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Everything posted by #Ace

  1. V1 text and color
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CastLe


      tu gay yo gay todos gays lel hh

    3. Enmanuel♔♔♔



      That was my cousin's stupid
      I was in high school-.-

    4. #Ace


      I know i never said it was you ))) i know it was cr7 ))


    1. [N]audy
    2. Askor lml

      Askor lml

      LOL e_E Son puros tipos hay ace si es marico :V

  3. <20:157> "[Cr7 Wife>] [L]eyenda™":  Cr7 es mi vida mi mundo lo amo mucho:25r30wi::25r30wi::25r30wi:

    @[N]audy @Safari @Enmanuel..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KEPY™


      good fake

      <14:15:54> "[Ace] Ace": <20:157> "[Cr7 Wife>] [L]eyenda™":  Cr7 es mi vida mi mundo lo amo mucho
      <14:15:57> "[Ace] Ace": )))
      <14:15:59> "[DJ.PRO] -Dark": lol cuando el dijo eso?
      <14:16:05> "[enmanuel] enmanuel": Lel
      <14:16:06> "[L]eyenda™": wtf
      <14:16:10> "[L]eyenda™": cuando dije eso?

    3. #Ace


      yeah sure fake now :v:25r30wi:

    4. Viceroy


      Shut up g*yman! :bad_boys_20:

  4. <21:40:27> "[!!-CR7-!!] #CR7": KEPY Kisss me

    @[N]audy @!!-CR7-!! @KEPY™ @Draeno @Enmanuel..

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. [N]audy


      perfect couple  have se** many kisses and have little babies together and happy forever cr7 and kepy :v

    3. #Ace
    4. [N]audy


      cr7  put this face when they have se** :ar::ar:wtf hhhhhhhh

  5. <20:40:43> "[[N]audy] Naudy Dragneel" dropped (connection lost)


    1. #CeLTiXxX



    2. [N]audy


      i love net venezuela

      celtix el burro hablando de oreja :v

  6. Happy Birthday Ugly Wish you a nice day have fun
  7. Nick CR7 pass cr7wwe123 Tag [I~ViP~I] 

    Lol show pw to all nice :25r30wi::25r30wi::25r30wi::25r30wi::25r30wi:

    There is private messages you know @!!-CR7-!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. #Ace


      Go cry now banned 5 hours and show pw to all forum go sit in a corner and cry some more now pls :25r30wi:

    3. - C R 7

      - C R 7

      Shh go Sleep With All you Friends Gays Ugly

    4. #Ace


      Thats all you can say its getting old now but picking on you wll never get old :25r30wi:

  8. R.I.P :t10113: :v

  9. Happy New Year :HB:

  10. Move from main channel :v 

  11. <19:57:11> "Ace": press ctrl+D

    <19:57:16> "[CR7] !!-CR7-!!" disconnected (saliendo)

    <19:57:21> "Ace": ))))
    <19:57:24> "Ace": ))))
    <19:57:27> "Ace": got reckt

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CastLe


      del real madrid tenia que ser :v

    3. - C R 7

      - C R 7

      Ey Ey Que pasa Hagame el Favor de Mi Real No se metan porque es el mejor equipo del Mundo :D

    4. CastLe
  12. Yo bro how are you doing 

    Merry christmas

  13. <19:44:42> "Ace": cr7 press ctrl+D

    <19:44:47> "[CR7] !!-CR7-!! HALA MADRID 100%" disconnected (saliendo)


  14.  We Have To Live A Life Of No Regrets

    1. -Garrix


      Is much good ace good :)

  15. How are you bro 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. #Ace


      Good if you have time come ts to talk more 

    3. Arslan
    4. #Ace


      ok you on steam now

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