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Everything posted by #Ace

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  15. #Ace


    Today even a player from romania has this problem.
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  17. #Ace


    Thing is is not just this guys are many that get this problem not just venezuela from other countrys as well they get it.
  18. #Ace


    We cant kick them if they apear dead and no ping say client not found if we don't kick them before map changes we can't kick them att all.
  19. #Ace


    Yes but they remain like this for many maps 5 or 6 maps is like this before map change they freeze lagged if not kicked before map changes they remain like this.
  20. #Ace


    Your Nickname:Ace Your Problem:don't know exactly what is it just that sometimes player freeze and if not kick next map will apear in server ct or t with dead in name and no latency and they dont apear on gametracker if server is 32/32 and are 2 like this from snapshot gametracker will show 30 Screenshot: https://imgur.com/lWhCHXi
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