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⚡ Ciprian ✔

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Everything posted by ⚡ Ciprian ✔

  1. Accepted T/C Give NAME,TAG,PW BYE !
  2. Accepted T/C Give me pm name tag pw bye !
  3. English For a better game in Nemesis mode Add to server.cfg sv_airaccelerate 100 sv_accelerate 100 Romana Pentru un joc mai bun la modul Nemesis adaugati in server.cfg sv_airaccelerate 100 sv_accelerate 100
      • 10
      • I love it
      • Haha
      • Like
  4. sorry .... sincere condolences.....
  5. heyy,, will you come back?
  6. Accepted pm name tag pw T/C
  7. Welcome cate comuri :))
  8. I want the evidence !!!!
  9. Andrei I understand you are a founder, but they do not allow you to abuse yourself and you have had several reports, all handsome behavioral manager with the players
  10. done unban T/C
  11. Rejected T/C !
  12. I told the to make a new request Accepted T/C !
  13. Pro, rog un admin sa accepte cererea
  14. SiliVeR you have a warning ... Rejected T/C
  15. Rejected T/C !
  16. Hello NewlifeZM is no longer for sale! I've come so short on world rank 2 I do not deserve to sell it for someone to beat my work and my staff Administrators close this topic, Thank you !
  17. Next ..
  18. Name: NewLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.2] Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Address: Port: 27015 Status: Alive Current Players: 32 / 32 Average (past month): 28 Ranking : rank world 2 Payment details: Bank Transfer Western Union MoneyGram Price ~200 euro This server runs very well to mention that it has no monthly boost, I sell it from familiar problems and I do not have time for it, I do not want to mess with messages if you do not have money, if I do not find a person as me serious enough for SV to know that the NewlifeZm will get top 1, I will keep the server in continuity
  19. I'm really sorry Bye solito
  20. well you stay with the ban permanently because you always destroy lm him to the players, I gave you banned on your newlifezm ! Rejected T/C !


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