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  1. DH1, nice soundboard ❤️
  2. DH2, GOOD MUSIC! ❤️
  3. For the months of November and next December, the Peruvian government plans to reopen 100% of economic and entertainment activities, considering the fall in the numbers of COVID-19 infections and despite the fact that a second wave may arrive in the country, said the Prime Minister Walter Martos. "We are practically 98% of the economy working, there is little margin, we hope it will be fully operational by the end of this year or in the first months of next," said the premier in a virtual press conference with the Foreign Press Association in Peru (APEP). After having endured a 40.4% drop in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in April, the rate of decline was reduced to -9.82% last August, which is interpreted by the prime minister as one of the economic recoveries "more fast in Latin America ”. "Our economy should be positive next year," he said. Martos explained that in the last stage of the economic reopening of the country there will be "entertainment and entertainment activities, the vast majority of which are gradually being reactivated." Among them he mentioned tourism, "one of the sectors hardest hit" by the health crisis, but which is being reactivated "in a more accelerated way, within the management of the pandemic." The head of the cabinet indicated that after reactivating any activity they have waited two or three weeks to evaluate its effects, at the level of contagion, and then decide whether to restrict it again or "give rise to continue reactivating." Seven months after the contagion of COVID-19 began in the country, the number of deaths has fallen to between 60 and 70 per day, but the Government thinks "that this amount should fall" more. Likewise, he insisted that as "contagion rates are managed" they will "restrict some activities or release some as rates fall." Second wave less harsh However, the prime minister added that "there will probably be a second wave" of the epidemic in the country, but the authorities think "that it will be somewhat different from what happened in Europe." He mentioned as one of the factors the number of immune people in Peru, unlike Europe, which reached 5% before the second wave of infections that this continent faces today. "This month we are doing a seroprevalence study, which allows us to see the level of immunity that the country has reached, with the results we have so far 35% of the population already has immunity," he said. According to this study, Martos added that in Peru there are still “between 70% and 65% susceptible to being infected and, if there is neglect in personal protection, there is a possibility that there will be a second wave, but it will not be as drastic as in Europe". To date, 876,885 cases have been accumulated in Peru, with 5,743 currently hospitalized and 33,937 deaths. Despite the possibility of this second wave, the Peruvian Government has announced that it will give directives to allow the use of the beaches during the coming summer months, although with some restrictions, as well as the reopening of churches and recreation and tourism centers. with a reduced capacity.
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  4. As with the rest of the companies involved in the development of Internet browsing software, Mozilla wants to take maximum care of the security of its users in its Firefox project, for which it does not stop implementing new functionalities, as is the case that concerns us here. We say all this because Mozilla is currently working on a new function for its web browser, Firefox, with which it aims to help its users with security issues through a generator of random secure passwords that they can use on platforms and services. in which they are registered. At the same time, what the firm wants is for this feature to join the browser's password manager so that they can work together on something as important as this. It all started with the implementation in Firefox 67 of new features to save passwords in private browsing mode and support for an authentication API, while Firefox Lockwise, a complementary application to the password manager, was launched. In fact, Firefox Lockwise on mobile devices brings all the passwords saved on the desktop to these platforms and supports options to log in in a synchronized way. Firefox In this way, the new password generator would be part of this set by working with the password manager, since it will be the browser itself that suggests a password during the registration process on Internet sites. Keep in mind that this new functionality will be activated in sites that use the "autocomplete = new-password" attribute, although it will also be activated in password fields that do not use it later. How the password generator in Firefox 69 works In this way, the program will show the option "Use generated password" when we access the corresponding field and then add the generated password to said field, automatically saving it in the software itself, something that we can consult in the "Saved accounts" button. as we will see later. Of course, in order to make use of all this, first we will have to do with the latest version of Firefox Nightly, although we must also know that by default this is something that is not activated. To do this we load the page "about: config" in the address bar of Firefox Nightly and look for the entry called "signon.generation.available" where we double click to activate it and change its state. Firefox Then we will have the new function for generating secure passwords in Firefox, so we load the page "about: preferences # privacy" again from the address bar and go to the "Users and passwords" section to be able to activate the option called “Suggest and generate strong passwords”. As we have commented previously, next to this option we find the button "Saved accounts" so that we can check and manage the passwords that the browser itself has created over time. What is clear is that Mozilla continues to work and add new functions with which it intends to increase the privacy and security of its users when browsing the Internet, an aspect highly valued by them.
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  5. There is no doubt that the market for cryptocurrency mining through graphics cards is a very lucrative one for manufacturers, but it has consequences such as the fact that they end up being like locusts devouring all the available stock, which can lead to problems in launching a new generation of GPUs if its mining performance is very high. That is why AMD, to ensure that the RX 6000 do not suffer the same fate as past generations, have come up with a solution that consists of launching a graphics card dedicated to mining. Graphics cards not only serve to make games look beautiful but also have other utilities, and one of them is cryptocurrency mining, a task for which they are one of the fastest hardware components, which makes them coveted for those. who assemble system with this need. AMD brings us an RDNA graphics card exclusively for mining AMD RDNA According to sources, there is a graphics card variant with device ID 0x731E based on the Navi 10 chip, which is based on the RDNA architecture and has been used in the entire Radeon RX 5700 and RX 5600 ranges. The difference with respect to the standard models is that it would lack or have inactive two of the accelerators usually integrated in the GPU: the display controller in charge of sending the video signal, Display Core Next (DCN) in RDNA, and the video codec, the VCN. This means that this graphics card lacks video output and therefore cannot be used to render graphics, which means that it is out of the gaming market and thus becomes an exclusive option for mining. We also do not know if AMD has disabled ring 0 of the command processor that is used for the screen list during rendering. We don't know which Navi 10 configuration AMD has chosen for this graphics card, but at its best it has 40 Compute Units and is equipped with a 256-bit GDDR6 bus, allowing it to 8 or 16 GB configurations. with that kind of VRAM. But remember that there are variants with 32 and 36 CUs and with 192-bit GDDR6 buses as well. As for the release date, we shouldn't see this dedicated mining graphics card before 2021, and this means that it's going to come out at the same time as the Navi 22-based graphics cards, so it may be a measure. of containment to avoid lack of stock. Where is CDNA? AMD CDNA The CDNA architecture was presented by AMD as a 100% computation-centric architecture and as an evolution in that sense of its GCN graphics architecture, the precursor to RDNA. It is surprising that with the announcement of the CDNA architecture, which would be ideal for mining, we find that AMD has decided to launch a shortened version of RDNA for mining. Really, this seems to be AMD's covert way of cleaning up its stock of Navi 10 chips once and for all. The problem? Mining, although it seems that it is emerging again, is not what it used to be and contrary to what happened with the stock of AMD Vega, now it may not be so easy. The reason we miss CDNA is that like this RDNA for mining, AMD would have also capped its ability to display graphics, but especially since mining is one of the strengths of computing through graphics processors.
