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Nadeem- last won the day on January 12 2016

Nadeem- had the most liked content!

About Nadeem-

  • Birthday 07/05/1998


  • I Love Design And I Love My LiFe



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    I Love GFX
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  1. V2 , Glitch, Effect, Border (Black look professional) , text.
  2. I tried using a reserved IP, but it seems to work as a mask for the original IP. When I checked the IP through SSH, the original IP was shown. I can access the website using both the original and reserved IPs, but I can only connect to the server using the original IP and not the reserved one.
  3. Your Nickname:Nadeem Your Problem:Hello CSBLACKDEVIEL Members/STaff, I am starting up a CS1.6 server on cloud for a year with csoutstanding (Vikas Birdy Num Num) addons. My next step is to set up the DNS (SERVERNAME.TLD) and advise to players connect using the DNS instead of the IP address in case the server fails or needs replacement. However, I am worried about maintaining the IP address if the server crashes or needs a new installation in case I will lose my IP address. To solve this problem, I reserved an IP address, but I'm having trouble connecting to the server using it. Can you please advise me on how to start the server using the reserved IP address? This will help me keep the IP address even if the server fails, gets deleted, or crashes. Thank you! (Currently server are working on IPV4 because this ip address set in in server i need to start with reserved Screenshot :Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2
  4. Hello CSBLACKDEVIEL Members/STaff, I am starting up a CS1.6 server on cloud for a year with csoutstanding (Vikas Birdy Num Num) addons. My next step is to set up the DNS (SERVERNAME.TLD) and advise to players connect using the DNS instead of the IP address in case the server fails or needs replacement. However, I am worried about maintaining the IP address if the server crashes or needs a new installation in case I will lose my IP address. To solve this problem, I reserved an IP address, but I'm having trouble connecting to the server using it. Can you please advise me on how to start the server using the reserved IP address? This will help me keep the IP address even if the server fails, gets deleted, or crashes. Thank you! (Currently server are working on IPV4 because this ip address set in in server i need to start with reserved
  5. worlds best hacker and worlds best sweet guy together = nadeem xD 😉 

  6. Zinda hain 😀

    1. XAadii


      Wtf tum bhi abhi tak zinda ho 

    2. Nadeem-


      G Agya main jawan ho kar 

    3. XAadii


      Han Bhai Jawan ho KR or khasi bhi hokr 😆😆

  7. 🤣 Or sona meri bachi kaisi ho 🤣

    1. JanU_u


      Bachi Aik Dam Mast Tu Kaisa Hai zoi Muja Laga Covid-19 ne Tuja MAr de

    2. Nadeem-


      FB Aja yaha bar bar kon message kare 

    3. Nadeem-
  8. Oyee Nadeem Abhi Tak Zinda Hai

  9. Hello Caprian i'm Nadeem And Also i know you from 2012 When you Run Thunderzm of outstanding your player Dropped From Server because someone use this Hack commend 😊 Love#Spec_Help_Text #Spec_Duck i will Recommended you use one sma And block This Word # And also i will send you all hack Commend you can block all i hope your server will be secure ❤
  10. V1 is Good blur But V2 is Looking Better And also with Effect + Text Both is good My Vote is For V2 Effect , text
  11. Model post sale: ø Method of contact (TS3 / Steam) : TS3 ø Item(s) on sale: Steam Gift Card INR500 This is Equal to 6.8$ ø Price of the product(s): 5$ ø Product photo(s):https://prnt.sc/uxmai0 ø Payment method: Paypal ø Other specifications: Actually i'm Biggest Seller of Pubg Uc In Pakistan i have gold silver i can Purchase Gift Card or Razer Product With Silver i have also Lot of Offer you can check here https://gold.razer.com/silver/redeem i will sale this product on flexible price
  12. V2 (Color,Text)
  13. Name: Razer Product Price: Link store: https://gold.razer.com/silver/redeem Offer ends up after X hours Some Photos Of Product Remember this is Official Gaming if you want know how to work ? you can ask me i will complete guide you i will buy promo code
  14. hey Mr Hacker remember me I'am Dave xD 

  15. Do you sell 8 ball pool accounts? Pm me please



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