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Everything posted by S e u o n g

  1. Hello @Sasori. Before I give my approval, I want you to make an avatar avatar: 150x250 Text: CSBD TEST Image:
  2. Teamspeak server will expire soon.


    Do you want CSBD to continue having ts3? 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Draeno


      right now we are three users 

    3. A.N.R Anouar A.N.R
    4. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      I will pay it until december. (Coz we just has 2 months of ts3) So I'll try it a little more. 


      Please try to join, coz nothing.

  3. Request accepted. Congratulations and good luck.
  4. He show us that he really want to be a mod. His activity speaks for his-self. Even when he was rejected he dont disappointed...
  5. The first wave of request to moderator are OPEN Just be sure that you're active and you're on two projects!


  7. PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE POSTING 200 posts(done based on project content) / (proper content stands for posts made inside projects categories not at Fun & Entertainment) No warning points at active. Having a microphone(recommended, not mandatory) Fluent in speaking of english One year or more of forum presence(recommended, not mandatory) Having a common background with an already existing staff member(recommended, not mandatory) Owning a server inside our community(recommended, not mandatory) Reading and knowing the forum Rules Having many visitors on your profile and an active status area.(from profile section)(recommended, not mandatory) A ratio of 2 reputation for every 1 content (example: content: 500, community reputation: 1000).(recommended, not mandatory) Title: Request Recruitment MODEL Nick: Real name: How old are you?: Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): Where are you from?(country and city): Describe yourself(at least 50 words): Note some of your qualities: Tell us some of your defects: Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): Which category/project you want to care off?: How well you speak english?(and other languages): Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): Contact methods: Last request:
  8. V1, effects..... V2 its just black and white
  9. Request to Moderator are OPEN. 


    Note: For those who were rejected, has to wait the week that since they made the request. (Check your request, the admin has to add how much you have to wait.)

  10. Entra a otro proyecto como Journalist o VGR y se activo. 

    Que si chekeaste staff desk, dije sobre estar en 2 proyectos e incluso 3 para los GFX ya que GFX depende de los request de los miembros y sin request no hay actividad, te lo recuerdo para no removerte....


    Oh Yeah Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

  12. With the ocasion of revive this section we are eager to announce that we started a campaign for administrative staff recruitments! Please take care to follow our conditions and rules and consider that we are going to edit many things in time, we are at the begining of a road and we will build with your help! Welcome our devilish members! Come and join US!
  13. Join our teamspeak guys: ts3.csblackdevil.com 

    Excited Lets Go GIF

  14. Guys,

    go and vote in our AOTW #61 !!



  15. It was hard to decide between V1 vs V3. But I choose V1 effects.
  16. Devils:


    I am conscious of the error that the forum displays when you hiding a topic. Be patient, I'm on it. 

  17. For our members remembers that you have to wait only 3 days to make a request for an Avatar / Signature. 

    Lets give work for our designers 😗

  18. Ya te di UNBAN mrk, ya puedes volver

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