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Everything posted by myCro

  1. Define yourself,

    Be the best version of you, respect what you are and work for what you can be.


    If you read this you are important for me and i want you to know that i love you.

    1. Genius.


      Hai ca esti misto.

      I love you too! 🙈

  2. because we have tried to install a bunch of the old maps with @SatanKlaus but we won't do that anymore, we will install over time 1 by 1. NO MORE OFFLINE FROM EVERYONE, we need to gather back our players.
  3. OH YES BABY, we are entirely back! Let's rule! much love to our tehnical support that has been granted by @Mr.PirattY and @Mr.Love
  4. Hello, we meet tehnical dificulties sadly in the last days due to various bugs and fixes that don't work. We are eager to get back on track and we promise that we hope that tomorrow we will be back online and ready to recover the lost time. We will purchase a monthly boost very soon too after we finish the fixing of server and reraking on gametracker. I am really sad of what is happening as i spent my entire avalaible time to find the best solution and in the end we had to count on the help of your hosting service(which sadly can't be online 24/24) ... we will be back and i will let you know of the progress here. Please and please have a little more patience... we've lost a lot and together we will recover it fast. As an alternative we recommend: EVILZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM it is our second server owned by @Mr.PirattY
  5. Boobs are 🔥


    1. Mr.BaZzAr


      shit best of the word boobs hhhhhh🤣

    2. Reus


      am out of my mind 😂 back in five minutes 

  6. The hardest is after you confront your problems, challeging yourself if you can overpass what you face.. sometimes is impossible and only time can tell if you do the right choice.
  7. 🐝🍃 in you!


    May your weekend be: calm, happy, joyfull and please.. grant yourself a moment of love, you diserve it most than everybody.. in the end it's only you that matter.



    1. Mr.Sebby




  8. #newtrack


  9. salut fratioruuu, cf? cum mai esti? :3

    1. robila


      Salut, totul okay tu?

    2. myCro


      Eh, prea multe ca sa scriu, sunt ok sa zicem ^^

    3. robila
  10. Your wolf dose is here:


  11. lol, post real photo dont fake dude

  12. #newtrack


  13. #newtrack







    [21:41, 03/05/2021] -----: im ugly sorry
    [21:41, 03/05/2021] -----: :v
    [21:41, 03/05/2021] Vlaicu myCro Andrei: dude
    [21:41, 03/05/2021] Vlaicu myCro Andrei: you are family
    [21:41, 03/05/2021] Vlaicu myCro Andrei: THERE IS NO UGLY FAMILY
    [21:41, 03/05/2021] Vlaicu myCro Andrei: ITS JUST FAMILY
    [21:42, 03/05/2021] Vlaicu myCro Andrei: NEWLIFEZM FAMILY IS BEAUTIFULL



  17. NEWLIFEZM needs 70 euros!

    We are in need for donations in order to purchase another monthly boost(or if we gather more we will keep the money for a consecutive boost).

    We are offering the best rank deals there can be granted from a server that is curently on rank 15 GAMETRACKER.COM and one of the oldest from csblackdevil.

    Please contact me for further detalies.

    We are the best, looking for the best.

  18. #newtrack


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