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  6. Game Informations : Developer: Kevin VanOrd Platforms PC, PS4 Initial release date: February 24, 2014 at 6:00AM PST Sometimes, Thief makes you feel...well, like a thief. The stars align, you've gathered some courage, and you swoop in to snatch a patrolling guard's coin purse unseen, and then swipe a goblet from under his nose. You sneak away, grin, and silently congratulate yourself for your unquestionable skill. Emphasis on the "silently" part, of course; any good thief knows it's best not to trumpet your accomplishments. Other times, the illusion is shattered. You hide in the shadows while watching an alerted guard walk continuously in place against a pillar, or staring as he pirouettes with several of his comrades. You trigger loading screens so frequently you could be forgiven for thinking you weren't exploring an entire city as much as you were crisscrossing a series of walk-in closets. And so you growl your disapproval without caring who might hear you. You are no longer a thief; you're just playing one in a clumsy video game. This video has an invalid file format. Such is the turbulent nature of Thief, a clunky, intriguing, slapdash, atmospheric stealth game that leashes you to its inconsistencies and gives you no choice but to submit to its whims. The resulting suffocation is at the very least an appropriate circumstance given the heavy aura of The City. This is indeed not just any city, but "The City," and while you play as Garrett, the master thief who starred in the previous Thief games, The City is the game's central character. It's an imposing and claustrophobic community, perpetually cloaked in darkness, from which gothic clock towers and grand cathedrals rise. As you navigate its narrow streets and scramble onto rooftops, you pass vagrants huddled around fires for warmth, and overhear couples express their fear of the sickness that has wafted into their city. This is a place where the rich plunder and the poor seek refuge, so it's no wonder that a populist named Orion has come forth to champion the meek who suffer under the baron's rule. This sickness--chillingly called "the gloom"--does not distinguish between the wealthy and the destitute, and Thief occasionally dabbles in the class warfare themes that naturally result from this scenario. Unfortunately, the socioeconomic conflict is relegated to window-dressing status in favor of the mystical occurrences that drive the game's second half. That's a shame, because Thief's main story ultimately goes nowhere. The game kicks off with an introductory chapter that shows Garrett's protégé, Erin, inadvertently falling to her doom at the hands of a cult in the midst of a magical ritual. As you push closer to the truth over the game's eight story chapters, the narrative loses all focus, the mystical mumbo jumbo takes over, and you're left with no real sense of closure. It doesn't help that the final, irritating, wrongheaded boss fight transitions into a final cutscene that offers no emotional payoff. Thief is about where, and not about what. As you pursue side missions and main story objectives, you crouch and skim through the shadows, letting The City swallow you, and avoiding the eyes of the city watch. Everywhere you go, you see trinkets on barrels, coins on banisters, and locked boxes likely to contain wondrous jewels within. The objects you snatch are immediately converted to currency, and there's something deliciously nefarious about grabbing everything you can that isn't nailed down. When you first take a hairbrush from a nightstand or a ring lying on the pavement next to a corpse, you sense that this is an item of real value, both financial and emotional. Eventually, the very act of stealing becomes second nature, and in that sense, Thief does an excellent job of immersing you in Garrett's selfish indifference. He steals from the rich, from the dead, and from the downtrodden to give to...himself. As you navigate its narrow streets and scramble onto rooftops, you pass vagrants huddled around fires for warmth, and overhear couples express their fear of the sickness that has wafted into their city. Taking in the sights of The City is rewarding; moving around in it is not. The first time I emerged from the clock tower that serves as Garrett's home base, I looked upon the industrial tableau and imagined all of the adventure waiting for me there. Exploratory freedom, however, is not Thief's style. Sure, you do find hidey-holes to investigate, and missions often feature carefully structured architecture that provides you multiple routes of infiltration. But going about your business in the hub world has you hitting one loading screen after another when you transition into a new area, often without warning. You might simply sneak into an abode when you force a window open--or you might have to endure a loading screen first. Squeezing between some fallen lumber might reveal a hidden nook, or it might initiate--you guessed it--a loading screen. Thief is frustratingly segmented in unintuitive ways, and it keeps The City from being fun to navigate. Even the limited wall-climbing afforded by your new claw gadget can't free the game from its self-imposed claustrophobia. The goal, of course, is to navigate The City as quietly as you can; if you're busted, you're not much of a thief. Many of the stealth mechanics have a great feel to them, starting with the quick dash known as the swoop. Swooping may not be part of the series' legacy, but there's no doubting its appeal: you rush forward a few feet with a gratifying "whoosh," gliding over broken glass that would raise a nearby guard's suspicions if you trod upon it, or quickly snuffing out a candle so you can slink away in protective darkness. Pressing against cover and peeking from behind isn't a typical Thief series mechanic (and unlike in Thief: Deadly Shadows, you don't flatten your back against walls), but has a nice tactile quality to it. This is due in no small part to how you see Garrett's hands grasp the sides of the crate you're hiding behind, so that the peeking move feels more like a human motion and less like an unnatural tilt. Actually putting these moves to good use reveals Thief's oft-ridiculous AI flaws. Unrealistic enemy behavior is hardly new to the series, or to stealth games