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Everything posted by Inkriql

  1. Puedes responder mi ticket unu

    1. Dark


      No Nitro, no ticket

  2. Felicidades por tu trabajo y PACIENCIA, buena suerte! 🍀 

    1. Ronaldskk.


      Muchas gracias Bro ❤️

    2. Test Seuong

      Test Seuong

      Pololo wn qliao

  3. ¿Todo bien?

    1. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      Todo bien bebé

  4. Stream congrats, my friend by bash explode | Listen online for free on  SoundCloud

    1. Blackfire


      My fea 😍❤️, thank you, miss you so much 

    2. Noticias ALEJANDRO

      Noticias ALEJANDRO

      Congrats sr.blackfire 😭

  5. tu mama es mi wacha

    1. [M]anuel


      Sisa ella me dijo la relación que lleva contigo reina 

    2. FNX Magokiler
  6. Feliz cumpleaños pololo wn kuliau hijo del pico
  7. Applications to be a community moderator are open (Remember to be active to have more chances of being a new member of the staff)



  8. Winner v2
  9. None of the works that are in your gallery are made by you.
  10. Removing @Blexfraptor 0 activity
  11. v2 winner
  12. Welcomeeeeee baaack!


    Happy Cheer GIF by Minions

    1. XZoro


      Thank you buddy <33 



    Start votes here!

  14. Nickname : axelxcapo Tag your opponent : @#Steeven.™ Music genre : Trap Number of votes ( max 10 ) : - Tag one leader to post your songs(only leaders of project): @Revo
  15. @Dark Added back as Coordinator @Blexfraptor Added back as Coordinator
  16. I am looking for someone who wants to take charge of the GFX project + Moderator in the forum, if you are interested contact me by PM or ts3,,

  17. ts3 is back! check here!


  18. @Trilex™ Promotion from GFX designer to Project Co-leader
  19. Winner V1! T/C
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