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Everything posted by Suarez™

  1. Last request its been since 2 years my friend tell the leaders dont act like they are so serious at their job cuz i know them very well.if you want reject that request cuz i cant find my last one cuz it will take more time than Working in an Avatar ? respect to you

  2. Qeee po vjen Ali Baba me 400 hajdukaaa

  3. I dont have how to give you cuz it is created in moment and i dont save it, im sorry , respect T/C
  4. > Opponent's nickname: @REVAN > Theme (must be an image): > Work Type: Avatar > Size & Texts: 150x250 - Eazy > How many votes?: 20 > Work time: 1hr
  5. My reaction when i finally get back at gfx team after a long time
  6. You dumb

    where is Goku  ?????


    1. REII™


      just bad guys bro ? 

    2. Suarez™
  7. p_1211pp0121.png

    new background ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


    im goint to share tutorials with those kind of effects ?



  9. Its just a 3d effect and colors are just combinated by HUE SURATION
  10. You was optimus prime ? ?‍♂️

    1. RK0


      no im r3llyk when i know you when you were playing on streetzm with @>>IMAN<< @Ayane. @Javed @ CSBD etc

    2. Suarez™


      Yep 5 years ago???

    3. RK0


      that time was good for both of us ? but now every thing is changed

  11. > Opponent's nickname: @deliquent.exe > Theme (must be an image): > Work Type: avatar > Size & Texts: 150x250 ---- XATAR > How many votes?: 20 > Work time: 1 hr
  12. start that [CENSORED] battle

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shadox


      you go open it bcz i am in onther battle with @x NECRO

      he is afraid =))) scared shadow GIF

    3. x Freaky

      x Freaky

      Well i was making gaming banner thats why dear =]]]

    4. Shadox


      necro i wait =)) send me ur work pm 

  13. Why you dont brush like me ,, im sad ? cuz i saw that you always use stocks which i already worked on them ?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Suarez™


      I cant work from phone ?

    3. Shadox


      in ur table XDDD dont say u are in cofee xd

    4. Suarez™



  14. ehAo9Zh.jpg

    1BzVpuc.png zcYWlrU.png 

    1. Mr.Sebby


      I'm scared when i see this man :)) Thank's ?

    2. Suarez™



  15. Suarez (V1) 11 votes - WINNER ? deliquent.exe (V2) 2 votes - LOSER ? good luck next time
  16. Who will join with me in a team battle ? ??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. greeNZ



      can you remind me how to open cs6 ?

    3. Suarez™



      first of all im Photoshop CS4 user

      about "remind" watch tutorials ?????❤️

    4. REII™


      ready to join with you ?



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