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    North Macedonia

#Mr.SekA last won the day on November 20 2017

#Mr.SekA had the most liked content!

About #Mr.SekA

  • Birthday 12/15/1999


  • Banned by [N]audy [ Reason Multi Accounts]


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  1. Fake Mr.SekA !!!

  2. Boom fake account banned : )

  3. I dont want to pm you, talk here i want from evryone to see that u are WIRR, even if am wrong and u are not wirr, YOU ARE NOT MR.SEKA! How i know that? My skills : )


  4. Guys this is not seka, this guy use his name to gain trust and get high ranks on servers. 

    1. #Mr.SekA


      Hhh Man What are you doing xDD Pm uglyy

  5. I miss you my old account , its bad life right ? , why you didnt answar me ? , hey answar ???

    Amm i think something is wrong , Maybe you stuck in this life ? 

    Anyway im Waiting your answars ? maybe in 2077 when i die you will answar ?  

    Bye bye ? its the idiot speak.

    1. Strix


      I swear that re not seka, seka dont talk like this

    2. #Mr.SekA


      Seka is crazy dont worry ? he dont care for what he say or what he do , just he do as he want ?

  6. You are not seka :))))))))))))

    1. #Mr.SekA


      Pm Ts3 and you will see im seka or not ?

    2. SaLaH.


      he real seka


  7. Vary nice Music ?

  8. I thing you must Request absent cuz that is not activity Of Moderator CSBD , I hope you understand.

  9. Venci change your flag and dont put lies in profile 

    1. PranKk.


      I told venci when i accept him as manager to edit his from - but he cant edit (its not allowed) i think :25r30wi:

    2. Profesoru


      He must understand he cant cheat the system. No one will give him manager with so many multiaccount and changes of nicks and all this hiden actions. If he is not serious its he`s loss in the end! 

    3. PranKk.


      his old account @WIRR is unbanned and he want manager in this account wirr idk we need to speak with him!

  10. Congrats bro you deserve it :) !



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