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Everything posted by S e u o n g

  1. Forum works now, so please back

  2. Problem solved. 


    Trackin activity will be posted this week from 30-01 to 03-02.

  3. we are having technical problems. we are on it....
  4. We are having technical problems


    Error 404.

  5. @MehrezVM has been added as Coordinator. Reason: Experience & Improvement opportunity for the project.
  6. Hello, Otman I am happy for your interest in being part of our staff, but lets be serious.... you can describe yoursef better than in two words..... too many? ok which one are them.... I hope it doesnt apply to the forum...., coz if you get bored after a few weeks of being a staff it wont work for me, I dont want interns... the reason of your #PRO? did you check his profile? activity? Otman one project is not enought to made this request, I like that you are on GFX but as we know that GFX dont have much activity then you should join in at least 2 projects more. Back with a new request more later. (first join in the project and if you see that your activity is ok can made a new request.) Request Rejected.
  7. Here, you can post tutorial(s) to help another members. In the title must say: [THE PROGRAM YOU ARE USING] - Tutorial <what are you making>. Example: [PS] - Tutorial avatar (easy) [AE] - Tutorial userbar (hard) [AI] - Tutorial logo (very hard) Tutorials can be shown in a video or image form, both are acceptable. If you post a tutorial that doesn't belong to you, please CREDIT the author. If you don't and we find out, you won't be able to post anymore tutorials. Members can reply only with their works by the tutorial. If you want to thank the author, you can with a like! (Respect the rules or you will be warned) Your tutorial must be direct to the point and specific about what you are doing. You must not have any pornographic images, videos or sounds and things like that (+18) in your tutorial.
  8. Dear King of lion your request will be rejected. You know why.
  9. new updates will come soon 💫

    1. JaCks47


      I'm looking forward to it my friend
  10. Please send me a msg, and the link of your ol' account. Same for others....
  11. What are you waiting for 🙂 ? 

  12. For those who are wondering, I will close this request, because this member has other accounts where he is active and where he is already a mod in one of those accounts, I have warned him to only use his account where he is a MOD, but apparently he does not understand. ...I'll see what I do with it
  13. Remember that double account are forbidden! choose just one to use. The second will be taken and disabled.
  14. I have some members on mind:



  15. Lets be more flexible abouts 200 post guys, if he is active in the projects is enought for now....
  16. REQUEST TO MODERATOR ARE OPEN ! Just be sure that you are active in your projects. NOTE: For those members who dont have any activity we can deal, I will only ask that you start your activity and have a compromise with the projects, otherwise the rank will be removed. (If you are agree with this PM ME)
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