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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

[M]anuel last won the day on November 9 2023

[M]anuel had the most liked content!

About [M]anuel

  • Birthday 05/07/2004



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  1. 🙈👀.

    1. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      Come back to the staff !! you are welcome mano

    2. [M]anuel


      Pronto voy primero al ryzen 7 

  2. feliz cumpleaños papito bendiciones ❤️

  3. Felicidades manoo njd después de tanto tiempo por fin lograste lo que siempre has querido ahora a seguir adelante y no te vayas ahora que lo tienes todo éxito Bro 

    1. Ronaldskk.


      Muchas gracias Bro aprecio tus palabras y así va a ser njd para adelante<3

  4. I am miss u Bro 😌

  5. Hola en este perfil es donde dan los besos gratis a las mamás ? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark


      Tu mama en tanga xd

    3. [M]anuel


      @#Wittels- para que decirte que no si, Si a esa perra le envío por ws y ni responde bueno peruano tenía que ser . pichula enojada 

    4. Dark


      Habla bien oe

  6. Felicidades....... Señor 

  7. hola bello t amo:v

    1. [M]anuel


      Me enamoras corazón de melocotón 

  8. Music: Jay Wheeler - EaZt (Official Video) Signer: Jay Wheeler Release date: 2 de nov. de 2022 Official YouTube link:
  9. This truck writes a new page in the Guinness World Records. When you think of Ford Ranger Raptor, adventure and off-road performance surely come to mind, but not precisely, it is a vehicle related to stunts. Well, from now on that must change, since the English action driver Paul Swift has established a new two-wheeled record aboard this pickup. On this occasion, the pilot had to cross a gap only 88 centimeters wide with only two wheels. For this feat to be valid, the jury had to measure the width between the two obstacles in relation to the height of the Ranger Raptor. According to this formula, Swift surpassed the previous record by one centimeter! By the way, this feat was achieved within the framework of Guinness World Records Day: "It's fantastic to achieve this record. To be part of such a special group of people is fantastic. I've used this car for a lot of other stunts recently, with various filming jobs we've done, and found it to be something indestructible," says Swift. According to Swift, although it seems easy, in reality, she faced many difficulties. To begin with, the wind was blowing strongly, which was a major obstacle. At the same time, the dimensions, weight and height of the Ranger Raptor were not the most optimal for this type of stunts. However, the robustness and resistance of this vehicle were an advantage when punishing the suspension. Ford Ranger Raptor establece récord en dos ruedas (autocosmos.com.mx)
  10. The camera traps installed by the Ministry of Environment in the Eastern Hills managed to capture six species of mammals that add to the records that were presented in the Blanco River basin, in Sumapaz, in recent months. The records were achieved in the Umbral Cultural Horizontes Reserve of the Cerros Foundation, with whom the Ministry of the Environment signed a conservation agreement on 3.1 hectares. The species captured correspond to six mammals: the ocelot (Leopardus tigrinus, 1 record), the long-tailed weasel (Neogale frenata, 1 record), the Andean cusumbo (Nasuella olivácea, 6 records), the squirrel (Syntheosciurus granatensis, 26 records ), a domestic dog (Canis familiaris, 1 record) and the dog fox (Cerdocyon thous, 14 records). These wildlife finds show good conservation indicators, in addition, they become an example and show of will that joint work between the Ministry of the Environment and owners of private properties can achieve a balance between protection and connectivity. In this case, the agreement is between the Umbral Cultural Horizontes reserve, the conservation agreements program and the Center for Information and Environmental Modeling of Bogotá (CIMAB), of the Ministry of the Environment, within the framework of strengthening wildlife monitoring. wildlife of the Interactive Fauna Monitoring Network (RIMFEB). Additionally, birds from the mountain ecosystem were observed such as the tororoicomprapan (Grallaria ruficapilla), this individual is characterized by having secretive habits, which means that it carries out its activities among the leaves that accumulate on the ground, which is why it is not very common to observe them but only to listen to their song. Interactive Wildlife Monitoring Network Since June 2023, the Ministry of the Environment launched the Bogotá Interactive Wildlife Monitoring Network (RIMFEB), a citizen science and strengthening wildlife monitoring project that has an application that aims to record information from various national sources. and international, analyze and present said information with a view to working on the conservation of wild species in the city, which you can consult and integrate your observations here: https://rimfeb.ambientebogota.gov.co/inicio What is a Conservation Agreement? It is a voluntary agreement between two or more actors that seeks to preserve, restore and make sustainable uses of biodiversity, as well as generate environmental knowledge, guaranteeing the well-being of citizens. The resources to execute these actions come from State financial sources and alliances with private parties. The projects mainly seek to conserve the environmental conditions of the ecosystems in which they are signed. People can report cases of trafficking or illegal possession of wildlife to the email fauna@ambientebogota.gov.co or to the telephone lines: • Mobile Wildlife Rescue Unit: 317 4276828 • Salitre transport terminal: 318 8277733 • Central Office: 601 377 8854 or 318 7125560 BOGOTÁ EDITORIAL WITH INFORMATION FROM THE ENVIRONMENT SECRETARY Estos fueron los seis mamíferos que fueron captados en los cerros orientales de Bogotá - Bogotá - ELTIEMPO.COM
  11. The Colombian National Team closes its participation this Tuesday in the double date of the qualifying round for the 2026 World Cup, after its historic victory against Brazil, on date 5, it prepares to face Paraguay in Asunción. The national team is in Guaraní lands preparing for the difficult match against a team that has just gotten a valuable draw in Chile: it was 0-0 at the National Stadium in Santiago. There are several doubts that coach Néstor Lorenzo has to form the starting eleven that will take the field at the Defensores del Chaco stadium. As has been revealed in the last few hours, there are three changes that the team will have with respect to the one that played against Brazil, two of which would be mandatory and one by technical decision. Also: Luis Díaz, as a model: this is what he looks like with the new Colombia shirt, video The first novelty is in the defense, in the forced absence of Dávinson Sánchez, who was recalled from the concentration due to an accumulation of yellow cards, Carlos Cuesta could take his place in the defensive back. Selección Colombia: cambios de última hora en la formación titular contra Paraguay - Fútbol Internacional - Deportes - ELTIEMPO.COM


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