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Everything posted by Inkriql

  1. Puedes responder mi ticket unu

    1. Dark


      No Nitro, no ticket

  2. Felicidades por tu trabajo y PACIENCIA, buena suerte! 🍀 

    1. Ronaldskk.


      Muchas gracias Bro ❤️

    2. Test Seuong

      Test Seuong

      Pololo wn qliao

  3. Stream congrats, my friend by bash explode | Listen online for free on  SoundCloud

    1. Blackfire


      My fea 😍❤️, thank you, miss you so much 

    2. Noticias ALEJANDRO

      Noticias ALEJANDRO

      Congrats sr.blackfire 😭

  4. tu mama es mi wacha

    1. [M]anuel


      Sisa ella me dijo la relación que lleva contigo reina 

    2. FNX Magokiler
  5. Feliz cumpleaños pololo wn kuliau hijo del pico
  6. Applications to be a community moderator are open (Remember to be active to have more chances of being a new member of the staff)



  7. None of the works that are in your gallery are made by you.
  8. Welcomeeeeee baaack!


    Happy Cheer GIF by Minions

    1. XZoro


      Thank you buddy <33 



    Start votes here!

  10. Nickname : axelxcapo Tag your opponent : @#Steeven.™ Music genre : Trap Number of votes ( max 10 ) : - Tag one leader to post your songs(only leaders of project): @Revo
  11. @Dark Added back as Coordinator @Blexfraptor Added back as Coordinator
  12. I am looking for someone who wants to take charge of the GFX project + Moderator in the forum, if you are interested contact me by PM or ts3,,

  13. ts3 is back! check here!


  14. @Trilex™ Promotion from GFX designer to Project Co-leader
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