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Everything posted by Dark

  1.   Griezmann <3 

  2. 7,666 profile views

    1. Sinan.47


      hhhh 8.203 my in profile xD 

    2. Dark


      hhh really :c? 


    3. Sinan.47
  3. Dark

    Congratulation :emot-smugbert: 

  4. Algunas Persona te cambian >:'v 

  5. Dragon ball es el mejor >:v entendieron? xd


    1. Zeus™


      qué es esa wea


  6. Good morning CSBD :P 

  7. Dark

    Problem in CSBD !

    Problem Solved!! Thanks all!
  8. Dark

    Problem in CSBD !

    Your Nickname:-DarkGeNeSiS- Your Problem:Problem in CSBD I cannot see the messages why ? Help me plz ! Screenshot:https://imgur.com/a/CBe6p
  9. Hello CSBD ! :emot-smugbert:

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