in general, but given how seriously Thief takes itself, the silly AI becomes a distraction. A guard might get stuck running in place against a scaffold, or several guards will chase you into a corner, only to let you off scot-free because they can't navigate around each other. At times, it doesn't feel as though you are outwitting your foes as much as you are exploiting their inability to climb; sometimes you can just drop down from a ledge and your pursuer will give up simply because he can't see you or follow you. As you push closer to the truth over the game's eight story chapters, the narrative loses all focus, the mystical mumbo jumbo takes over, and you're left with no real sense of closure. There are some lovely touches, such as the way guards notice that a door has opened, and the ribald conversations they have with each other when they aren't alerted to your presence. But these details are hardly new to stealth games--or to other genres for that matter--and so their impact is significantly lessened given Thief's AI glitches and endlessly repeated ambient dialogue. In turn, the tension so important to successful stealthing is diminished. In the best sneaking games, making your way to your objective while maximizing your effectiveness feels like maneuvering through a giant deadly trap. Thief rarely captures the right sense of risk, however, which in turn reduces the sense of reward. There are all sorts of ways to make the game more (or less) difficult; if you're inclined to pooh-pooh Thief for not being hardcore enough for you, you can tailor the heads-up display to your liking, turning options on and off as you see fit. Yet making the game harder isn't a magic solution to the aberrant AI. The game is at its best when you minimize or fully remove the effects of its most obvious nod to modern game design: focus. Focus is a catchall mechanic that changes its effects based on context. If you're just wandering around, activating focus reveals interactive objects like loot to snatch and locks to pick. If you're in trouble and need to beat down a persistent guard, it slows down time and lets you target the guard for maximum damage. Focus is the kind of mechanic that gets old-school Thief series enthusiasts in a tizzy, though again, you can simply turn focus off if you don't like it. The problem with focus isn't that it makes the game too easy. The problem is that it does so by dulling the world around you rather than making you feel like a more effective, more knowledgeable thief. It's nice, for instance, that you can get the additional help when you're forced into melee combat against a sword-wielding guard. But it doesn't make the combat enjoyable or even unlock cool new fighting animations: you still just swing the blackjack with the aplomb of a three-year-old flailing a stick. Sometimes having the additional time to pick locks that focus affords you is welcome, but picking locks doesn't suddenly become more entertaining as a result--you just finish faster. You can upgrade these skills by spending some money or by stumbling across upgrade shards during your travels, but I quickly found that applying those upgrades never made me feel more agile or more effective--they just sapped the tension from missions. I soon relegated focus to a single use: illuminating interactive objects around me. My funds instead went toward tools like the socket wrench and wire cutters--tools that actually made me feel like a potent Thief by giving me access to new areas and allowing me to disarm deadly traps. In spite of focus's questionable value, some of the tricks Garrett holds up his tight-fitting sleeves are a blast to pull off, and a bow might be the most vital tool he carries. You can loose water arrows at flaming sconces to spread the darkness, attach rope arrows to prescribed grapple points and climb to new areas, and launch sawtooth arrows into pesky guards' skulls. The fire arrow is another standout, in no small part because of how you can use one to set alight a standing puddle of oil. Enemies standing in such an oil puddle are burned to a crisp, and you can only cackle at their fiery misfortune. This method of extermination is put to particularly good use in Thief's requisite asylum level (didn't we just do this in Deadly Shadows?), where you encounter blind subhuman foes that burn up real good. The asylum mission is one of Thief's better ones, in part because it heightens the ambient anxiety and dabbles in horror elements. However, this atmospheric terror is not matched by a sense of real danger; until the mission's later moments, there's little to be afraid of. My favorite mission, however, was an optional one in which you lead a drunkard through the level by clearing away the obstacles that inhibit his progress. It's a cheekily wicked process with a few dark laughs in store. Most side missions are quickly accomplished and forgotten, however, with the story missions providing most of the intrigue. While the iffy enemy behavior often tempers the fun, stumbling upon a previously unnoticed avenue of entry brings a nice feeling of accomplishment along with it. As Thief seesawed up and down, my enjoyment of it followed suit. Each time I thought I might fall in love, the game doused my passions with a new annoyance. There was the bug that had me swimming in place on top of some boards I'd leapt to. (Thank goodness for reloadable checkpoints!) There were the times I scratched my head wondering why I couldn't take cover behind one crate but could behind an identical one. (The rules of locomotion are never absolutely clear.) But then the love affair was rekindled the moment I pinched out a candle's flame and yanked a dowager's earrings from her lobes unnoticed. (Unrealistic, certainly, but joyful nonetheless.) Whether you are new to the series or cut your teeth on Thief's particular brand of stealth when it was still novel, I'd wager your feelings will waver as often as mine did. The Thief-franchise-inspired Dishonored waves the stealth flag far more confidently than this reboot does. Garrett is not yet on his way out, but he's been shown the door. System requeriments OS: Windows Vista with platform update. CPU: High-performance dual core CPU or quad core CPU. RAM: 4 GB. Graphics Card: AMD Radeon 4800 series / Nvidia GTS 250. DirectX: DirectX 10. HDD/SSD: 20 GB.
