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Everything posted by #Ace

  1. Que feo eres caystle :v

  2. WHen u have time come ts3 message me here on forum when u join GEYLORd

    1. El L0rd

      El L0rd

      Sure i have time

  3. Relaxing weekend with some good relaxing music


  4. Your a ghost a gey ghost :v

    1. Zeref.


      and u are my boyfriend xD

    2. #Ace
  5. @General_Jeff sup feo still ugly like a year ago maybe u got even more uglier :v

    How you doing ugly

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. #Ace


      Im good busy with work no more free time 

      You got more ugly

    3. General_Jeff



      I see, I went back to thunder and the server is half bored without the companions before :c

    4. #Ace


      add me on fb feo


    1. Sinan.47


      Omg very sexy xD

    2. .BOSS.


      Howsi  ?

      sexad  boy


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. C00L-MAN


      hay ace can i be your student? ?? 

    3. #Ace


      in the weekend time sure

      100$ to be my student :v

    4. C00L-MAN


      LOL you still ugly :V

  8. Come ts3 feo 

    1. CastLe


      Ok, I'm going

  9. Some relaxing music 


  10. Enjoy the 483 points bro ?

    1. [N]audy


      thank u my love ❤️ 

    2. #Ace


      here are 225 more had something in items i dont need anymore :v

  11. You have a phon or not? 

    1. El L0rd

      El L0rd

      Yes i have but i deleted whatsapp

    2. #Ace


      Kill yourself gey

  12. Congrats you surpassed your mentor @El L0rd keep it up :v


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