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Everything posted by #Ace

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  4. #Ace


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    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TunisieN[Zm]jok3R


      Lol Now i will play with this cs 


    3. Whoo!


      thanks for info,I thought its krond prob 

    4. _(Ab0d^K!nG)_


      Still s1 and s2

  8. Finally we managed rank 1 in gametracker congrats to all admins for their work 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MasterKid™
    3. s.M.A.R.T


      Omg HHHHHHHH gg ALL ADMINS :D congrtlate Ace NOW you can give me bg csgo kkhhkkhkhk

    4. Comandosgindis


      Visca ThunderZM  :white-heart-facebook-emoticon::white-heart-facebook-emoticon:

  9. <18:54:22> "!wOlF." was banned for 3 hour(s) from the server by "[Ze Tvv(I)n] Ze Tvv(I)n" (keep asking for girl :))

    Never learns to stop asking )) for it

  10. #Ace

    Tag Request

    Accepted Send me pm with name tag and password T/c
  11. <23:45:31> "[Comandosgindis] Comandosgindis1": Ace Happy Birthday  , Feliz cumpleaños , Alles Gute zum Geburtstag <3 , In all languages of the world
    <23:45:51> "[Zeus] zeus": no
    <23:45:56> "[Zeus] zeus": just 3 languagues
    <23:46:00> "[Comandosgindis] Comandosgindis1": ._____.
    <23:46:07> "[Comandosgindis] Comandosgindis1": omg
    <23:46:09> "[Zeus] zeus": go and do all the languages
    <23:46:13> "[Zeus] zeus": or it's wrong.
    <23:46:13> "[Comandosgindis] Comandosgindis1": lol
    <23:46:28> "[Comandosgindis] Comandosgindis1": maaan dont be feo
    <23:46:42> "Ace": go comando
    <23:46:44> "Ace": im waiting
    <23:46:48> "Ace": for all langueges
    <23:46:50> "[Comandosgindis] Comandosgindis1": hhhhh ok I will
    <23:46:52> "Ace": until tomorrow
    <23:46:59> "[Comandosgindis] Comandosgindis1": ok I will :(
    <23:47:02> "[Zeus] zeus": if you do it
    <23:47:03> "[Zeus] zeus": upgrade
    <23:47:13> "[Comandosgindis] Comandosgindis1": lol I will

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Comandosgindis


      hhhhhhhhh lol they are ugly people 
      I will go searching for other languages for word "feo" and give them to him XD:bad_boys_20:

    3. *CaRtoo'N™
    4. Mahmoud ^_^
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  13. Some never learn frome the first mistake 

    <21:34:50> "!wOlF": Ace
    <21:34:51> "!wOlF": help me
    <21:38:19> "Ace.": ?
    <21:41:03> "!wOlF": i need gruop girl
    <21:41:04> "!wOlF": i am girl
    <21:41:09> "!wOlF": i am not joking

  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  15. <17:23:49> "!wOlF^": ace
    <17:24:04> "!wOlF^": do u can help me
    <17:24:09> "Ace": ?
    <17:24:13> "!wOlF^": i girl
    <17:24:15> "!wOlF^": i need girl
    <17:24:17> "!wOlF^": gourp
    <17:24:19> "!wOlF^": gurop

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. maykel.


      <16:26:52> "!wOlF^" was banned for 5 hours from the server by "Ace" (Here girl) 


    3. *CaRtoo'N™
    4. Comandosgindis


      all need that our dream

  16. #Ace


    Accepted T/c
  17. Rejected Asteapta 5 zile sa faci alta cerere nu din 2 in 2 ore T/c
  18. #Ace

    Requets Tag

    Done T/c
  19. #Ace

    [Accepted]Cerere tag

    Accepted Trimitemi nume parola si tag in privat T/c
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