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  7. Happy ugly birthday, even if you make me angry and ask for love, you are my friend :)))))))), GL ❤️
  8. DH1, good music ❤️
  9. The Government will increase international flights from November and will include another nine American countries, including the United States, Mexico, Argentina and Brazil. The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) reported on Twitter that "it will enable 24 air routes to 10 countries in North America, South America, Central America and the Caribbean" as part of the modifications in the restrictions imposed to face the COVID-19 pandemic . These flights have a range of 8 hours duration, "he added before specifying that trips to the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Brazil, and Argentina are being added, as well as a new destination. towards Colombia. After having kept the borders and airspace closed since March 16, the authorities this month authorized the start of flights of up to four hours to cities in Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile. This Wednesday, President Martín Vizcarra announced that the Government decided that from November this measure will be extended to flights of up to eight hours in duration, while a gradual opening of land borders will also begin. The MTC later detailed that flights to and from North America will include the cities of Los Angeles, New York, Orlando, Miami, Houston, Atlanta, Mexico City and Cancun. The new destinations allowed in Central America and the Caribbean will be to Havana, Montego Bay, Punta Cana, San José and San Salvador, while in South America it will fly to Cartagena, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Brasilia, Porto Alegre, Foz de Iguazú , Buenos Aires, Rosario, Mendoza, Córdoba and Tucumán. Vizcarra indicated that the coordination for this measure to be implemented will be carried out by the MTC and the requirement that passengers arriving in Peru have the negative result of a molecular test for COVID-19 will be maintained, because otherwise "immediately" they will be sent "back to their place of origin". (EFE)
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  10. The cybersecurity company Sensitive AI published an investigation into a bot that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to 'strip' photos of women and then share them on the Telegram messaging service. According to the report, the bot uses software that generates a realistic approximation of the intimate parts of the women's bodies in the photos. The program learns to detect clothing items and the location of body parts. Then, from several photos of clothed and nude women, you can create a version of a nude female body that appears in any image. (You may be interested: Due to elections in the US, Twitter changes the rules of ‘retweet’). Related topics TAXES BOGOTÁ 08:01 P. M. Why is the new platform of the Ministry of Finance failing? Investigators determined that more than 100,000 women have been victims of the bot and that there are at least seven Telegram channels where the photos are shared. Channels are a tool of this application to spread messages to large audiences. Internet users access publications when they subscribe to a specific channel. Sensitive AI also explained that, through Telegram channels, people upload the photo they want to alter, wait a few minutes and the bot sends the image to the user completely free. However, if you want to remove the watermarks from the photo, you must pay around $ 1.50 (5,700 Colombian pesos). In an interview with 'MIT Technology Review', a specialized magazine of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, for its acronym in English), Giorgio Patrini, CEO of the company that led the investigation, assured that “it is quite obvious that most of the photographs they are minors ”. Through an anonymous survey of more than 7,000 users of the bot, it was established that the majority of these are from Russia. Likewise, 63% of those surveyed said that they use it to ‘undress’ relatives, girls or women they know, 16% use it in photographs of celebrities; 8%, in images of models or women on Instagram; 7%, in internet women; and 6% said they had no intention of using it on girls. The cyber company also specified that most of the victims come from countries such as Argentina, Italy, Russia and the United States. The CEO of Sensitive AI also told the MIT magazine that the researchers tried to contact some of the women, but none of them wanted to share their experience. It is quite obvious that most of the photographs are of minors In addition, he commented that they tried to contact Telegram and the FBI, but, he said, he has not yet received a response from any of the organizations. This type of artificial intelligence is known as 'deepfake' and, according to Patrini, it is not the first time it has been used, as the researchers found another page dedicated to the creation and distribution of this content on the Russian social network VK.
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  11. The graphics card market for enthusiasts is now dominated by a duopoly made up of AMD and NVIDIA, but Intel does not want to be left behind and is keen to enter that market in full force. Their bet is the development of the Intel Xe architecture, which so far we have only seen in the Intel Lake Field based on DG1, but they have plans to enter the market for dedicated graphics cards with their DG2 architecture. But what do the latest rumors say about it? Intel is not synonymous with graphics power, its last two attempts to enter as a serious competitor ended in a failure first with the Intel i740 that appeared in the late 90s and a failure later with the Intel Larrabee, which evolved into the Xeon Phi to fall completely into oblivion. But it is said that the third time is the charm and Intel has a huge strategic interest and especially as a defense against AMD in having competitive graphics hardware. Intel DG2, the architecture of the Xe-HPG Xe-HPG Intel has not yet made an official presentation of its DG2 architecture, which will be focused on the enthusiastic gamer market and its objective would be to enter one-on-one in a battle against the RX 6000 from AMD and the RTX 3000 from NVIDIA, said GPU would have elements in common with its rivals such as Ray Tracing hardware acceleration and Variable Rate Shading. Apart from that we know from the driver leaks that the entire Intel Xe HP line, based on DG2, could have integrated neural processors in the style of NVIDIA's Tensor Cores. Tensors Intel Xe Otherwise it would be an evolution of the Intel DG1 that we have already seen in the Intel Lakefield but on a larger scale due to the fact of having a much wider GPU by having a greater number of processing units. New rumors about the Intel Xe HPG contradict previous ones Intel Xe Render Recently new rumors have appeared about the GPU with which Intel wants to stand up to AMD and NVIDIA in the high-end graphics cards. The first one talks about the manufacturing process used, which would be TSMC's N6, so Intel would not be the manufacturer of its own GPU. The 6 nm process of TSMC is an EUV process that is thought of as an evolution of the 7 nm process and which results in an evolution of it. This means that designs for N7 can be carried over to N6 and take advantage of an additional 20% in terms of the number of transistors per mm2. The second rumor tells us that the Intel Xe HPG graphics card would carry about 16 GB GDDR6. The surprise would come with the third rumor, where contrary to what was initially rumored we would not be facing a GPU with an MCM