Everything posted by ⚡ Ciprian ✔
Hello, I will buy NewlifeZM if you want acess at servar and want to be partners can help me with monthly bost
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Congra @*Walking-Ciprian* I Hope u be happy on newlife u want Help Just Contact Me G/L
Salut Gabi poti intra cateva secunde pe ts3 la sectiunea newlifezm te astept acolo
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@*Walking-Ciprian* look your server when I was join in your server then player play at night max 20 or at day time 8 -9
Salut marius poti veni pe ts3 sa discutăm câteva minute
vegas ai timp sa discutam 5 minute
give my skype or add me fb https://www.facebook.com/cipic.ciprian.5
Salut te ar interesa sa deschidem un servar de zp 6.2 Addonas CSBD sv îl voi cumpara eu