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Everything posted by Sethhh.

  1. idiot gamburger shat ap

    1. Sethhh.


      u fahkin trump lover, cyka блять

  2. The money went to the winners! 

    Congrats RapeYourAim CSGO TEAM! 



    1. jayden™


       Congrats guys !  ;)

    2. THE WOLF™
    3. Selim


      Congratulations, to the winners :)

  3. In the coming days, we are preparing the configuration of the first Official Community CSGO Server.

    Stay close!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyter


      we are ready to see new edit.

      Good luck.

    3. greeNZ


      I wish you success 


    4. maykel.


      This is a big Step !

      Good Luck ;)

  4. HALAAAA MADRIDDD !!!!!!!!! 


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK


    3. Berlin▼


      Hala Madrid !! 

      Barcelona Have no Chance .. Trust me "RONALDO" Is not Like Dybala :3

    4. GUCCI-


      Hala madrida !!!! 

      Marcelo <3

  5. Just ranked up, ups ups :yuhu::rambo:


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Javed


      Damn and noobs like me are still stuck on LEG ? XD 

    3. #CeLTiXxX


      Hahahahahahaha , stop using hacks, but you can give me code bro :D 

    4. Ruff.

    1. Berlin▼


      Hèhèhèhèhè i Really Like That Song xD !!! 

    2. *CaRtoo'N™


      Great detail for the barca fans ._________.

  7. <21:00:42> "Jámєs.™▲": Hi Booss  ;
    <21:00:46> "Sethhh.": hi

    <21:01:20> "Jámєs.™▲": sso ,, i dont knoww why im  bannedd from the forum?!

    <21:01:28> "Sethhh.": yes, you know

    <21:02:10> "Jámєs.™▲": for the multi acccoountt?

    <21:02:16> "Sethhh.": of course my friend

    <21:02:36> "Sethhh.": now dont say that u never did this

    <21:02:43> "Jámєs.™▲": yyeeaah , and i'm  so sorry ffor that i  will  not do it  again !
    <21:02:51> "Sethhh.": yeah
    <21:02:54> "Sethhh.": how much accounts u had?

    <21:03:11> "Jámєs.™▲": 5

    <21:04:57> "Sethhh.": for what u created 5? likes?

    <21:05:24> "Jámєs.™▲": for i wwill be  on tooop inn reeppuruttion !

    <21:05:41> "Sethhh.": well, all baned my friend 

    <21:06:21> "Jámєs.™▲": ii will not do it again ! 
    <21:06:53> "Sethhh.": you won't do it again cuz u will never have anymore an account in csbd

    <21:07:25> "Sethhh.": have a nice day


    That's happening  guys if you use multiaccounts :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aʟ Sʜᴀᴇʀ

      Aʟ Sʜᴀᴇʀ

      I like the fact that he is completely honest. 'Yes for likes, Yes so I can be the op in Reputation' LOL 

    3. [A]Sweety^
    4. Nïçkî Mínág

      Nïçkî Mínág

      My dear, he is not the only ine here with multiaccount and he tald you the truth you must give a chance because he isn't lier like somebody here  ! 

      And he is a old membre he have experionce more than some of the staff ;)

  8. Sethhh.

    Problem cs go

    The topic must be only related to this Community [community, servers, hosting offerings, organization, events] etc... READ, READ and READ the rules of categories. @_L0rd_
  9. Thanks to @ShKoDrA for video! Don't forget to subscribe our youtube channel!
  10. Why no one dares to open a respawn server?
    I could make a good addons, uhm ?! : -?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Jorge Daniel

      Jorge Daniel

      How much money does it cost to make a Server? :YD:

    3. Sethhh.


      23 eur monthly, but if it will be respawn.. could have a little discount

    4. NewBie?


      The idea is not bad, because there in this community have none respawn servers, where abe to play such player as me!

      I know the best addons which can be used for respawn server andi know where to get them! 

      If I had more free time for manage a server, then yes, but I prefer to play a little after work! This feeling that every second player use to report me as cheater <3

  11. It's a local problem from Pakistan because we didn't get the complaints just at the DC from Romania, even for the services from France, Germany or Britain which they are on other IP classes and other net. We are investigatin' but I'm 95% convinced that it's not from us.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. InfiNitY-™


      So you all say that shadows has this problem?!
      Well, we will try to solve this problem thanks for support guys

    3. AFROJACK™


      As the Sethhh is saying it can't be fixed you play with VPN or something else.

      Sorry Sethhh maybe we distrub you 

    4. SoRrY.


      yes guys this problem will not be solved u need to use VPN like @Twins said

      Regrade SoRrY

  12. Pakistan ips never got ban by krond or csblackdevil. If they cant connect to krond servers it is because their connections are too low. They should contact their hosting provider.
  13. Well said @Marlboro™ The topic must be only related to this Community [community, servers, hosting offerings, organization, events] etc...
  14. csblackdevil.com / ts.csblackdevil.com / ts3.csblackdevil.com = same thing, you can connect to our ts3 server using all. The problem still persist? Try to connect with this address: core-g1.ts3.ro:9184 It should work.
  15. Great news: IPS prepares something special in next version 4.2, probably available in this summer of 2017:

    For example, cant wait to see these reactions on our forum: like, thanks, confused, sad, haha

    Cant waittt to see all package :D




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. *CaRtoo'N™


      It will be excellent and it will look great :D

    3. InfiNitY-™


      Lol, will be amazing :3 
      but just these emotions are bad , you cant take those of fb? ;P 

    4. Kevincinho KDG10

      Kevincinho KDG10

      This is going to get out of control ....

      will be incredible. :D :yuhu:

  16. Aprox 2 hours and 30 minutes.

    See you in ThunderZM channel, my boyzzz! :white-heart-facebook-emoticon:

  17. And you singing the song thinking this is the life
    And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size
    Where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?

    1. ʋσʀтεx™♛


      Hhhhh with my GF :D ofc !

    2. Spawn @ CSBD

      Spawn @ CSBD

      In a hotel to f*ck some p*ssy xD

  18. Time for university :(

    3 days away from my desk.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. *CaRtoo'N™


      good luck my friend
      You have to study to be someone in the life  =))))

      I know how much you want to go to college

    3. [N]audy


      Good luck in your studies my friend :D:white-heart-facebook-emoticon:

    4. S!di.


      But in the end you will have a good work , you will be someone so my opinion take the University with fun becuase School is the second of the best things. After family

  19. Why I cant stop gambling?

    Easy lose 30 euros :mad: 

    f**k off maderfakerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dark


      hahhahahahaha :maniac:

    3. Sethhh.
    4. Marlboro™


      It is obssession. An other word in albanian says that the worm is inside you!

  20. I am the most toxic person, @*CaRtoo'N™ knows :D

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Master[T]


      And Me I am the most beatiful man in the world :3

    3. *CaRtoo'N™


      hahaa :3

      @Master[T] the beautiful  ^^

    4. Master[T]

    That made my day :)))))))

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