configuration, composed of several chiplets or tiles as Intel calls them, but we would find a monolithic chip. The decision to use a monolithic chip would have caused a cut in the configuration in terms of the number of EUs planned for the Intel Xe HPG from 960 to 512, this is 4096 "Stream Processors" which are equivalent to 64 Compute Units, so without taking into account the differences in efficiency of each architecture would be an equivalent to the Navi 21 XL GPU from AMD, so it would compete against the RX 6800 from AMD and the RTX 3070 from NVIDIA, all with an energy consumption between the 150 and 200 W. As for the price at which these cards would be launched, we do not know until Intel pronounces and confirms it, but it is supposed to be between $ 400 and $ 500. Why would Intel have canceled the design with multiple tiles or chiplets? Intel Xe HP Not long ago, Raja Koduri showed us the prototypes of the Intel Xe GPUs with 1, 2 and 4 tiles or chiplets and rumors began to speculate that they could be the chips with which Intel would compete against NVIDIA and AMD. There are two reasons why with respect to making a dedicated graphics card for the enthusiastic gamer market, Intel would have opted for a monolithic design, that is: a GPU made up of a single chip. The first of them is that dividing a single GPU into several chiplets means that the bandwidths communicated by the different parts have to be immense, the problem with the external interfaces of the processors is that they consume a lot and it is necessary to pull exotic solutions like the use of interposers and TSV cabling that make the product extremely expensive. The second possibility involves having two complete graphics chips or more in the same interposer, each of them is independent but the domestic software only uses one GPU and ignores the others, placing a double and quadruple GPU would be a waste of time that no game would take advantage of , so it is better for Intel to make a monolithic chip. But there is a reason why Intel had decided to go for a Tiles / Chiplets configuration, which is none other than its own 10nm process has poor performance from chips I learned
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  12. Game Informations : Developer: Cameron Woolsey Platforms PC, PS4 Initial release date: March 31, 2014 at 5:30PM PDT The chilling cry of a spirit told me to move off the trail and head into the woods, wherein lay the next clue in my investigation. What would I find this time? Perhaps the remains of a skeleton, weathered by the elements, its bones shattered by some malicious deed. Or would it be broken arrow shafts, left behind after an intense and bloody battle? In my eagerness, I made a grave error. My sudden movements were careless, as confirmed by the arrow whistling through the air. It struck its mark, and I attempted to limp to the safety of the forest. A coarse bellow drowned out the sound of my footsteps. Bursting through the brush charged a creature in the shape of a Spanish conquistador, its armor accented by red, from the belt, to the undershirt, to the burning eyes. It looked like the spirit would have to be patient for just a little while longer. The flash of a blade caused my screen to erupt in crimson. The year is 1604, and you begin your journey stranded, facedown on a beach in Virginia. Resting on the rocky shore is the remains of the battered ship that carried you to this land. Betrayer is seemingly devoid of life, if not for the calls of unseen birds and buzzes of insects. On occasion, a wind blows across the terrain, whipping grass and bushes into an energetic dance, strong enough to bend the tops of trees to its will. Like a fever dream, the environment is stripped of color, save for red, and in the distance, trees and structures melt into the intense white light. It is a dangerous, desolate world, and the reason you are here is only the first of the many mysteries that await. You venture through this unsettling landscape battling demonic conquistadors who patrol dirt paths, awaiting trespassers to enter their midst. Battles are fought using a variety of 17th-century weapons, including bows, powerful flintlock pistols and muskets, and a deadly tomahawk. Enemies don't go down easily, as proven by many of my early skirmishes. The conquistadors are heavily armored, and it takes practice to learn how to properly take them down. I felt lost during my first several fights. My arrows seemed to have little effect against the charging soldiers, sometimes sticking and other times deflecting off the plating and lazily falling to the ground. But it didn't take long to learn the ropes, and soon I was hunting in the tall grass just off dirt paths, taking advantage of the intermittent gusts of wind to hide the sound of my footsteps as I stalked my prey. Bows and crossbows allow you to stay hidden and strike without making a sound. When stealth fails, the stopping power provided by an array of flintlock pistols and muskets is in order, but they come with a caveat. True to their history, flintlock weapons are powerful, but they're slow to reload, and when there's too much distance between you and your target, they have a chance of missing. This creates tense moments during combat when you must stop and line up your shot as enemies rush toward you. Betrayer shares many trappings with From Software's Souls series. Loot, the game's currency, is found in destructible boxes or picked up off the corpses of defeated enemies. Taking damage is inevitable, and healing requires taking a swig from a water flask, which has a limited number of uses before depletion. You must refill it at a water barrel located in specific locations, such as forts, if you desire to live long in the wilds. Dying in battle warps you back to the last base you discovered, forcing you to drop your loot in the place you fell. If you don't recover your lost loot before you die again, it's gone forever. And much like From Software's role-playing game epics, Betrayer does not offer a clear-cut path to your destination. The world is open to explore, and within it are hidden treasures, as well as clues that offer a window into the lives of the settlers who once populated the colony. Like a fever dream, the environment is stripped of color, save for red, and in the distance, trees and structures melt into the intense white light. Clues often take the form of red-bordered scraps of paper, and written on them are the thoughts, hopes, and darkest fears of the missing populace. You get an understanding of the anxiety of those who lived in English settlements, as they withstood attacks by soldiers and natives. There are talks of shaky truces and broken family ties, whispers of a deadly blight, and rumors of shadowy figures stalking farmland and leaving dead crops behind. The scraps fill the missing pieces of the overall puzzle, but leave enough empty spaces for you to inject your own theories on how the people ultimately met their fate. The colorless land first introduced is merely the surface of a deeper world. Each area includes an ominous bell that, when rung, transports you to another plane of existence: the Otherworld, where angry spirits take the form of skeletons with bright red eyes, or shadowy demons crowned with silver skulls and armed with long talons. Also wandering throughout this tainted land are wraiths, the lost spirits of those who died in the living world, unable to cross over due to anger or guilt. It is here in the Otherworld that the game becomes truly unnerving. The developer is made up of members from Monolith, creator of the F.E.A.R. series, and the influence is apparent. Betrayer is steeped in tense, edge-of-your-seat