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⚡ Ciprian ✔

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Everything posted by ⚡ Ciprian ✔

  1. Hello I texted you in private

  2. Big big G 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blackfire


      I will talk to them, we may back up together, and I almost forget, congrats for your new server 😊😇

    3. Deton4tOr


       @Blackfire drab shi dawra nhar lhad ntlaqaw badro

    4. Blackfire


      Mohal ykon Tema, mohim ana ndrab Chi dawra M3a jwaya 5

  3. Hello, I am looking for a very good staff for Royalzm, available only to moderators and csbd administrators

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ⚡ Ciprian ✔
    3. Inkriql


      Send me a message

    4. ⚡ Ciprian ✔

      ⚡ Ciprian ✔

      It's nothing I know you have experience I need good staff can come and seoung

  4. Hi everyone, I was thinking of opening ThunderZM from my old staff, if anyone comes back, I want to know 😁😁😁

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sxynix


      we aleardy using this addons and we dont have problem there

      but you who looking for money you want him buy your addons and telling csbd have addons 

      Never M1nd 

    3. Sxynix


      anaway i use it scince a 3 years ago there is no problm 

      just u looking for money 

    4. Warlock-


      Hello, I saw your profile and I just found out that you want to open thunderZM and I am very interested, it is a risky but tentative proposal, since if it is achieved, it would be an important step for CSBD, since that server managed to attract attention in America and I am here to help you as your old acquaintance, I know how to handle that terrain.


      If you achieve your mission, I will be here to help you!

  5. Salut ma poti ajuta si pe mine cu un photosop te pricepi bine?..

  6. Sa fiți sănătoși la multi ani @SKYFALL sa faci bine sa dai pastramă si brânză la toata comunitatea
  7. The staff that was on streetzm can be with me incontion i will leave the same degrees that had on the servar.... looking for staff for StreetZM



    Caut Staff activ pentru STREETZM 

    1. R e i

      R e i

      f skyfall u bos of newlife zm.Welcome back legend.Greetings from eXeCuToR

  8. DarkLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com UPDATE ADDONAS

    Zombie Plague 6.2  BY CSBD !!!!!

    I'm looking for staff to be afk on DarkLifeZM

  9. Plugins all Krond-Functions.amxx ZPA62.amxx cs_stats.amxx WelcomeMessage.amxx AutoJoin.amxx last_maps.amxx AdminsOnly_Msg.amxx multijump.amxx Unlimited_Clip_Ammo.amxx tagfix.amxx amx_who.amxx Vip62.amxx cam.amxx transfer.amxx amx_nick.amxx resetscore.amxx
  10. I have a problem servar all players Dropped Player from server Dropped GODZILLA from server Dropped Looney from server Dropped El devorador de tulas from server Dropped RR from server SZ_GetSpace: overflow on TERA BAAP AYA SZ_GetSpace: overflow on TERA BAAP AYA SZ_GetSpace: overflow on TERA BAAP AYA The host is from krond addonas is zombie plague 6.2 By CSBD ORIGINAL servar.cfg mp_flashlight 0 mp_footsteps 1 mp_playerid 1 sv_maxspeed 500 mp_freezetime 0 mp_autokick 0 mp_autokick_timeout 0 mp_autoteambalance 0 mp_limitteams 0 mp_consistency 1 mp_roundtime 4 mp_timelimit 40 sv_proxies 0 sv_region 255 sv_timeout 70 cl_timeout 99999 sv_airaccelerate 100 sv_accelerate 100 sv_voiceenable 0 hpk_maxsize 0.005 fps_max "999999999999999999999999999999999999999" sys_ticrate "999999999999999999999999999999999999999" mapcyclefile "addons/amxmodx/configs/maps.ini" sv_rcon_banpenalty 30 sv_rcon_maxfailures 3 sv_rcon_minfailures 3 sv_rcon_minfailuretime 300 exec "listip.cfg" exec "banned.cfg" // Server Logging log on mp_logdetail 0 mp_logmessages 1
  11. DarkLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com UPDATE ADDONAS

    Zombie Plague 6.2  BY CSBD !!!!!

  12. I came back looking for staff

    1. Zombie™
    2. --Alien--


      hmmm pm at whatsapp +213 792 49 62 11

  13. Oooo Administrator good :))

    1. #DEXTER


      ahahha where the hell u been  :v i miss newlife days

  14. Ce faceți, sunteti bine?! Ce a pățit acest servar vad ca ati îmbolnăvit grav Newlifezm ... sunt in trecere pe aici si sunt total dezamăgit cand am fost eu founder aici spărgeam topul fara pic de boost.. pacat de sv asta daca o țineți asa inca 2 săptămâni va mai rămâne angelina si emma stone pe servar atat Si adăugați addonas in napoi a lui mr.love ca d-aia sa distrus tot nu mai schimbați addonas.
  15. NewlifeZm reclasificat a treia oara pe Gtrs.com 


    I reclassified the server for the third time on gtrs.com

  16. I sell him masterkid So up to here I could be your founder I have many problems and I did not have time for this server .. the newlifezm team I will miss a lot of success in boys containers
  17. YName: NewLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.2] Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Address: Port: 27015 Status: Alive Current Players: 30 / 32 Average (past month): 23 Payment details: Bank Transfer Western Union Moneygram Price 90 € Server host: 12 euro/month Addons Zombie Plague 6.2 included ( inclus
  18. Rejected T/C
  19. Rejected T/C
  20. Andreea nu esti prima care îmi scrie asa ceva, eu tocmai in august dupa data de 10 pot reveni pe servar, eu pc nu mai am pentru ca l am spart si sunt ocupat si cu permisul, bun unde vreau sa ajung o sa iti adaug un admin nu mai daca faci o cerere pe forum am observat ca ore ai faci o cerere si vei primi admin T/C


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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