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ril slav

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ril slav last won the day on September 14 2021

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About ril slav

  • Birthday 01/18/2002


  • Banned by Amaranth for advertise [tax 150 euro for unban]


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    Banned by Amaranth for Advertise [150 euro for unban]
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  1. Idiot, you disabled your messenger 

    Write in console setinfo _pw "password i gave you" and play with your tag

  2. wha? no me admin bro

  3. ¤ Your name: ril slav ¤ Claimed Admin name: Mr.Talha ¤ Date and time: 19:40 ¤ Reason of complaint: Gagged me without a single reason : ( i didnt say a single bad word as u can see in my console, i just wanted to speak with my friends peacefully until this mad monster came and ended my fun 😢 ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://imgur.com/a/r28FsEa
  4. I want you to calm down please. Also you have report button if you see someone spamming. Thank you! 

  5. I dont know if 3 slaps is required before freeze, or its used only before slay. Once master also froze me without any warning, and when i told him that he need to slap me first, he told me that he dont have to slap before freeze, and bob1 supported him in that (i dont have proof cuz my dumbass trusted them) I mean, in rules is not written that freeze should be followed by slaps, so we might actually be wrong but idk
  6. Well ur for sure one of the most active and caring admins. I will agree that you shouldnt have any responsobility about that incident. I cant really talk about your ownership, im not into these things so i wont act like i know something ? #justiceforhulk
  7. Well i know im just random player but i need to spit facts Many rules aren't written in rules topic on forum, but they still exist Literally nowhere is written that you need to slay player who buys sniper/survivor twice im 12hrs but the rule still exists lol Also goes for that 60 minute insult ban. I saw many other admins banning players for 60 minutes because they insulted. Check Nyx's banlist for excample, he banned few players for 60 minutes because they insulted. So mmf didnt do anything strange :v btw im not defending him because he is my friend or something like that, im just bringing justice xd
  8. Iq200
  9. Name: ril slav Date&time: 30.07.2020. 12:00 Screenshoot: https://imgur.com/FaHBu5u something you can dream of
  10. Nick-Or-RealName: ril slav Age: 18 Suggestions: Buff zombies Reason Why Add-Or-Remove It: So, last days, i was talking with @Lucky-chan and few other admins. We concluded that zombies have to be buffed, since humans easily outstands zombies. Here, i wont talk about major updates like god mode, golden ak-47 or things like that, just little updates to increase zombie experience. me personally, like to play zombie more than human. but most of times, as i usually get last alive zombie (swarm, plague etc.) i get pushed against the wall by 10 humans and cant do anything. Seriously, isnt the plague survivor a bit OP? he can literally kill a zombie solo by knife with 2000 hp remaining. Usually, in 50% plagues there are 2 afk nemesis' so plagues looks like this https://imgur.com/kCxdztL just... imagine being a zombie, with another 2 zombies (probably both afk), having to deal with 10 humans, and 3 humans with 7000 hp. Aside that, when you are zombie, facing human, you are 5000 hp knife fighter, and human is shooter that can buy infinity armor for cheap prices. Also, if we look at human shop, you can buy grenades for small price, and absolutely destroy zombies with them. But as a zombie, if you want to have special powers from shop, madness-17 ammo packs, bomb, 26. Anyways, i wont be talking about shop changes right now. My opinion about features that should be changed are: 1. remove red screen when zombie gets hit by explosion, or just reduce its effect (i know that it looks cool, but dude its a flashbang, especially when you get shot by 5 explosions in 2 seconds) 2. increase ctrl+space jump rate. its pretty good thing, and zombies already have that feature, but only like once in 20 seconds, i think it should occur more often 3. reduce human hp in modes -just look at armagedon... most unfair mode. there are usually more survivors than nemesis' and when you are survivor, you have low chances of dying (with jetpack 0%) and you will usually earn 200 ammo packs. and well, when you are poor nemesis, you have to hit survivor 50 times to kill him :v even if you want to kill afks, you get bored by hiting him whole damn round xd. I think around 8500 hp would be enough for them to make armagedon fair mode. Also, in nightmares, snipers have (i think) same hp as survivor ? so when you are assassin, you can do literally nothing, as snipers can kill you within seconds (increasing assassins hp may as well be a good update) 4. rework frozen. After double jump update, he is just weaker version of hunter. i have no idea what rework should look like, but any change would be good. Be creative ? 5. visible zombie damage - you know blue numbers that you see when you shoot zombies? well, zombies could also have same thing (red if possible) just to have idea how much damage we dealt, did we hit head, backstab or body, so we can easier plan future moves The main point of those updates is to make game less depend on luck. When you have no luck to be human, at least have a good experience being a zombie? Thank you for your attention. I'm happy to see your votes, and hope that at least one suggestion will be accepted!
  11. ¤ Your name: ril slav ¤ Claimed Admin name: HaMzA ¤ Date and time: 21:00 ¤ Reason of complaint: gag random player for no reason (actually i dont care about other players, but he gaged me afterwards so that forced me to make report) ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://imgur.com/55m5GL3 4 messages are spam???????????? https://imgur.com/pi3VhQd idk what is wrong with few admins but they are gaging players for literally nothing just to feel important
  12. Actually wtf is that :v so, im ril slav and i have absolutly no idea of who is this guy that made this account and request just close/delete this topic or suspend fake account. Thanks also thank you @Lucky-chanfor letting me know, good job
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