moments for which Monolith was known. The game's soundtrack is the wind that whips through the environment, the guttural growls of enemies, and the pounding of your heart as you desperately line up your shot before being overtaken. But in the Otherworld, the oppressive atmosphere is on a whole new level. The overwhelming darkness is nearly suffocating, and the ghastly cries of wraiths from deep inside the impenetrable black shroud chilled me to the core. With the undead demons that haunt the black forest and the cursed wooden totems that burst through the ground with a shrill scream, the Otherworld is a frightening and harsh environment. Your role in Betrayer is not unlike that of a paranormal investigator, except with results. In the living world, you examine scenes of violence, looking upon pools of congealed blood and digging up buried objects, such as corroded pendants and ruined scabbards. You bring evidence to wraiths in the Otherworld, who slowly begin to remember their past lives, as well as the atrocities they committed which led to their imprisonment. The truth of what occurred in the colony is slowly unraveled through your detective work, with many early mysteries taking time to solve. What robbed the land of life? What are the ash figures that populate some of the forts? And who is the enigmatic maiden in red, to whom you must report the results of your investigations? Betrayer is split up into several large destinations, each including points of interest, such as hidden cabins or villages. Discovered locations act as waypoints and can be fast traveled to at any moment when you are out of combat. Every area contains a fort, or at least some sort of base of operations, where you can fill your waterskin and exchange loot for new weapons, ammunition, and charms. The charms add status boosts, such as decreased reloading time or increased health, but the amount is diminutive. For example, a crude charm of swiftness increases your speed by a meager four percent and costs 300 loot. The next tier up boosts that to six percent, and costs twice as much. The difference between the charms is negligible to the point where it's doubtful you would even notice a change. I ended up not purchasing any charms, keeping only the ones handed freely at the start of my quest and replacing them with more powerful versions found in various hidden chests scattered throughout the game. The artificial intelligence powering enemies is unpredictable, straddling the line between aggression and ambivalence. In many adventure games, alerted enemies give chase for only so long before returning to their post. The same could be said for the foes in Betrayer, but how far they will give chase is not abundantly clear. At times, you can run far enough and hide, forcing enemies to give up. Other foes in Betrayer are exceedingly aggressive, however, and pursue you to the end of the map, regardless of the steps you take to keep them off the scent. This issue quickly leads to frustration, especially considering that many enemies can match your running pace. It often takes too long to turn, aim, and fire, so in these moments, your choices dwindle to either running all the way to a water barrel and fighting near your source of health, or accepting the loss and hoping you make it back to your loot unscathed. Enemy variety is unfortunately sparse in Betrayer, and even as you near the end of your 10-hour quest, the same foes still bar your path. During this time, however, I wasn't the same adventurer I was when my enemies and I first clashed. My weapons were far more powerful, fully capable of picking off adversaries with a single shot, abolishing the need to move with caution. The game also begins to get repetitive. The method in which you complete investigations doesn't evolve beyond finding evidence, speaking to a wraith, and repeating these steps until you clear the area. These issues combined caused some dull late-game moments, where I moved through locations unchallenged by monotonous puzzles. Betrayer allows you to change its stark monochrome aesthetics by adjusting a set of sliders to tweak color levels to those of typical adventure games. But doing so removes the game's air of mystery, and it is the mysteries that make Betrayer such a compelling experience. A lot of riddles are solved by the end of the game, yet even as the final curtain falls, many more questions are left unanswered. Nevertheless, with such questions still lingering, the macabre, eerie world of Betrayer is worth the time spent. Spirits of the damned cry out for your help, and you should heed their calls. System Requirements CPU: 3.0 GHz dual core or better. RAM: 3 GB. OS: Windows Vista/ Windows 7/ Windows 8. VIDEO CARD: DirectX 9 compatible with 1GB video RAM or better (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460/AMD Radeon HD 6850) DEDICATED VIDEO RAM: 1 GB.
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  13. <19:26:48> "[N]audy": Prefiero el global
    <19:26:49> "Askor lml": soy una zorra
    <19:26:50> "[N]audy": me quedaba
    <19:26:50> "Askor lml": perra
    <19:26:51> "[N]audy": n_n
    <19:26:59> "Askor lml": SOY UNA BARATA
    <19:27:02> "Askor lml": AXEL ME LA CHUPA
    <19:27:04> "Askor lml": QUE RICOOO
    <19:27:08> "[N]audy": <
    <19:27:09> "[N]audy": XFD


    esa Askor una barata v: 

  14. DH2, good music and artist ❤️
  15. DH2, good music ❤️
  16. VGR team back with other competition With high prizes



  17. The Second Universal Family Bonus of 760 soles is now available. Since last October 10, the Government has been delivering the second batch of this subsidy that aims to reach more than eight million families throughout the country in situations of poverty or extreme poverty, who are seriously affected by the coronavirus crisis. How to collect the subsidy To collect the 760 soles, the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion has announced five phases or methods of payment. Deposit in account In this way, it will be the Government itself that will make a deposit of 760 soles to an account of the Banco de la Nación or another private bank. Digital wallet This option has been proposed in order to avoid crowds, the Government will pay the money to one of the family members who has a digital wallet. Within this payment method there are three different options: BIM: Thanks to this application the user can send money nationwide at no additional cost. You can make payments for services such as electricity, water, telephone or recharge the cell phone. TUNKI: Through this application, the user can make payments between people only with the cell phone number, pay with QR codes in thousands of associated businesses, pay for services and make cell phone recharges from any operator. Likewise, you can withdraw money at any Global Net ATM or Interbank agents throughout the country. YAPE: Application of the Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP) allows the user to make transfers using the cell phone number of your contacts and at no cost. Transfers by Yape are immediate, secure and commission-free. Mobile banking through Multired ATMs You must complete a form with your personal data, after which you will receive an SMS message with the registration codes, mobile banking login code and 5-digit code with which you can withdraw the voucher at the Multired ATMs of Banco de la Nation. Turn in window The closest department, province and district must be chosen to access the Voucher collection as well as the day to make the appointment. Securities Transport Companies (ETV) The aid may also be received through Securities Transport Companies as is done for the payment of other aid.
