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Everything posted by Dark


    1. #CeLTiXxX


      y por estos videos, por esta razon empiezan mis momentos sad :( Gracias 

    2. Dark


      Perdón 7w7 

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    1. #CeLTiXxX


      vayaloooo!!!! :D 

    2. Mathias78


      dark malo T.T

    3. Dark


      No Soy Malo Bebe 7w7 


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  5. Good Morning Uglys e.e :yuhu:

    1. MoralesZZzYT™


      GOOD MORNIN uGgly 


  6. <17:35:44> "[[I Love Sofia] DarkAngels] [I Love Sofia] DarkAngels": soi gey y :V?
    <17:35:53> "[*CaRtoo'N] *CaRtoo'N": lo se
    <17:35:56> "[[I Love Sofia] DarkAngels] [I Love Sofia] DarkAngels": :$
    <17:35:59> "[*CaRtoo'N] *CaRtoo'N": no hay ninguna novedad
    <17:36:03> "[[I Love Sofia] DarkAngels] [I Love Sofia] DarkAngels": hahaha
    <17:36:04> "[[I Love Sofia] DarkAngels] [I Love Sofia] DarkAngels": XDXD
    <17:36:26> "[[I Love Sofia] DarkAngels] [I Love Sofia] DarkAngels": y esas canciones :V?
    <17:36:30> "[*CaRtoo'N] *CaRtoo'N": no se
    <17:36:32> "[*CaRtoo'N] *CaRtoo'N": xd
    <17:36:33> "[[I Love Sofia] DarkAngels] [I Love Sofia] DarkAngels": anda despechado?
    <17:36:36> "[[I Love Sofia] DarkAngels] [I Love Sofia] DarkAngels": ow0
    <17:36:54> "[zeus] zeus": Lo dejo ace
    <17:36:57> "[*CaRtoo'N] *CaRtoo'N": esque quiero a fiorella :c
    <17:36:57> "[zeus] zeus": anda despechado.
    <17:36:59> "[*CaRtoo'N] *CaRtoo'N": :v
    <17:37:02> "-DarkGeNeSiS- I love fiorella": e.e
    <17:37:07> "-DarkGeNeSiS- I love fiorella": <17:36:57> "[*CaRtoo'N] *CaRtoo'N": esque quiero a fiorella :c
    <17:37:07> "-DarkGeNeSiS- I love fiorella": <17:36:57> "[*CaRtoo'N] *CaRtoo'N": esque quiero a fiorella :c
    <17:37:07> "-DarkGeNeSiS- I love fiorella": <17:36:57> "[*CaRtoo'N] *CaRtoo'N": esque quiero a fiorella :c
    <17:37:13> "[[I Love Sofia] DarkAngels] [I Love Sofia] DarkAngels": hahahah
    <17:37:21> "[*CaRtoo'N] *CaRtoo'N": :v
    <17:37:39> "[*CaRtoo'N] *CaRtoo'N": this is fake
    <17:37:39> "[*CaRtoo'N] *CaRtoo'N": :s
    <17:37:47> "[zeus] zeus": denle cuello
    <17:37:49> "[zeus] zeus": a cartoon 
    CSTMR @*CaRtoo'N™ 

  7. <20:42:27> "[N]audy": dark angel es de peru
    <20:42:39> "[-.Mervin.-] -.Mervin.-": ya se
    <20:42:42> "[N]audy": pasa que se cambia ip con hack y sale
    <20:42:47> "[N]audy": de venezuela 
    C Mamo @[M]ikasa 

    1. [N]audy


      ahhahhahha :V

  8.  @*CaRtoo'N™ @[M]ikasa Ustedes :'v 

    1. [N]audy


      wtf hahahahh :V

  9. ¤ Nickname:-DarkGeNeSiS- ¤ Grade:Semi-elder ¤ Desired Tag: I Am SoRrY!
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  11. Que tal Me Salio?


    1. SkrTTT


      DarKGenesis Dame like y Yo A ti


      SI ?:yuhu:

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  13. Good nights men :D :yuhu:

    1. maykel.


      Good Night :3

    2. _(Ab0d^K!nG)_


      Good night ugly D: 

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