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Everything posted by S e u o n g

  1. Banned.

    For you and the other who are in the mision of steal member will know the ban. ✌️

    1. DeaGLe^


      whats happening?

  2. @Mr.Shehbaz has been removed from our team. Reason: Retirement. 😓
  3. I'll give you two things for work and made some design Avatar: Click here (150x250) - (Text Avatar CSBD) Banner: Click here (Details in the link)
  4. Who play Dead by Daylight? 

    Video Game Horror GIF by Dead by Daylight

    1. Vinicius™


      I have this game in my steam, now i need to find my xbox adapter to play!

    2. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      @Vinicius™if you play as surv is ok to play with xbox adapter, but as killer is better with your keyboard and mouse bro….

  5. Nickname : Seuong Tag your opponent : @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Music genre : Pop Number of votes ( max 10 ) : 8 Tag one leader to post your songs(only leaders of proyect): @GeN-X
  6. @Deiversonhas been added to our team. WELCOME.
  7. @-GloW has been added to our team. Welcome ✌️
  8. Hello Shyloo, Im agree with my komrades: But I want you back with a new request. And I invite you to join in VGR proyect if you want, this will help you for your new request. But for now your request will be rejected. Hope see you in the next request and good luck!
  9. Hello, Im glad to see you that you want back, but let be serious. First join to some proyects, make some activity, proposals, reports. You are ex-staff you already know what you have to do and also know you cant made request without activity and only coz of yes. This have to be fair for all. And people like leave and back and again leave and back... I dont like that type of people. And you have that reputation.... Rejected.
  10. Well, you just start your activity today. Let this request as pending for 3 days to see if you continue with your activity. I hope that you show interest in the proyect. Good luck frate
  11. Im searching members to Journalist Proyect / VGR / GFX 

    Loop Waiting GIF

  12. Good activity, you really show interest in the proyects. Even since this request your activity didnt go down. That is what I want.
  13. As you already read from Vinicius, Mehrez and Gen. They are right. This has to be fair for everyone, so you can back when you show interest in CSBD. (Join in some proyects, make activity in them, proposal, etc.) Rejected.
  14. For that you have the sections in every proyect to made absent. And you know the requeriments to be mod. So where is your activity? if you was sick and you re better, perfect back again in the proyects, good activity and then you can back with a new request.
  15. I think alike them. To avoid some comments I prefer that you improve your works and then back with a new request. We will be happy if you back, show us interest in the proyect. Contra for now.
  16. The same that I said to him, now to you. coz its similar situation. You lost the interest and that the reason that you were removed. Even we talk many times on discord about it, I told you many times that to you back with good activity and you just said yes but dont do much about.... Even in Journalist Dark downgrade you to Members.... that coz you get high rank and then stop of doing more work.... You said to me many promises on discord, so I dont want more promise here that you will start your activity. I want you to do it. Show me with facts. (update 24.07.2022) :
  17. There you have. But as youre new, try to join in some projects. Journalist - Vgr - Dh - GOG, etc. And then when you has activity can back here with a request to mod. rejected for now.
  18. Guys,

    Ive received many messages asking about that of being mod, everyone received that message, if you have the requirements you can apply.... 

  19. This post will be published for the Winner of the best Journalist Members of the Month. 1st: V.I.P In forum for 3 days. The winners will be mentioned by the Coordinator and Leaders of the Journalist proyect.
  20. @Yeezuz has been added back to our team. Welcome back!
  21. Hello Drayen, Im glad to see you back in the forum. I just checked your activity here... nothing much to say about... As you were staff time ago you know that you have to do again to have rank. I dont see much interest from you. Lets be serious guys you and other who made request without activity, with no proyects.... If you really want back in the staff show that you really want to back again. Join in some projects, make activity, and then back with a new request. (update 24.07.2022)
  22. • @blofganghas been removed from our team. Reason: his desicion.
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