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  18. Game Informations : Developer: Alexa Ray Corriea Platforms PC, PS4 Initial release date: February 17, 2016 at 9:00AM PST Of all three Fire Emblem Fates titles, Revelation is the most rewarding. It marries the best parts of sister titles Birthright and Conquest, offering varying maps with complex and often interactive terrain, as well as ample opportunities to grind for experience and build relationships between members of its warrings kingdoms. Whether you're carefully maneuvering your troops to make the best use of floating platforms to rout the enemy, or pairing up the heir to the Hoshido throne with the eldest princess of Nohr and praying they birth an amazing child, there is a lot of love in nearly every facet of its design. Revelation's first six chapters are the same all the other Fates' titles: the family that has raised you, the royals of Nohr, are not related to you by blood. You are a lost prince or princess of the Hoshido kingdom, a neighboring nation at war with Nohr. On the battlefield, as your siblings both blood and adopted close in on you, begging you to return to them, you are given a choice: side with one or the other. Revelation, however, offers a third option: choose to side with neither. Option three makes you a traitor to both, and when they all disown you, it's just you and your new best friend, the songstress Azura, on the run. With Azura's help you discover the real cause behind the war and set out to convince both families and their allies to fight together to stop it--though you can't tell them exactly what's happening because of a curse that will melt you if the truth is spoken. This is a very convenient way to create an inconvenience, and you spend much of the story trying to rally everyone to your cause without being able to tell them what exactly it is. Predictably, no one believes you because of the cagey details you give. It's laughable, and isn't melodrama so much as it is lazy writing. But, happily, this is the only piece of Revelation's story that lacks meaning, and although it's a weak excuse for characters to mistrust you, the resulting dialogue and twists are both entertaining and at times genuinely affecting. For example, the toughest nuts your must crack are Ryoma and Xander, the respective heirs of Hoshido and Nohr. Both dismiss you as brainwashed or of traitorous intent, but watching them warm up to you as you go through hoops to prove the truth makes for a sweet, somewhat heartbreaking tale. Along the way, as each of your siblings on both sides decide to stand by you, you'll obtain the talents of them as well as their guardians. Having fighters on both sides of the battle makes for interesting subplots back at home base. It also gives you access to a slew of romantic pairings not available in Birthright or Conquest, because neither granted you the retinue of fighters on both sides of the war at once. Watching stoic Takumi fall for flirtatious Camilla was entertaining, while seeing my right-hand ninja Kaze warm up to sweet little Elise was just plain adorable. Fire Emblem has always excelled at creating cute side stories among its supporting cast, and Revelation will pleasantly drown you in them. Revelation follows the same weapons triangle as Birthright. Sword attacks and magic triumph over ranged weapons such as bows, bows and the like are stronger against smaller weapons and lances, and these are more useful against swords and spells. Your generous cast lets you build out an effective troop each time around, with a handful of archers, casters, melee combatants and horse-riding lancers both in the sky and on the ground. You will always have what you need, and it's up to you how to direct them along each map's turn-based grid system. This is Fire Emblem's tried-and-true formula, and it is still as effective and enjoyable as it's ever been. There's something magical about creating a well-oiled machine on the battlefield that then goes home at night and flirts with itself. Like Birthright, Revelation gives you ample access to resources and grinding opportunities. Your castle is stocked with pearl springs and topaz mines, as well as berry gardens and wheat fields; you'll never run out of gems to trade for accessories or food for your troops. The Scout feature is available, where you can endlessly generate optional missions on the world map. But what makes Revelation really stand out from its sister titles is its maps. Revelation's map design is intricate, with most including complex interactive elements. The Dragon Veins feature in the other games--points where members of either royal bloodline can do things like crumble mountains or calm a blowing wind--is present, but in more varied ways. One map requires you to teleport six teams to opposite points on a map to unlock parts of a door, and upon completion reveal two more lock spots to navigate to. Another map features bridges that float between islands suspended in the sky; the blocks move around each turn, and it's a challenge ushering your troops onto each one in a way that is both quick and efficient in routing the enemy. Other maps are completely blacked out by darkness or ice, forcing you to move units relentlessly forward in order to reveal pathways to the exit and hiding enemies. And as your enemies move they try to block in your archers and take down your healers, necessitating you carefully plan a simultaneous offense and defense. It's a brilliant approach to creating more meaningful challenges on the battlefield, and I never got bored as a result. I was consistently excited to tackle each new map, eager to see what kind of puzzle lay before me and build new strategies. Both Birthright and Conquet suffered from moments of saccharine melodrama, but this is not the case with Revelation. Its plots or more coherent and frankly more exciting, as both families come to terms with the mess they made and begin to trust one another. The character you create is at the center of this drama, and is constantly being slapped around for not being able to speak the truth, or for being too trusting, or not trusting enough. Until the game's final hours, you are under a constant emotional barrage from all sides. This makes the story sad and frustrating, weaving some beautifully anxiety-inducing moments, but it also feels organic. Of course it would take someone a while to trust you after refusing to fight for their cause, and of course it would take them even longer to buy your crackpot chattering about why. Revelation's dialogue carries its drama proudly, and when major twists occur, they are surprisingly difficult to predict. This excellent story is capped off by what is undoubtedly the most epic final showdown of the Fates games. Cutscenes and enemies are unsettling, and our characters' acts of passion ring strong. It is a cataclysmic event with an enormous payoff, an emotionally satisfying sign-off for the tale of Hoshido and Nohr. Between the seemingly endless romance opportunities and the ever-evolving challenges of its missions, Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation is an incredible accomplishment in marriage of storytelling and gameplay. Its challenges are rewarding, and its story is wonderfully told, with high emotional points that deliver in big ways come the ending. To borrow the cliche, there is a never a dull moment, between building and honing your army and the intimate moments between characters. With everyone Revelation places at your disposal, you really feel as though you are accomplishing something, amassing troops to stop a war, truly creating something meaningful with the siblings and friends who fight beside you. It's a beautiful game.
