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Everything posted by #Ace

  1. You should be careful what you consider a fortunate opportunity.
    Your luck could run out.

  2. Congrats bro


    But u still G :v

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Narc Rahul

      Narc Rahul

      u both are G hhhhhh


    3. [N]audy


      Both u are G. Narc + Ace = BIG G :v 

    4. #Ace


      Nel you and narc big big G:v

  3. Good morning


  4. Good morning.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. #Ace


      if u cant reply normal then dont reply... 

    3. #LiNeX


      ok gayce

  5. Hey long time no see bro how are you

  6. ugly :v 

    1. Steve :V

      Steve :V

      Go to sleep gay

    2. #Ace


      its 1 pm here you go sleep come later tonight on ts3 to talk

  7. Nice theme :v

    Good morning


    1. [N]audy


      Name del theme ctm :V 

    2. !meD


      GM ❤️ 

  8. So players cant talk and have fun with players from other server._. Glad i moved from cs 

  9. You had friends all you wanted here but you choose to be a gey congrats :

    1. -=MaTRiX=-


      U know why dumpass... or u forget what we have talked on facebook 0o 

  10. Feo 

    1. Steve :V

      Steve :V

      You are ugly, I'm beautiful

    2. #Ace


      No you are ugly and I'm handsome :v

    3. Dark


      Im sexy :v 

  11. Smite ? 

    1. Dark


      Que feo eres de verdad xd

    2. #Ace


      tu si eres feo

  12. #Ace

    Que feo eres aqui :V

  13. Good morning 


    1. [N]audy


      Good morning :V 

    2. CYBERCUR4

    1. #Ace


      I like good music 

  15. #Ace

    Delete some messages ugly 

    1. Noro


      i love u

    2. #Ace


      I aint gey :v

  16. Sup long time since last visit 

  17. #Ace

    Mas fea chica aqui :v

    1. XAMI


      Tu eres la fea :v

    2. #Ace


      No tu eres mas fea :v


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. #Ace


      Gaynk :v u only love to see men :v

    3. XAMI


      im not like u :v

    4. #Ace


      Yes u love men I love girl's

      You clearly aren't like me:v

  19. Eres muy feo chico :v

    1. CastLe


      you are the most ugly in the world

  20. Check ts3. 


  21. Your the number 1








    No one can surpass you your the king of geys all around the world.


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