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Everything posted by bolfosu

  1. There are some admins who have big TAG's and realise how it will look 🙂
  2. Voi cei care erati aproape cei mai activi pe forum sa luati remove? :)))) , la fel a patit si umbrella care dadea boosturi aproape continuu

    JOS coruptiaaaa

    1. SatanKlaus


      Umbrella a plecat el singur. Dacă am fost ‘inactiv’ ce sa fac, măcar acum știu care era valoarea mea aici :))) ironic totuși ca steeven care n-a zis un cuvânt sau sa între pe sv odată in 3 luni vine el acuma și scoate pe alții. În fine, nu-mi bat capul. N-au nevoie de mine , ce sa zic, le urez sănătate :)))

  3. It's not the first time when admin's are hidding 🙂
  4. Happy Birthday SKYFALL

  5. anybody here? ??

  6. Happy New Year to everyone ?

  7. Ciprian is no more part off the staff , if u want admin back prove that u wrilly want , play and make request , how you've been admin before u know the steps ;)
  8. He was say : Admin Margelatu is not doing his job as an admin , he was say in chat that some player is blocking him allways and the admin didn't do nothing and when he was seee no one slay that player he was say some bad word in sort version and he was gagged etc etc
  9. Multumesc ?
  10. hai nu ma inebuni :))) ??
  11. deci intru si eu din an in paste pe sv ca imi este drag , cine ma mai tine minte am fost si slot si admin si owner si etc , am ajutat serverul dar la un moment dat m-am retras din cauza 1 , fostul fondator care ma avea ca prieten doar daca ajutam financiar cand am zis ca nu o mai fac din cauza copiilor ( exact ca cei de azi ) care mai au si grade pe server dar ei nu stiu sa foloseasca teamspeack , forumul sa nu mai zic de comenzi si reguli, pacat ca a ramas la fel , iei up daca il pupi in cur pe sefu si stai afk , sa va dau un exemplu s3nzatie este owner acum dupa mai bine de 1 an , dar el niciodata nu a deranjat pe nimeni nu a facut ce a vrut el cum fac acesti copii frustrati care considera ca daca are un grad pe un server este dumnezeu , pacat de server ca este po pu lat ( imi cenzureaza cuvantul ) si frumos dar au admine asemenea specimene care au pentru prima data in viata admin. wizz iti doresc un staff puternic si cu capul pe umeri ( marlboro stie despre ce vb ) cei vechi stiu despre ce vorbesc. nu o sa incep sa enumerez sa fac printuri sau sa copii console sa demonstrez vreo ceva. o sa ma apuc sa enervez acesti copii sa iau si ban macar sa fie tot sau nimic. For stranger admins use google translate , this is a romanian server and on it and on forum we speak romanian and english ?
  12. Uuuu , i'm still here ?

    1. #DEXTER


      YOOO, im still here too ? :v 

    2. RafaeL G.

      RafaeL G.

      Uuuu Hello There! ??

  13. e permis?


    HaTReK killed MoHaMeD. with awp
    [ADMIN] HaTReK: made HaTReK Sniper
    HaTReK killed yudhaaa_ with awp
    Co_OwNeR HaTReK :  lm

    1. MasterKid™



      Mulțumesc pentru dovada! 

  14. Did u miss me? ?

    1. Nyx.


      why i miss u ? i'm not a gay :)) 

    2. PranKk.
    3. #DEXTER




  15. Started On Finalizat Durată timp Grade Feedback
    06/08/19 11:10 AM 06/08/19 11:13 AM 00:02:42 86/100 Esti uimitor, Einstein!
  16. What the ...

    <07:39:05> "CSBD Guard": Your level is 5 and have 13664 in wallet
    <07:39:06> "CSBD Guard": You have logged on to our server 95 times
    <13:19:53> "CSBD Guard": Welcome to CsblackDevil, bolfosu
    <13:19:53> "CSBD Guard": For information about me you can enter: here. If i bother you, you can type: !welcome off.
    <13:19:53> "CSBD Guard": Your level is 5 and have 13664 in wallet
    <13:19:53> "CSBD Guard": You have logged on to our server 96 times
    <19:18:02> "bolfosu": !balance
    <19:18:02> "CSBD Guard": In your wallet now you have: 13664.0 coins


    After 1llmost 12 hours i have the same coins ... where is the rewards for online time?

    1. #DEXTER


      yes ur right but on that 12hrs u got conextion lost 12 time ? 

  17. bolfosu

    Problam Cs1.6

    Uninstall , delete and take other form this forum ( it was a version or 2 here ) or fromm google. Install and check again , also check for any upgrades on video card drivers.
  18. Nice but i don't give u like because u have to many :)))
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