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Everything posted by Dark

  1. Vamos Perú!!!!! VAMOS AL MUNDIAL  :emot-smugbert:

    1. [N]audy


      que pierda peru :'v :emot-smugbert:

  2. Bye Bro :'(( Good Luck :(
  3. Name in game: -DarkGeNeSiS- ¤ Age: 16 ¤ Name: Jesús ¤ City: Lima ¤ Country: Peru ¤ Favorite Games: C.s 1.6 and League of Legends ¤ A short description about you: I like to play football and to do friends:P ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil:An entry that they invited me and me believes the account to enter:)) ¤ Server preferred (server only community!): thunderzm ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): in Facebook
  4. Dark

    It notifies of peru

    PAOLO GUERRERO they have qualified it and it was not playing this party with new zelanda .... now the desires of celebrating have lost but I have faith .... that we can come to the world one we can Peruvians!!!! WE GO!!!
  5. Congratulations bro :D :emot-smugbert:

    1. P R A T I K

      P R A T I K

      Congratulations sorry good luck :congratualtions:

  6. You should have one Internet slow reason of it is that it has this type of problem it can be that you have problems with his connection to our use or of the problem that you have GoodLuck
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. Dark

    Need Help

    So this problems apear with all those who dont have Graphic Card Game card 1: open your counter strike 2: let's turn to options 2: we search where it says mouse and you lower the sensitivity to your taste I hope it helps you
  9. :congratualtions: my friend :P 

  10. Felicidades bro x tu GM !! :congratualtions:

    1. Playboy™


      Graciasss hermano!

  11.  Congrants for Global moderators :congratualtions:

    1. ScareCrow


      Thanku so much <3 

  12. OMG Bro Congrants for moderators :congratualtions:

  13. Give me Kiss :'v


  14. Dark

    Need Help

    hi bro Download http://www.mediafire.com/file/s5xdotk60o6gvd5/Windows6.1-KB2999226-x64.msu
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