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  19. Apple has released the new iOS 14.1 and iPad 14.1 systems, an update for the operating system of its iPhone mobiles and iPad tablets that incorporates support for playing and editing 10-bit HDR videos and that fixes a series of errors in the systems. The US manufacturer released in September the new version of its operating systems, including iOS 14 and iPadOS 14, and since then it had already distributed a security update for bugs in the default apps and in the newly introduced 'widgets' -iOS and iPadOS 14.0.1-. The new versions incorporate a new feature, support for 10-bit HDR videos, which can be played and edited from the Photos application, by default on Apple devices. Likewise, iOS 14.1 also solves a total of 12 errors in the iPhones system, such as a problem that shows the 'widgets' and windows in reduced size in the main window and another problem in which when dragging 'widgets' to the screen main apps could be removed from folders. For its part, iPadOS 14.1 solves five errors, some problems also present in iOS (such as the 'widgets' and mail) and others that prevented users from being able to download songs and add them to the library or that reduced the quality of the resolution in the videos at the beginning of the playback, among others.
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  20. What just a few days ago was a rumor with a certain foundation that was reflected in Intel's actions, now it is a reality that through an official statement both the blues and SK Hynix have offered to the media. Intel exits the NAND Flash business, thereby selling its entire $ 9 billion worth of NAND memory and storage business to South Koreans. A story that was simmered over a year ago and is now a reality. You could say that Intel has not succeeded in succeeding in the NAND Flash business and that now it has to go out the back door behind its stubbornness when it comes to innovating in products that very few were interested in. It is true that they have been pioneers and leaders in technology, but they have not been able to manage their cards and this advantage after billions of investment in R&D. Now its ally SK Hynix will take over the wafer and NAND components business, the Dalian manufacturing plant in China, and only the Optane business badge will remain for Intel. Failure of Intel and SK Hynix in the NAND Flash business? Intel-Optane It could be said that it is, since Optane products, although they had very clear advantages, have not been received by the community with a desire to buy as such. And the problems have been very clear: high prices, more limited capacities and above all the continuous exclusivity towards the company's platforms. This has made Intel products too exclusive and comparatively more expensive, in some cases with worse performance and in others with better, but not opening its technology to its rival has meant the death of this branch of Intel. If to this we add the problems of the business, where it is going through continuous ups and downs in prices, where supply exceeds demand and where prices do not stop falling after countless attempts to increase, they have finally caused Intel to withdraw from the business definitely. After the signing, SK Hynix acquires the entire Intel NAND SSD business, with its corresponding employees, IP and its associates, the already mentioned Fab in China and some other components through a previous payment of 7 billion, for which there would be 2 thousand million more to pay. Said payment will be made after the so-called final closure, where it is expected in March 2025 and therefore it will be then that SK Hynix can take over the remaining assets, starting with the intellectual property related to the manufacture and design of NAND Flash wafers, R&D employees and Intel's workforce. Therefore, Intel will maintain its Optane business, at least until closing, and will continue to invest money to develop "long-term" products. The sale has had a rebound in the form of shares on the stock market after which there has been a decline, where it is understood that investors are not very in agreement with what was signed. Whatever happens, the closing date for Intel is set in 2025 and as such, it will say goodbye to a sector where it has not been able to break through.
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  21. v1, text and blur!
  22. v1, blur and effect :000
  23. The Ministry of Health (Minsa) approved the technical document: National Vaccination Plan against COVID-19. Through a ministerial resolution published in the official newspaper El Peruano, the Office of Transparency and Anticorruption of the General Secretariat was commissioned to publish it on the institutional portal of the Minsa. It should be noted that the General Directorate of Strategic Interventions in Public Health proposed this technical document for approval, the purpose of which is to contribute to reducing morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 within the framework of prevention and containment strategies for the pandemic. Weeks ago, the Minsa authorized the financial transfer of S / 75′554,020 to begin the process of acquiring the vaccine against COVID-19. This monetary transfer was made in favor of the World Alliance for Vaccines (Gavi Alliance) for the Covax Facility initiative, which will allow the country to purchase the vaccine when it is available. As it is recalled, on September 18, the commitment agreement was signed with the organization that seeks to coordinate with laboratories so that countries have equitable access to safe doses. This agreement would allow the country access to more than 13 million doses of vaccines against COVID-19. With this, it is estimated that 20% of the population could be immunized. This budget delivered, according to Ministerial Resolution 826-2020 / Minsa, comes from the National Center for the Supply of Strategic Resources in Health (Cenares). This institution is responsible for providing quarterly information regarding the progress of the State in terms of the acquisition, distribution and application of vaccines against the coronavirus. These resources destined for the vaccine may not be used for purposes other than for which they are transferred. Peru will only buy vaccines that pass rigorous controls The Vice Minister of the Health portfolio, Luis Suárez, has previously indicated that Peru will only buy vaccines against COVID-19 that have passed through rigorous international controls, in order not to endanger the population. “The Ministry of Health is making arrangements to acquire the vaccine through the COVAX Facility, a coalition that includes the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as one of the mechanisms for purchasing the vaccine. and that they already have confidentiality agreements with four or five international laboratories for acquisition by direct purchase ”, he explained in statements to TV Peru. "Before using a drug or vaccine in the population, they must go through a series of investigation and control phases to ensure that such products are, in addition to being effective, safe in the population," he added and emphasized the importance of do not have drastic adverse effects.
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  24. Google Smart Displays have been updated with new Assistant features and a new visual appearance that allows users to better manage notifications and reminders based on time of day and video calls through Meet. The company has updated the interface of its smart screens with the arrival of dark mode, which reduces light emissions, and new sections that allow managing elements of notifications or meetings at different times of the day. In this sense, the company has introduced specific pages for the morning, afternoon and evening, which will show reminders, news and other content -the weather or relaxing sounds- appropriate for the different hours. Also, a 'Sunrise' alarm will be introduced "soon", which will gradually increase the brightness of the screen to simulate sunrise. The 'Media' page, for its part, will offer content suggestions for the whole family -both Google services and third parties-, and the new 'Home' section will allow you to control all the connected devices in the house. Regarding communication, the company has announced the integration with the Zoom application, which will be available by the end of the year for devices with the Google Assistant together with Duo and Meet, already available. In the case of the latter service, the company has introduced new features for Nest Hub Max, such as the ability to modify scheduled calls or send messages to postpone meetings.
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