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Solito/Im Alone

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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Status Replies posted by Solito/Im Alone

  1. venezuela was without light 7 days wtfffff and now you only have light little time in my counter I have light 2 am until 2 pm later again without light ....

    it is impossible to study without net... fk vnzl...

    1. Solito/Im Alone

      Solito/Im Alone

      que viva la revolución carajo.! jajajajajaja estamos jodidos hermano 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. Снимка на Shantaljaci.
    headphones for iphone 8 

  3. do someone know my old nickname & server ?

  4. I returned the old profile, thank you

    @Mr.Love @SKYFALL #ThunderZM

    1. Solito/Im Alone

      Solito/Im Alone

      lol, I'm happy, my brother, you have returned to your profile, congratulations, let me know, many problems here in my country have made me get away from the game, a hug


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. olivia newton-john gay GIF

    I know who these guys are xD @[N]audy and @#Ace AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ?

  6. ? ? ? ? ? ? 

  7. When you're a good-hearted person but she does not love you and likes the guys who smoke and steals other people(((( 

    Resultado de imagen para meme llorando

  8. I miss my Venezuela ?

  9. I miss my Venezuela ?

  10. those people who do not have trades and just annoy the others in fb?

    many write to me asking me unban or help I'll just tell 1 time I'm not an administrator wtf contact one and do not bother in fb: D


    @G.O.G ten cuidado con tu fb son una ladilla weon.............. mi fb es englis wtf y soy venezolano imaginate dios .-.

  11. those people who do not have trades and just annoy the others in fb?

    many write to me asking me unban or help I'll just tell 1 time I'm not an administrator wtf contact one and do not bother in fb: D


    @G.O.G ten cuidado con tu fb son una ladilla weon.............. mi fb es englis wtf y soy venezolano imaginate dios .-.

  12. my Venezuelan friends will understand

    mis amigos venezolanos reportense 

  13. my Venezuelan friends will understand

    mis amigos venezolanos reportense 

    1. Solito/Im Alone

      Solito/Im Alone

      jajajajajajajaja cada vez que veo el video me cago de la risa, jajajajajajaja por chavista. a que no le pararon al video verdad?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. Qlq Manoooo quien activoo hoy en Chacaito ! ! ! 



    WTF hahaha this staff that I put some time ago
    only copy and paste :v

    @Mr.Daniel ♔♔♔ hahaha la staff que me hiciste ve eso solo copiar y pegar hahahahaaha  :V 

  16. Origin account basic premier, with battlefield 1, battlefield 4 premium edition, star wars Battlefront 1 and 2, and other games, if someone want that acc send pm




  17. no por que, cuando veo esas cosas, me imagino a mis amigos todos virgenes ellos @[N]audy @elpadrinos ♔♔♔ @el-barto @Ace lo siento, tenia que publicarlo



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