7. For the first time Helper if you are active you will get UP
  8. Hello, I will buy NewlifeZM if you want acess at servar and want to be partners can help me with monthly bost

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Playboy™
    3. Eminem™


      Congra @*Walking-Ciprian* I Hope u be happy on newlife u want Help Just Contact Me G/L

    4. ⚡ Ciprian ✔

      ⚡ Ciprian ✔

      NewlifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com New Rank is 5

      Founder NewlifeZM, we hope to get to rank 1


  9. I buy it today 230 euros in 2 hours I'll put you money
  10. Salut Gabi poti intra cateva secunde pe ts3 la sectiunea newlifezm te astept acolo 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gabi Papi

      Gabi Papi

      te rog sa-mi lasi un pm daca ai nevoie de ceva, numai folosesc fb de ceva vreme

    3. .BOSS.


      Ciprian I was co in your server I want manager and tell to Mr.Love for your inbox 

    4. .BOSS.


      @*Walking-Ciprian* look your server when I was join in your server then player play at night  max 20 or at day time 8 -9 

  11. Salut marius poti veni pe ts3 sa discutăm câteva minute

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HETLER
    3. Ap0ka


      hhhh bro come ts3 !!!

    4. xX@*<MaRius>*@Xx



      I'm sorry I have not entered

      Acum am vazut cipri asta,vrei sa mai vorbim sau ceva?

  12. Ai gresit topicul baiatul meu :)))
  13. vegas ai timp sa discutam 5 minute


    1. vegas$
    2. ⚡ Ciprian ✔

      ⚡ Ciprian ✔

      Candoi Ciprian Dorinel fb meu dami cerere, e mai sigur in privat 

    3. vegas$


      Ma gasesti pe ts3. Acolo e perfect.


  14. I tried, and it did not work
  15. give my skype or add me fb https://www.facebook.com/cipic.ciprian.5

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dark-ImmoRtal^
    3. Dark-ImmoRtal^


      accpect me bro 

    4. Miry-csbd


      what have server bro me not conect inserver can you tell me what have bro


  16. I'm change the error, but it does not work ... the device runs on windows 10 10 VISA brand lenove 320
  17. I tried everything does not work, If anyone knows how to solve the search on Mail candoiciprian@yahoo.com to get into my pc Thanks to everyone who commented
  18. another error, no windows goes on the device, running windows 10 VISA
  19. It does not work, I get error hw.dll, somebody is teamviver to come to my pc https://imageshack.com/i/pnl5OzUdp
  20. I have the two-day pc go perfectly does not have to resettle, and if we do not reinstall for nothing everything does not work
  21. Your Nickname:Ciprian Your Problem: Am windows 10 pe Leptop si nu merge cs 1.6 am incercat toate versiunile posibile,o perioada a mers dar acuma imi da o eroare, lam reinstalat de 20 de ori si nimic nu merge, daca stie careva cum sa ma ajute candoiciprian@yahoo.com Mail meu si ii dau teamviver pt a ma ajuta I have windows 10 on Leptop and I do not go cs 1.6 I tried all the possible versions, it's been a while but now it gives me an error, I reinstalled 20 times and nothing goes if I know somehow how to help me candoiciprian@yahoo.com My mail and give him a teamviver to help me Screenshot https://imageshack.com/i/pnjML3Zbp
  22. Hello sadik

    1. ⚡ Ciprian ✔

      ⚡ Ciprian ✔


      Do you remember me? I am Ciprian I own the OutStading server

  23. Salut te ar interesa sa deschidem un servar de zp 6.2 Addonas CSBD sv îl voi cumpara eu 


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