Everything posted by [N]audy
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New video in my profile ?
after much effort and many post status topics etc I have 10000 likes although this is not very important if not the goals achieved in csbd: D The friends I got and many important things
Good Morning Guys
i hope all have a nice and happy day ❤️
Fake lolamento (how is that fake pzzzz is my old friend from Venezuela and he retired because he got married and did not have time to play cs) this fake lolamento thinks he cheated on me, is manager at highlifezm the real lolamento is loyal to TZM :)
<15:27:43> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": k l k fake lola
<15:27:57> "Lolamento-": q hay naudy
<15:28:24> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": te acuerdas de mi en tzm
<15:28:43> "Lolamento-": si bro
<15:29:15> "Lolamento-": todavias eres funder en thunder ?
<15:29:28> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": se mano
<15:29:34> "Lolamento-": umm ya
<15:29:46> "Lolamento-": porque cambiaron la ip?
<15:30:31> "Lolamento-": yo tengo un amigo que quiere helper
<15:30:47> "Lolamento-": se llama Andrea'Sofia
<15:31:09> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": xq te fuiste de tzm man
<15:31:30> "Lolamento-": estoy trabajando
<15:31:43> "Lolamento-": quiero volver
<15:32:22> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": old pw name y tag send me xd
<15:33:08> "Lolamento-": NAme:Lolamento- Tag THunderZM Pw:31016221 -
my sister has the graduation today and daddy naudy goes to his graduation
I'm happy my sister is going to graduate :3 -
Days Won
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@KEPY este pendejo >:V
"[✖ KEPY √™] Papito KEPY #El Desastre 7w7": tu sabes quien me dicia love ante?>:V
"[✖ KEPY √™] Papito KEPY #El Desastre 7w7": te dijo we?
"supertonny": quien
"[✖ KEPY √™] Papito KEPY #El Desastre 7w7": tu tia
"[✖ KEPY √™] Papito KEPY #El Desastre 7w7": >:V
"[N]audy alvarez": ese men
"supertonny": ste men
"[N]audy alvarez": :v
"[N]audy alvarez": heheheheheheh<13:23:58> "[✖ KEPY √™] Papito KEPY #El Desastre 7w7" fue expulsado del canal "THUNDERZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM [ZP 6.2]" por "supertonny"
<13:23:58> El grupo de canales "Guest" fue asignado a "[✖ KEPY √™] Papito KEPY #El Desastre 7w7" por "TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM || REAL BLACK IDEAS!".
the tests never lie and less if 5 person translate everything ?
nobody likes his mother to be insulted one should respect other people.
the mother of one is sacred, she gave us life, etc. and comes insulting my mother, it is obvious that we were going to discuss.las pruebas nunca mienten y menos si 5 personas traducen todo
a nadie le gustaria que le insultaran a la mama uno debe respetar a las otras personas.
la madre de uno es sagrada, ella nos dio la vida, etc y viene me insulta a mi madre, es obvio que íbamos a discutir. -
thank you all for your help and support given me in pm (ts3 and csbd) I have no words to express how I feel.
in the difficult moments when you know your true friends -
Nothing when you're tired and you sleep real good and when you get up and see csbd you're a member.
Papito naudy can leave today :v
Dependiendo que pase hoy me puedo ir :.V
Bueno por fin a dormir despues de mas de 16 horas sin dormir haciendo colas etc
i need sleep much :'v
I do not know how many people create many multi accounts for fake likes I come with a button I Banned all the multi + the rest all likes :|